Hello children, have you heard of the levels of rizz achievable through jihad?
Zoomers have been conditioned by Chad memes to listen to guys with huge muscles.
We should be employing that strategy.
Lol, actively claiming to do stuff that the US would see as radicalization and at the same time the clipboard is being read by app services (or should I say "app services")
This guy needs better op-sec in a bad way.
This is pretty obviously an “I’m a doctor who has my patients say the shahada and convert on their deathbed” type of post
That wasn't being entirely serious, but that's a dumb way to end up on a list for life, either way.
reminds me of this classic banger
I have no idea, I do a Xiaomi phone tho
Do you think it's the CCP trying to steal my browser history to blackmail me with my porn searches?
Type "no need for blackmail, I'll do it for free" in your browser just to be sure