Cum Town bit: What if Reagan's AIDS collaborator said "yeah dude, pretty much everyone is going to get poz"
It's amazing how americans are just rolling over on this. The government is literally telling you to prepare to get sick and people are like "oh okay". :shrek-pixel-despair:
most of this site that was anti-vax circa November 2020
This is a bit of a straw man
The majority take that I saw on here was along the lines of "I have doubts that a vaccine so rapidly developed under capitalism will necessarily be safe", a take which had evaporated by March as the data rolled in and showed that there weren't significant safety issues. This is not the same as "anti-vax", but I wouldn't disagree that some [vocal] people used that as cover for more genuine anti-vaccine views although I still think a lot of it was slightly over the top contrarian doom posting.
There are still leftists who will let then anti-vaccine takes fly in the name of "anti-pharma" though, and that's not good. It happens in spaces that are adjacent to this site, but fortunately it's been stamped out from here pretty thoroughly (although I still say it fizzled out on its own for the most part once we could see some data on it, and I have no issue with that).
Also a lot of the ‘skepticism’ was about how if the vaccines were anything less than shockingly effective, then the widespread belief that vaccines would end covid was delusional. Which in hindsight…
The point is that treating these things as inevitable is what makes them inevitable. Without the media pushing this for the government, there'd been more support for lockdowns and other pandemic safety measures. And by complaining about people pointing out that this is bad, you're contributing to that narrative of "everyone will get covid" which is just the government doing a big old social murder
And by complaining about people pointing out that this is bad, you’re contributing to that narrative of “everyone will get covid” which is just the government doing a big old social murder
Love too blame individuals
"By buying properties to rent you're contributing to the housing crisis" "taking private jets everywhere causes a tremendous amount of greenhouse gas emissions" "By going around maskless and unvaccinated, you're contributing to the prolonging of the pandemic and possibly killing or disabling the people you come in contact with"
"Wow you're really blaming individuals here, not very leftist of you"
Absolutely baby-brained take, you can still contribute to social murder as an individual. Did I blame the whole thing on you? No. Does that mean you're not contributing? Also no!
i'm not online enough to understand this reference
it's nice, i would recommend it
Structural issues being the main cause doesn't mean shit heads don't exist lmao
So which theory are you referring to? Are you talking about the concept of no ethical consumption under capitalism to try to say there is no such thing as individual responsibility?
In no way does that refer to an opinion. That'sike, yeah, I have to order from Amazon because otherwise i don't have enough to feed my family.
You absolutely are contributing to this narrative. You are on here parroting the everyone will get covid as "what will be inevitable"
It's fair to blame individuals when an individual is supporting the cause. Groups like this are made up of individuals with the same talking points.
You absolutely are contributing to this narrative. You are on here parroting the everyone will get covid as “what will be inevitable”
Demonstrate to me how it won't be for the plurality at this point. You're rejecting reality.
This is a materially different thing than WANTING it to happen, which obviously I do not.
I simply don't see a next step where a lockdown is effective. This is my own doomposting -- how do we get to your reality? I just don't understand how we get there.
After your edit - they could try anything. A lockdown, with economic support. The media could get out of its own ass and actually provide non-doom viewpoints. Look at possible solutions, weigh options, provide good coverage. They could keep providing tests and shots for free.
They could enact universal healthcare.
They could TRY to do a lot of things. Living in "Realist Stasis" and accepting inevitability helps nobody.
I'm not saying anything will happen, but literally waiting for everyone to get covid is as you say doomposting and not really helpful
Your statements have effect, especially when what we're talking about is actually just a viewpoint. You are contributing, at least a little bit, to the propaganda.
If you don't it to happen, then why does it appear that you've considered it inevitable?
most of this site that was anti-vax circa November 2020
People were anxious about being guinea pigs because the vaccine was developed so quickly, a process that usualy takes years was reduced to a few months.
The bigger problem is the recent wave of anti-mandate brainworms and unexpected supporters like R. Wolff.
*American/Western liberals, conservatives and "leftists".
In most "developing" countries, the main complaint against lockdowns is that it causes economic distress. Sadly, neoliberal regimes aren't willing to (or can't even if they wanted to) spend to help their people during lockdowns. The complaints are less about "oh noes I can't go to brunch" and more about "my family is gonna starve.".
US by contrast can give it's people free money :brrrrrrrrrrrr:
Really don't understand the point you're going with here.
It’s amazing how americans are just rolling over on this. The government is literally telling you to prepare to get sick and people are like “oh okay”.
