You think everybody else is mentally ill and/or brainwashed who isn’t a mirror reflection of your sad, sad self.
Revolution is violence but imperialism and social murder are not violence, i am joe rogan and I am very smart
It's as if to say the only violence that can be done is to America and everything they do overseas is a rational response to mean dudes. Defense against America is entirely rational.
I'm so open minded, watch me echo all the talking points of a Newt Gingrich era republican, the epitome of open minded thought!
I mean he’s right that there probably are over a million fascist veterans who would violently oppose a revolution
He just thinks that’s a good thing
He knows he has to be right. Mother fucker is in the front of the :gulag: line when the revolution happens.
"When you start punching Nazis, you'll find yourself up against the veterans"
Funny that
What a coward. You think the left doesn't know that it's opposing one of the worlds most expensive and psychopathic armies in the world? Of course the know, but they do it anyway because it's the right thing to do and they aren't snivelling cowards.
Reducing any nazi—even if doing it violently— is a net reduction in violence.
And fun.
Yeah this is a baffling opinion. Whether on the right or left, there are a lot of former soldiers. You know, because of the whole multi-generational war we've been in for 20 years. What a doofus (Joe). This is because he's a pampered baby who sat down with some PR person from the State Department who had a lot of professionalism and expertise as part of the marketing thing. That really impressed him so now he thinks that's what all military people are. It's the same liberal fetish for expertise as the people who go on about how qualified candidates are.
It's common knowledge that no one has ever literally ever experienced anything that has made them distrust the military after leaving it :thinking-about-it:
most of the military is guys who stood in a tent handing out socks or guarding an empty hallway.
only between 5-12% are actually trained infantry and fire their weapon in a combat zone. the rest of it is Paul Blart with a fake wooden gun in a holster inventorying a warehouse of decayed equipment in Arkansas.
I was friends with a guy who served in the detail assigned to guard the American Embassy in Russia as a member of the... I want to say it was the Marines? Dude routinely complained about what a shitty job it was, how poorly he was paid, how obnoxious the bureaucracy was, how just kinda there he was for most of the rotation.
The idea that he's going to rally to the defense of an embattled US Government because someone in Portland throws a petro-bomb at the mayor's house is crazy. He's not invested in this shit any more than he's invested in his current day job.
I want to say it was the Marines?
Yeah, typically embassy guards from the military are Marines.
Redoing my math, the veterans are actually outnumbered roughly 108 to 1 taking this into account.
Suburban ass mindset lol. Has Joe ever been to inner cities still mired in poverty? Or spoken to people from Central American locales that have been ravaged by cartels? There's plenty of them that hold left leaning views and have become completely desensitized to the cruelty of the violence they've seen. Stupid fucker, this is the country of the Black Panthers and Malcolm X. Imagine thinking that there are levels of violence only some people can activate. And what happens when you start escalating shit Joe? Do you really want to play the "who can do more gruesome violence" game Joe?
Besides haven't these veterans had to fuck off in every war since WW2? Many of them are homeless, dozens commit suicide each day, and countless more have PTSD. This idea of the American soldier being this awesome killing machine really drives home the ridiculous idea of American exceptionalism. If anything, it's the willpower of those that have resisted US armed forces that remains far more impressive. And of course, there are plenty of veterans that aren't as proud of the flag that Joe assumes to be the case.
Has Joe ever been to inner cities still mired in poverty?
Thats why he left LA, he couldnt stand all the poors
it kinda reminds me of how some people think only veterans get PTSD because they're somehow the only people who experience shit that heavy, but people can become just as broken or desensitized from gang violence, or from police brutality, etc.
as everyone knows, the only trauma is from actual combat and NEVER being exposed to other horrifying situations. :virgil-sad:
every war ever, i would guess. remember the bonus army?
Man whose life is an entire totem pole of commodity fetishes desperately projecting his masculinity: ":cheems: i could be GI joe and beat you up but i'm too good at MMA i'd have punched the drill instructor for getting in my face. i know all the GI joe guys though and basically am one at this point."
How many times have right wingers said this exact same thing in different words?
Aside from just being wrong and bad, our boy Joe once again shows he has 0 original thoughts.
This is some really strange fetishization of veterans, and if JR is saying it then I would guess that it's a pretty common viewpoint, but the truth is that while veterans carried water for the empire more directly than most Americans do they are otherwise exactly the same as them. They're mostly chuds, some libs, even a couple leftos, not really a distinct category of people who will react as a block if something happens.