Looks like /r/antiwork is going in the same direction as /r/cth
Can you imagine if that place was still around during peak covid?
Im pretty sure this in response to another post and is just one salty businessman.
i also can't help but think it's a reverse psychology media tactic, trying to push apoliticals to the right by creating something to be defensive about.
"what!? who told you antiwork was alt-right? that can't be true"
"if antiwork is alt-right, then everyone's alt-right"
"if the libtard media keep insisting antiwork is alt-right, maybe the alt-right is good actually? i should check out some of their material"
it doesn't have to be logically consistent, the vague implications and iffy logic are what makes it work
That just sent 25 people down the alt-right pipeline. Comrades, we need a pipeline
It exists, but it's for liberals not for conservatives.
Nobody has really cracked the code yet to get those on board.
Not surprised. This happened with bernie sanders people as well back in 2016
idk how to put this, but i find the insane exaggerating of an antiwork subreddit here to be very embarrassing