You've missed the plot. You're RIGHT in that the government is jacking off and doing fuckall, but Americans Want This. A plurality in the country is Done with the pandemic, and wouldn't give a shit even if the government actually did something
🤷🏿♂️ tgreenwood is right. If you're left at this point you should want balkanization so the remaining liberal parts of the country could at least be coerced into a shutdown. The country as constituted can no longer respond to crises. There's no use putting humpty back together when we could, instead, break off the kingdom and try again
And i guess those of us in rural areas will just die then, thanks for your support, hope you don't need any of the food grown here
Because you're the one talking about everywhere other than "liberal areas" like they're a lost cause and unnecessary, therefore the comrades and ordinary people who live there — are stuck there — should just die and deserve to for living there is one of the most Neera Tanden psychopathic brunch lib sentiments ive ever heard said unironically on this website
The country as constituted can no longer respond to crises
This has always been the case, since at it's founding the US has been a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The very mechanisms that stamp out popular pressure at the expense of the capitalists also prevent it from responding to crises. It's no accident that all our legislative rules and structures make even passing a simple bill to raise the minimum wage damn near impossible. That's why I have zero hope of stopping climate change outside of a proletarian revolution.
It's one of those infinitely frustrating situations that capitalism gets us into where it wouldn't even have become a serious problem under socialism but now we're locked in, with the media only pressing and consent manufacturing for the shittiest solutions ("Just let everybody get it! Herd immunity!")
Yea, the constant propaganda and suppression kind of fuck people's minds and turn them into obedient mutt. If you look at China, their citizen have a much higher expectation for their government, look at the recent screw up at Xi'an, one women got miscarriage because of hospital deny care, their citizen gone bat shite which caused the government to take action and strip the director of their position. While for American, look at 3k death a day like a statistic. So that's why when the lib or the conservative lecture us about China or any aes nation, call them out for being a hypocrite for trying to eugenics their own population
What are you talking about? Thousands of students and teachers have walked out all ready. Approval of the president is all time low. Americans are opposing this in rhetoric and action.
I think walkouts have more power to change policy since they're just as damaging structurally and provoke a smaller police response.
Rather than riots, I'd like to see the students march down to the hospital and ask the nurses to join them.
Who knows really. I haven’t seen any studies or anything but it’d be interesting to see if someone has done a comparison.
In my experience the only thing that gets government to move is line go down, worker strikes, or enough people lighting things on fire. Sometimes even that doesn’t work.
Line go down on the other hand works every time.
I know Bernie's a :LIB: and all, but the man's actually on TV trying to push a bill giving M95 masks to every American household. He wouldn't have done communism and he can only conceive of politics through parliamentarian tactics, but fuck I believe the man cares about the common people. You couldn't have even accepted the Soc dem America and you are getting punished for it.
He's a soc dem but he sets him self apart by actually fighting tooth and fucking nail more than any politician I know. He's constantly out there actually supporting strikes, pushing health care bills, and trying to make improvements in people's lives. He's not the communist fox news makes him out to be, but he really contrasts against the inaction other senators
At this point, I'm actually grateful Bernie didn't win.
He would've been hamstringed by his own party and the GOP, even more so than Biden. The current SCOTUS would declare every word he breathes unconstitutional. Even with his best efforts, the pandemic would probably be going about the same for the US ... except both the conservatives and libs would be blaming it on Socialism.
At least with Biden in charge of an unsalvageable crumbling empire, Liberal Capitalism gets the blame for the continued collapse.
He would’ve been hamstringed by his own party and the GOP, even more so than Biden. The current SCOTUS would declare every word he breathes unconstitutional.
That's good, it builds the contradictions. People's consciousness grows trought struggle.
70-30 rule applies. Bernie is ultimately good. Is he the ideal leader for the left? absolutely no. But he's not a reactionary either. He's a good person, at the end of the day, and one of very few politicians I think we can say that about.
As long as you exclude him supporting the massive and violent destruction of Yugoslavia
He was trying to lead the political wing of a movement. They’re supposed to denounce extremism while JAQing off about how valid the extremist’s grievances are. When fascists and “respectable Republicans” do this, it’s completely transparent and allowed to continue. When a socdem does it, it gets crushed. Because the ruling class understands these dynamics
Oh yeah I don't think the establishment would have let him get anything done, but imagine if the President was actually trying.
Cum Town bit: What if Reagan’s AIDS collaborator said “yeah dude, pretty much everyone is going to get poz”
Thabo Mbeki basically did this and now 20% of people between the ages of 15-49 have HIV/AIDS in South Africa. 400 000 dead because of that just during Mbeki's presidential terms.
:xi-gun: it's :coming-to-xi-you: inevitable. :xi-god-emperor: literally :xicko: no :xi-clap: way :xi-lib-tears: to :anarxi: prevent :xi-reactionary-spotted: it :xinternet:
I'm literally getting panic attacks going to the grocery store. Fuck.