I was bordering suicidal this morning due to some of the dark feelings I felt. Slowly coming away from that now, but still feel like hangovers just destroy me now
Actually very good advice. I just got so shit faced this time I forgot to drink water and pace myself and I paid for it today.
if you forget at the time, second best is to slam a whole bunch of water before sleeping (wait to pee before you crash though)
I haven't had that issue but yeah, pretty much everything is harder to recover from and takes longer to recover at 38 than it did at 30. Age is real and it sucks and people who say ":I can't wait to be old" are extremely strange people.
I have a scab on my hand from where it hit a metal rack while I was stocking a few days ago. A decade ago it would have been healed by now.
Shit sucks dude
Utter bullshit. Just utter bullshit. Aging is criminal and we should abolish it.
If aging didn’t exist Kissinger would yet live. I’m willing to die so that the people I hate also share that fate. Just wish it wasn’t so slow and humiliating.
Yes but consider - Countless millions of people victimized by Kissinger would have remained young, virile, healthy, and capable of carrying out unlikely political assassinations. Imagine a world where every old, broken communist could bench their own weight and run a ten minute mile and would bring all their hatred, rage, and sorrow to war with all the vitality they had when they were 20?
There would be more permanently young ghouls.
Our main obstacle is our lack of numbers. Granting eternal youth to all would only magnify that.
So long as death and crippling are on the table it advantages us because asymmetrical warfare and terrorism are our tools: a stratagem that allows a single person to affect hundreds.
Look at that anarchist who had a convoluted shoved and accomplished nothing, dying doesn’t matter unless you get an x+1:x ratio out of it.
Just my opinion though.
it's not your opinion it's objectively correct
old age is the only reason we don't live in a perma-giga-fucked up kingopoly of the first guy to ever take power
we don't live in a perma-giga-fucked up kingopoly of the first guy to ever take power
They had to shoot Nicholaus and he claimed he was Caesar of the Romans, a guy who died 2,000 years ago I do not see our actual situation being different.
Counterpoint I wanna vibe forever and I need to be young and healthy to do it
Counter counterpoint: there are less comrades than ghouls. If one of us being forced to be mortal is true, like a hindered of them have to die too. For the greater good.
counter counter counterpoint - it's been 99 to one in favor of re-distributing all the land to the peasants since they invented peasants, it only seems the other way around now because of a fluke of propaganda and, i cannot stress this enough, because all the people who actually lived under communism either died already or weren't old enough to remember it. Plus, there are 1.3 billion Chinese people and while they're not all ideological communists there's still a lot of them. The whole thing with the left is that it benefits the vast majority of people, while every other system by design only benefits like 5 specific people.
All true, I easily grow discouraged living in land of the lumpen. I need to keep more of a global perspective. Thanks for the reminder.
For real people not dying is part of the reason society is upset right now, and Altered Carbon takes this to an extreme.
Yeah this shit ain't fun. I just am starting to not be able to do what I could when I was young
I just am starting to not be able to do what I could when I was young
like what? besides drinking
Early 30s guy who got blackout drunk daily as well as doing as many uppers as I could, staying awake for days not eating, almost getting scurvy as a vegan, and otherwise doing everything you can to your body thars bad for it drawing the line only at needles for most of my late teens through my 20s, the longer term damage will start to be problems all at once and won't go away, they just won't get worse if you smarten up. There's no healing some stuff, there's just not making it exponentially worse. Parts of me don't work quite as well as other people now and I'm just kinda stuck that way now. So yeah, don't fuck around kids.
We just can't wait to have money. I have a 25 year plan to buy the car I want.
Here's how I do it:
Do not, under any circumstances, drink beer, wine or mixed spirits to get drunk. Guinness as a meal substitute is ok, as a source of getting drunk is not.
Just sip straight spirits out of the bottle, preferably while ranting about something. If at a bar, get XYZ on the rocks. Gin & Soda water if you want to drink slower.
