If you have any useful resource links please tag me in a comment with the link.
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Please add to this if you can.
Time/Map: https://time.is/Ukraine
Leftist discussion threads:
Twitter military updaters:
Global South Perspective: https://nitter.net/kiranopal_/status/1498723206496145413
Better war/propaganda analysis:
News updates:
Live: https://www.cgtn.com/special/Live-update-Ukraine-Russia-border-crisis.html
YT/Video in Ukraine:
Thank you.
Previous megathreads:
Russians bombing Holocaust memorial in Kyiv confirmed fake news.
Even the official Ukrainian accounts didn't claim it was hit at first, they said a strike 'missed and landed in the area of'. Western accounts went nuts saying the Russians bombed the memorial and then Ukrainian accounts followed suit and repeated it.
There's so much nonsense propaganda coming from Ukrainian accounts and outlets, but it's clearly not very organised (some contradicts others for example) and it's Western outlets blue ticks, and orgs who are taking it and creating a more effective strategy out of it.
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On the one hand, perhaps due to my own selfishness, it feels good to be validated in my belief that most of the shit coming out of Ukraine that reaches western audiences has been either blown way out of proportion or is just entirely made up and that we have, by and large, resisted the propaganda wave; it would suck for us to have to do yet another "I guess we were wrong and we need to take another L here".
On the other, the ease at which Ukrainian narrative has propagated throughout social media and the western world generally is very concerning and, as I've said before, has killed any lingering hope within me that these online institutions can be used for good. China's firewall has been fully justified - you need to create an online sphere that is disconnected from western propaganda and is controlled by your own country and people, or the vast resources and psychological techniques that at the west's disposal can and will infect the minds of people into directly opposing their self-interest and genuinely does create that now cliche Orwellian world where you are told to forget what you know and ignore the evidence of your own senses. Except I'm not sure if we can really do that.
There's the beginnings of that project with, well, this website, and sites like MeansTV, and I genuinely appreciate the efforts of comrades to create these spaces where you can take a sanity break from the chaotic and awful world outside, but any attempt that tried to genuinely supplant reddit or twitter or youtube would be crushed without a second thought to "freedom of speech", so we're kinda inherently limited to only ever being a relatively small leftist offshoot even in the best case scenario. So the offline is the only arena where true progress can be made. Which we all instinctively knew from the beginning, but sometimes you think you're making progress with libs and making them anti-capitalist and then all the liberatory air gets sucked out of the room and they're back to baying for the blood of foreigners, and then you realize that even if you give a lib the initial jolt to make them realize that things suck and it doesn't necessarily have to be this way, they're going to be herded off towards the radlibs and the twitch streamers and any revolutionary energy will be channeled into "more realistic" aims that not only don't help people, but ultimately reinforce capitalism. Which I guess is what Fischer was talking about.
China critics were already borderline memes before all of this and by soon it is pretty much going to be impossible to separate criticism of China and straight up delusional if not manufactured propaganda like Zens.
To be clear China is not communist yet and has some quite obvious problems in their economy, but anyone(I mean among leftists here) that comes out of this not recognizing the massive contrast between the western war time propaganda and the existence of China's firewall and mostly isolated internet culture is not going to have any credibility going forward imo.
Utterly shocking that the same nation that almost by themselves defeated the Nazis and liberated the death camps didn't destroy the Holocaust memorials
Putin's family was decimated by the Holocaust. This applies to most Russians as well. To think that Russians would even consider bombing a Holocaust memorial is absolute insanity.
I don't know why I'm still astonished by the lack of critical thinking in the US. Putting all emotional ties aside, what would be gained strategically from bombing a holocaust memorial? These people don't bother to stop and think for two seconds about anything.
American totalitarianism has destroyed all aspects of critical thinking in the population. The people are told what to think and follow blindly.
One day, the media expresses their sordid disapproval of the migrant concentration camps on the southern border, even going so far as to label them "kids in cages", the next day the camps are presented as merely detention camps and are 'good, actually'. The same with shootings. Black-on-black crime is presented as savage, freakish crimes while police murders are merely "police-involved shootings". Black victims of violence were 'no angels' while white victims of violence were the most purest angels of heaven. "Lethal aid", an especially egregious example of media manipulation, where the media straight up copies state department statements verbatim. (Newspeak)
In the same article, the Chinese state apparatus is first presented as so capable that they can imprison 12 million (!) Uyghurs without resistance or fleeing. Then, contradicting the above statement, the article pivots over to how the Chinese state is on the brink of collapse and must be given the final 'kick in the rotten door'. (Doublethink)
Public figures are ostracized by the public for merely being perceived as 'weak'. Apparently, merely apologizing to the designated enemies is enough to become unaccepted by the America public these days. John Cena went from a beloved character to public enemy overnight.
The American people, so engrossed in their jingoism, have become completely unable to perceive nuance. Before expressing any slightly divergent opinion to the official line, you must explicitly denounce the designated enemies lest you be accused of being a foreign agent. On any post slightly related to China, you must exclaim "Fuck the CCP!", otherwise you are the #1 wumao of the century. You must have your 2 Minute Hate.
And the American people, never questioning a single thing, believe this, then believe that, simultaneously - they simultaneously believe contradictory thoughts but never realize it because they never actually critically evaluate the information they are fed. They are told that the 'free press', by virtue of being free, is always correct, never considering that the only thing the American free press is free of is factual information.
As with all American accusations of foreign wrongdoing, the accusation of Soviet totalitarianism is projection too.
Where is the first crack in this wall? I don’t want to believe that it’s incurable. I’m here now, aren’t I?
Declining material conditions (happening right now) will push people into the arms of radicals.
And we need to be there to promote the constructive and meaningful kind of radicalization, instead of the seductive stank of jingoism…
We must agitate and let it be known that socialism is the only solution to the people's problems.
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I completely quit expecting Americans to consider "how would this action benefit the supposed perpetrator" about geopolitics when everyone insisted that Assad gassed those people after the US announced they chemical weapons were the deciding factor on whether or not they'd attack Syria.
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To be fair they're also the country that currently employs this guy as a high-ranking private military officer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Utkin
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I guess it hinges on one's definition of "nation", but it's arguably not the same nation...
well its the nation that occupies a lot of the same land as the nation that did that I guess
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The problem with this is the moment you show it to anyone they'd balk at how can they believe it since they're not familiar with either the language or the reputability of the site.
And fie that matter, neither am I quite frankly.
Is there a more English-speaking world oriented source?
Since it was an israeli person doing his own research today it will take time to show up in the anglo news cycle, if ever, the Snake Island soldiers being alive needed 2 days for it.