It definitely throws people off, especially the cisgendered queers. Saying queer instead of lgbt or gay helps people who are not in the gender binary and if I'm being completely honest a word like bisexual is trans-exclusionary, just from my personal experience bisexuals do not want to have sex with trans people, the ones that do are called pansexuals. Don't even get me started on how much of the lesbian community is terf reactionary because they don't want to associate with trans people. The gay community same deal. And why does the l at the start of the acronym? Why not TPGNBL or something else? The whole acronym order is the main reason why I'm using queer. How can we be equal if we put specific sexual groups in front of each other? Queer is all encompassing and we should use that instead. If we could change the pride flag we could phase out lgbt.

  • Azarova [they/them]
    3 years ago

    cisgendered queers.

    bisexual is trans-exclusionary

    Joined 2 hours ago.


  • Sasuke [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    if I’m being completely honest a word like bisexual is trans-exclusionary


  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Miss me with that biphobic screed but I do usually refer to us as queer, if anything because LGBT+ is a mouthful

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    3 years ago

    just from my personal experience bisexuals do not want to have sex with trans people, the ones that do are called pansexuals

    from my personal experience as a bi trans woman dating other bi trans women, that's just not true. Bi and pan almost seem like synonyms to me. i know there's people who use the MOGAI nomenclature instead of LGBT+ and who define bi as "being attracted to exactly two genders", but i've never met anybody that definition applies to, whether irl or online. there's other ways to differentiate these terms that just make more sense to me. maybe pan implies an even more egalitarian sense of attraction, where you do not have a preference for any gender, while bi could still mean being more attracted to femme presenting people or being more attracted to masc presenting people. i often feel as if bi is just an umbrella term, and that bisexuality is actually a spectrum ranging from "almost completely straight" to "almost completely gay" and in that case pansexual would be the area right in the middle of these two poles, but that's just my interpretation and after all it's not unusual for bisexuals to be more gay on some days, more straight on other days and so on. if other people define bi and pan differently, that's fine. such labels are just starting points to describe a subject too complex for such simple categories.

    nice bait, tho.

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    I’m being completely honest a word like bisexual is trans-exclusionary

    History lesson! The word bisexual was coined to mean "both heterosexual and homosexual" not "likes two genders" and has always been inclusive of trans people. From what I recall the term "pansexual" came out starting with a smear campaign trying to frame bisexuality as inherently transphobic, which it has never been

    I'm not bi and don't have any sources off hand, but some of my bi friends have talked about this at length before

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    Don’t even get me started on how much of the lesbian community is terf reactionary because they don’t want to associate with trans people.

    Oh cool I was so focused on the first part of your bait that I missed this one. Fuck alllllllll the way off, this is absolutely not representative of the lesbian community. Most "lesbian" terfs that I'm aware of are "political lesbians" in the second-wave feminism sense, i.e. straight women who have started calling themselves lesbians because they've "sworn off men", and have no interest in women, so really they're more like het volcels who are stealing valor from the brave lesbian community. You can imagine why these types would often be terfs.

    Like half the lesbians I know are trans women.

  • Shoegazer [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I say space agency instead of NASA because fuck nations and admins

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Queer is a real word unlike the abbreviation that becomes more and more unwieldy the more letters you add to it.

  • MikeHockempalz [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm a cishet and I've been saying queer for a while now just bc it's faster to say than LGBTQ. Is it insensitive for a cishet to use the word queer?

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      3 years ago

      it's a bit of a gray area, honestly. queer is a reclaimed slur, but so is gay and nowadays it's definitely weirder to say "homosexual" instead of "gay". reclaiming queer is not as far along as reclaiming gay, but my impression is that it's getting there and that most of the people who still get offended by it are heavily assimilationist people and in particular TERFs and gay transphobes who get offended by it for all the wrong reasons.

      • MikeHockempalz [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Hmmm interesting. I knew queer used to be a slur but honestly I thought it was so old it had basically been replaced by the f slur and therefore had been fully reclaimed and resuscitated into a useable term. Thanks for enlightening me

        • Azarova [they/them]
          3 years ago

          To go along with what AcidSmiley is saying, I've also noticed there being a generational gap between who finds it offensive and who doesn't. Older people seem to have been more likely to have had queer thrown at them as a slur, whereas millenials and gen z tend to get other slurs and therefore queer has a lot less of a negative meaning to us. Interestingly, this debate is over a hundred years old at least. I've been reading Gay Berlin and there's a mention of this exact debate in the queer community, except over the German word schwul, in the fucking 1910's. Nothing is ever new, just cycles upon cycles.

          • kristina [she/her]
            3 years ago

            yeah i know a couple of olds that really hated the connotation. i used to get called a queer and a sissy a lot as a kid so i kinda get it but i actually really like calling myself queer :shrug-outta-hecks: its nothing like trying to reclaim the f slur to me. i kinda dig that the word queer feels kinda whimsical

        • kristina [she/her]
          3 years ago

          generally speaking i think using queer as an adjective rather than as a noun makes me feel better about cis people using it. saying something like 'the queer community' or 'queer topics' or 'queer books' sounds great, but saying 'those dastardly queers!' or saying 'jessica is a queer' makes it sound more sus

    • Lerios [hy/hym]
      3 years ago

      A lot of lgbt people would rather you didn't, just because a lot of us have had queer thrown at us as a slur whereas fucking nobody uses lgbt that way. I don't even like being called a queer by other lgbt people because it reminds me too much of school and family experiences, but with them at least i'll know that the intention is chill, even if it kind of makes me flinch still. With cishet people, you really don't know that.

      i think its being redefined or something to not be considered insensitive in some parts of the community (from what i've seen, largely the younger USamerican crowd), but i wouldn't say its a safe bet.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I also like using queer as a general catch all. It’s simpler, is more inclusive in general, and means I don’t have to think very hard about codifying my own gender/sexual identity into specific terms. Pan vs bi? Whatever I’m just here to fuck and accidentally develop feelings at an alarming rate

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago


    The only struggle that needs to happen in lgbtq+ is the one between the bourgeoise side and proletarian side. The bourgeoise side is the one pushing the woke capitalism and rainbow imperialism while the proletarian side is the one pushing back against that.

    Lgbtq+ doesn't need to be abandoned it needs to be given class consciousness of the two sides of it and their characteristics.