Drink 2-5 liters of water before passing out anywhere that's not a bed. In the last 5 weeks, I have passed out on: A lawn, a different lawn, the back seat of a car, the floor (carpeted), the floor (hardwood, with a persian rug), a couch, a computer chair and leaning against a tree.
Let me get this straight, your advice to cope with post-drink depression is to get so shit faced that you pass out and wake up some place else?
Yeah idk I've made it work, although that could just be the line cook's special ability. Like closing after dinner service, downing 5-700mLs of Tequila to catch up with friends so you have some semblance of a social life, wake up at 9 to get to work by 10 for post church Sunday brunch. The usual.
Like you can have a pint in lieu of dinner, but DO NOT drink enough to get drunk. Several pints of guinness will fill you up like a sponge in a bucket.
Who drinks beer instead of eating? Even a 330mL can will increase my hunger if I haven't eaten before.
true alcoholics. i used to regularly forgo eating so there'd be more room for booze
Do not, under any circumstances, drink beer, wine or mixed spirits to get drunk.
What? Why? I'm not made of money
Oh it doesn't have to be single malt scotch or anything. The house vodka on the rocks stops burning your throat after a couple years.
I was hungover a few days ago watching young couples shop as I stocked the store. I’m partially convinced (or telling myself at least) that the minor alcohol withdrawal of a hangover is why I felt like a failure and wanted to die knowing that isn’t on the cards for me.
Blame the booze and keep drinking because I know it ain’t true….
Yeah a nasty hangover will bring those kinds of feelings out and then if there's more alcohol around, you end up drinking more to fix the anxiety and depression from being hung over.
It's pretty shitty.
You find a solution let me know lol
It’s not like the anxiety and depression aren’t there anyways.
Hangovers aren't withdrawal, they're hangovers. There is a major difference
I read an article saying it was, I’ll believe you though given how enshittified SEO has made everything
I guess in a very literal sense, it's like a poison withdrawal or whatever but it's not like the you could die of a seizure alcohol withdrawal that is what I'd associate with the term
So if I feel great the next day, that's Allah telling me to drink more often?
Yes, it gets worse, stop drinking so much alcohol, also drink water (that said, if I'm having a severe low dopamine day, I get drunk, and have the worse hangovers and feel better overall. This is not medical advice)
I also recommend some light stretches and a hot shower to rinse the drinking sweat off.
Some type of mild physical exercise to counteract a hangover I understand but taking stretching of all things is something reserved for people with a constitution stat that has 3 numbers
I don't need alcohol to feel like shit physically or mentally
my body feels like that while sober
Yeah it ain't worth it. For some reason I decide to do if anyways
I spent most of my twenties drunk and by the time I got around to my thirties it was just too much to deal with the next day. Every morning just felt like I was gonna die for the first half of the day. Smoking weed actually helped me quit drinking and smoking cigarettes. Can't remember the last time I had a drink. More than ten years now, at least. There was a definite improvement in my health and mood not being hungover and stuck in constant recovery. Plus, 30 was around when my body started doing the whole "this is never going to fully heal" thing, so having one less massive stressor probably saved my ass from being in much worse condition now. Since you're still young, it would be in your best interest to start thinking about sobering up and getting in shape now before you get to a point where getting started is too physically overwhelming. And really, it doesn't take long. Within a few years of sobriety and working out, I was pretty happy with the differences. Life under capitalism is already hard as hell, drinking and putting your body through the wringer just massively increases the difficulty level.
Aye than you know the feeling of a bad hangover and the anxiety and deep depression that comes with it.
Thanks for the long post man. I appreciate the thought and advice you put into jt
in my 20s i could snap back fast, but by mid 30s--even staying hydrated--the day after heavy drinking would be a bust. the day would be blown on napping, eating slop, and accomplishing nothing for myself just to get myself back to neutral. i also smoked tobacco when i drank, and made cutting back harder.
i quit both before i turned 40 and now i'm approaching like no tobacco for 4 years, and probably a single low-ABV beer in the last 5 years. and i remember distinctly how dehydrated that single beer made me, as a big water drinking guy. It definitely affirmed desire to not feel that way anymore. When I go to social events, I have soda water or like a diet soft drink. I definitely missed it at first, because I'm kinda awkward. But the drinking didn't really fix that so much as make me not notice it. And no amount of awkwardness bothers me more than feeling like crap the next day both physically and from being anxious about something I said/did.
