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I would applaud them if they had the balls to just be like "yeah there's feds and US spies infesting every nook and cranny of the drug trade".
It would actually be pretty compelling to make a Hollywood-esque action script where part of it was playing as a young man dragged into the drug trade in Central America, getting in way over your head, and getting tied up in CIA shenanigans.
I mean I dont like playing the losing side of WW2 shooters
Focoult's Boomerang even happens in fiction. The last COD game will be about border protection from climate refugees.
It will be the Russian airport mission over and over for the entire game
the MWII subreddit is talking about it as a rumor, so this is more than a shitpost
also the new character is from the Mexican special forces so...
So it'll be fully-armed SWAT teams vs. some young black men who MIGHT be armed with a pistol?
So you'll get to drive around a city in unmarked vans and jump out and chase young black men walking down the street?
COD is has yet to even attempt to maybe iterate upon or evolve its gameplay, mechanics, and general design over the last 20+ years. It’s so odd this game gets a pass for being the same every single iteration, it’s like Far Cry or Assassins Creed levels of copy/paste design and “storytelling” (which I use very loosely in all three cases)
A lot of what people want is just new maps and a chance to reset the level-up hamster wheel. And as every new title comes out, the Twitch-stream migration to the newest franchise sucks the sexiness out of the older shit.
I can't help notice this, even in myself. When lots of people are talking about a thing, I'm excited to play it. When nobody is talking about a thing, the appeal sags considerably. Games I remember anticipating for years and years can feel bland and boring once the hype train has rolled on to the next station.
They may as well just turn it into an annual subscription or something, with a discount rate for "legacy only" if people don't want updates.
Yeah, you think they'd just save a buck and make the game updates a higher tier.
Agreed. Ironically, these are not as much games as they are a lot like addictive substances like drugs.
I must have bought around 11 of the last 13 or 14 Fifa, which is more or less the same game with minor tweaks and squad updates, so I can sympathize with the mentality that annual buyers have. For a lot of people, games like COD and Fifa are "comfort" games (even if they hate playing them). Games which are not played for a story, but just played at the end of a hard day when you don't want to really apply any brain energy. The lack of changes is actually welcome.
Add the fact that these have vast multiplayers and really simple premises. Plus it's likely that quite a few of your friends will be buying them yearly, giving you even more motivation to buy the new one and just giving a pass to the game.
This is where the addiction part comes in. Their gameplay essentially gives you a sense of micro achievement whenever you score a kill/goal and an even bigger one when you occasionally win the whole match. I spent around a decade literally paying Fifa for around 3-4 hours every evening and even more on weekends and it took me deleting these games and months of weaning out to break this chain. :desolate:
It’s so odd this game gets a pass for being the same every single iteration-
Seems to me like its got the opposite of a "pass." Im pretty sure people just got tired enough of the annual beating the of :walking-dead: horse of "cod always the same" that they just stopped talking about it.
I'm sure it will handle the issue with the same subtlety and care as Call of Juarez: The Cartel did.