I have had some nervous left-leaning American friends (non-ml) very vaguely mention that this weekend there's talk of something that's supposed to be a January 6th on steroids and nationwide. What are they referring to? Any weight to this? Fill me in I'm stuck on terf-island.
EDIT: Interesting possibility?
bzzzzzt ahhh my nuts, my ballsack, I'm inducing a heart attack by zapping my testies!
Chuds are pathologically incapable of organizing anything covertly; every major rally, from Jan 6th, to Unite the Right was amply publicized weeks beforehand and advertised by millionaire astroturf orgs. If something of consequence happens in any one location, as opposed to literally dozens of protesters nationwide turning up to meekly demand... something, I'll eat my proverbial hat.
They don't need to organize covertly cause they're already on the "winning side". If things get too out of control the feds can easily shut them down cause nothing was covert in the first place lol
You're not wrong, I'm more responding to the notion that since there has been no major announcement of any action being blasted everywhere, then the chuds might be organizing covertly. I am saying that it's highly unlikely for both practical reasons like you've pointed out, as well as chud carelessness.
As for left organizing; carry on openly.
Yes, the chuds are continuing to get covid at a higher rate than the general populace this weekend
It's probably something to do with the vaccine mandates. Chuds won't take the vaccine. Hope they have a mass ivermectin festival, inject each other with horse and cow paste, and just get their death drive out of their system
Chuds doing a huge jonestown to themselves would be fucking awesome tbh
Jonestown was a leftist paradise before well you know, don't use it to describe chuds.
The precipitating event for the mass suicide was the Soviet Union refusing an airlift to Russia for the Jonestown residents. :(
I think the chuds plan to rally for the chuds that were dumb enough to get caught on Jan 6th .
Hopefully a few of them piss off the cops enough to get shot in the leg or something.
Most likely nothing though.
a few of them piss off the cops enough to get shot in the leg or something.
unlikely. Friends don't shoot friends
Jk, this is just the antifa supersoldiers thing but convincing themselves that they're actually going to do something.
Maybe, though I'm a little more inclined to take them seriously this time. Although I am still very sceptical of their ability to muster numbers for anything without trump as a figurehead to rally people. A multi-location event seems outside of their currently demonstrated organising capacity but I'm open to being surprised.
I don't really know, but 98% not at all. It's not like Jan 6 was kept under wraps or anything so if it's supposedly bigger I'd probably have heard about it (that's fallacious but idc)
Yeah that's why I'm asking, there was big noise about the 6th for a week or two before hand, lots of buzz, and even videos and ads hyping up that it would be a big deal. If this is to be something like that then there would be something, hence my asking. I would think people here would have seen it.
It’s like a free our political prisoners from jan 6th type protest. The capitol police put up barriers around the capitol again for it. I think more to try and show they take it seriously even though it’s probably gonna be tiny and pathetic.
If there is, it'll probably be an even more pathetic showing than the 6th. Anyone actually nervous are :LIB:s imo.
Thankfully even if they had a chance on Jan 6th they certainly don't now. Had Trump retained power the Libs might've gone along with it, but even they won't let him seize it now. Ultimately this is all flexing and posturing until 2022. Then they can "help" facilitate the elections on the premise that it's to guarantee the Republicans aren't discriminated against.
I only see it from hysterical reddit libs
It’s been mentioned on patriots.win