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  • comi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Nice work :rat-salute:

    Hope you are safely doing this stuff

    • Mehrunes_Laser [comrade/them, any]
      3 years ago

      Only problem with doing that is that it clearly marks who's doing the pointing. It leaves a bright, unnatural, and perfectly straight line right back to the pointer. It's a little conspicuous.

      And I would never want to use this in a crowd since it'll cause eye damage from just a reflection, and I couldn't control the collateral.

        • Mehrunes_Laser [comrade/them, any]
          3 years ago

          Yeah I would never want to use this under those kinds of situations. Even though it shoots a thin beam, it's a large area of effect weapon. Any kind of reflection, even a diffused one, can cause eye damage. So it'd be incredibly reckless to use this in a crowd.

          And it paints a really big target on the one pointing.

            • FidelCashflow [he/him]
              3 years ago

              There was a history channel darpa video about thr army making one of those to fuck up cameras and drones. Which it did. However it worked to well on eyes so they shelved it. Which means at least one cia guy has one for weird uses

      • JuryNullification [he/him]
        3 years ago

        For the kids following at home, it is illegal to point lasers at aircraft because it reflects and refracts off the canopy and instruments and blinds the pilot. You will get visited by cops.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Mare sure to not blind the cops that would hypothetically come to get you either, it could make it harder for them to accurately shoot you.

          • LoudMuffin [he/him]
            3 years ago

            inb4 cops get advanced laser goggles and you have fuck all

            • Mehrunes_Laser [comrade/them, any]
              3 years ago

              That's pretty unlikely to happen. Bright lights take dark goggles. You can get ones to block specific wavelengths like I have for this. But it only works for lasers this color and would do nothing for any other laser color. It would take welding goggles to protect against any laser a cop could come across, so it's pretty unlikely they would wear them. Especially at night.

              I saw vids from last year with cops wearing antilaser goggles, but they were only for a blue laser, pretty weak goggles, and wouldn't stop any other color. By the looks of them, they would struggle to stop this one. Laser goggles have two import specs: the wavelengths they will stop and max strength they protect against. The first spec determins the color, the second the darkness of the lens.

              My safety goggles for this one are an amber color, and pretty dark. There is no way I would wear them at night unless I was sure I'd see a laser. And even then it only protects against a blue one. Any other color will pass straight through.

              I have a green laser, and a red one that are almost this stong. And you can get lasers in colors a human can't see.

              • JuryNullification [he/him]
                3 years ago

                In case you were unaware, there are two spikes of atmospheric electromagnetic radiation transmissibility for lasers, one in green and one in IR. If you want to transmit over distance with minimal attenuation, go for those.

                • Mehrunes_Laser [comrade/them, any]
                  3 years ago

                  I really want an IR laser, but I'm sure I'd hurt myself. At least in the visible spectrum there is no question if it's on. 😅

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 years ago

          Also just don't. Causing aircraft to crash is bad. That police helicopter could crash on someone's home and kill their family

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    So in theory if you shiney this at a cop car a block away would it smell like bacon?

    • Mehrunes_Laser [comrade/them, any]
      3 years ago

      I really want an ir or uv laser but I'm afraid I'll hurt myself. Lol at least with the visible spectrum there is no question if it's on.

        • Mehrunes_Laser [comrade/them, any]
          3 years ago

          Yeah I could use my phone's camera to see if it's on. I'm being a little hyperbolic because there is a cooling fan that would always be on if the laser is on. So I would know if it's running.

          Fun fact though, pretty much every digital camera can see IR without modification. Honestly, this whole discussion of IR has me looking at getting a diode and building a driver. I didn't know those diodes were so cheap. 😅