Kissenger. at least one of the freaks will kick the bucket. Lula going to town on him would be funny as hell though
One of those dancing things they put in front of car dealerships. I think it would be much funnier to watch than an able-bodied human ending him in one punch.
Prime Mike Tyson, just to settle the age old question of "can a human head get punched clean off the goddamn neck?" once & for all
Yeah, but like Biden is super old
I bet that sucker would just pop off like a champagne cork
I actually did a bit of a dive into the physics of it and as cool as it would look, necks are just too thicc. No matter how brittle the bone, if it's enough to keep the head upright and not snap its pretty much punch off proof.
So tough.
Donald Trump
The personification of his dementia
Muhammad Ali
Any trans athlete.
The cutie reading this comment.
The cutie reading this comment. :blushing-engels: :blushing-engels: :blushing-engels:
mysterious luchadora 'la abuela' with her devastating signature moves 'the hyoid hammer' and the 'pokemon go for the nads'