When i see people my age who still drink like they are 20 years younger, it's clearly hard on their bodies. I see people who are literally the same age as me who i would guess are like 10-15 years older.
anyway, alcohol is fucked up. seems like one of the kinder things you can do for yourself is to not consume it. and it's one of those things where the body gives reliable feedback, unless you're like a hardcore juicer with tremors and shit.
Had a miserable hangover today. Completely wrecked me. Shit sucks
Yep I'm right there with you. If I have over 6 beers in a night of fun. I'm wrecked for at least 36 hours now.
All the anxiety and depression about what you may have done or said combined with your body just feeling icky.
It sucks ass
Yeah, I usually avoid drinking these days because of it, but I seem to have to relearn this lesson every year.
im a zoomer so like ngl, hangovers are basically nothing to me. my consolations that your body is starting to break down
As a school teacher, I want to chime in. Every time I've seen problem issues where students (aged 14-18) get passed out drunk, they're always 100% the next day for parent meetings. I am indeed jealous.
yeah i used to have that and it was glorious. then covid hit when i was like 19, i went sober for a year or two and now i'm a fucking boomer - blacked out before midnight and dead the next day. these are meant to be my peak years wtf
Don't understand people who drink more than a couple drinks in an evening after turning, like, 30 at most.
Cw- talks of excessive drinking and suicidal ideation
___ Alcohol is a depressant and messes with your serotonin and causes a laundry list of related issues. By the time you’ve aged, your body is unable to process this literal poison as effectively as when you were younger. When you’re coming up from a hangover it is intensely important to remember that it amplifies thoughts associated what that depressant classification- suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety- and worsens how essentially every one of your major organ systems function.
I used to be a problem drinker-still am given the opportunity-in order to cope with anxiety/de-mask in social situations/de-stress. I’ve heard it described as paying for tonight’s fun with tomorrow’s happiness. For me, it’s been essential to understand why I’m drinking, and in addition to regular water drinking, take regular mental check-ins. When I drink a pint or two with friends it’s usually as a social lubricant. When I stay at the bar after for another 8 by myself-there’s usually something else going on.
Frankly it’s literal self-harm. It’s only legal because capitalists use it to exploit the proletariat to great effect.
That said too, 4 pints in a night now give me the equivalent hangover that a case would- aka the enshittification of my liver- and yes it will happen to young folks too- faster than you think. I’ve heard 100% agave tequila doesn’t have the same depressant effect. Idk if it’s true, but if I wanna get blasted that’s usually my drink of choice.
I try to stick to thc edibles now when I want a buzz- in a legal state so unfortunately isn’t the case for everyone.
Final moralizing point- take care of yourself, friend. Treat yourself like you would a dear friend. Drink water, talk about what’s bothering you, and pace yourself. We live in a hell world, and can only persist together. The capitalists want you to drink yourself to death-don’t give them that pleasure.
Stopped drinking alcohol years ago. LSD and MDMA are cheaper, give a better experience and I'm functional the next day.
I tried LSD for the first time last year and it wasn't hitting so I kept taking more tabs. I can't remember now but I think my wife and I each took 500 - 750 ug and spent the next 12 hours spinning. Probs was not wise to light up beforehand.
Rookie mistake. When I get a new card of LSD that im not sure it's dosage, I start with a quarter and wait for an hour, if does nothing go with another quarter and call it for the night. Repeat this process incrementing by a quarter until I found the right dose.
Yeah that's what I thought, wait an hour, try again, wait another hour, so six hours in and feeling nothing we're thinking well we don't want this night to go to waste if the dose is too low, decided fuck it and took all the remaining tabs. IMMEDIATELY it hits, all the tabs we were doing all evening. It was like being swept out to sea.