Roger Waters - Comfortably Numb, Bad Empanada - Confident and Dumb

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Roger Waters is very dumb but dumb people tend to like him because he says some things they like. So what happens when he 'debates' an even dumber liberal on CNN?

    Waters is at least as smart and informed as the average political YouTuber/streamer, if not more so (it's not a very high bar). The difference is that his comments here were made off-the-cuff during a real conversation, and not a scripted twenty minute video where he could inject tons of nuance and hedge all of his statements to be as precise and factually bulletproof as possible. He also had to couch all of his statements to not be too aggressive to the interviewer, because part of Waters' job is literally doing interviews and if he gets a reputation for being a huge asshole that could jeopardize it.

    Like imagine if an argument you had with a lib family member got posted online and everyone started picking every little thing you said apart. Of course you're not making your best arguments in the heat of the moment, and of course you're not going to go completely for broke and potentially burn your bridge with that person forever. But now everyone thinks your dumb because instead of carefully explaining your points all the way through every single time, you just said the most important parts and then stopped to let the other person speak for a bit.

    Anyway I watched the video and I'm not impressed. Generally I like BE but he's definitely got ultra tendencies and drama tendencies, neither of which I'm a fan of.

    • Venusta [any]
      2 years ago
      CW hostile, I'm sorry

      ultra tendencies

      go back to your ML only spaces

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago
          CW hostile, I'm sorry

          the site is non sectarian leave please

          • ssjmarx [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Saying that you don't like a particular person's tendencies is not sectarian.

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago

              using the word ultra is in fact sectarian, that’s the whole point of the word

                • Venusta [any]
                  2 years ago

                  using the word ultras is, it belongs on GZD and other just ML AES spaces

                  • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                    2 years ago

                    AES spaces

                    "You internet freak, get out of here with your concern for socialism as a project that has existed and does exist in the real world! Only non-existent socialism for me, please!"

                    • Venusta [any]
                      2 years ago
                      CW mildy hostile, I'm sorry

                      I think you should be allowed to think that and also hear me out there not think that

                      • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                        2 years ago

                        You're allowed to think whatever you want. In that regard, be a Rapture-obsessed Evangelical for all I care. Be a Neonazi Zionist. Be whatever Haz is.

                        But it's an entirely different question if this website should be a platform for declaring the illegitimacy of AES states, which I side with the community in saying is completely counter-productive. At that point, just go to like an anarchist subreddit or something and you can do your social credit score memes there to your heart's content.

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago

                          I literally don't care about Russia, I don't think it's good, and I don't critically support them, I however do not support any western intervention either. I do as far as what the phrase is worth critically support China though lol, I hope they are able to bring about world socialism, but I prefer other factions in the government to Xi personally, and I just don't like the term AES bc it's trying to gatekeep what counts as socialism not that the states are somehow evil.

                          • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                            2 years ago

                            Russia is not AES. It's part of the anti-imperialist bloc, but that doesn't make it socialist at all and literally no one here would assert that it is. Not caring about Russia but also opposing western intervention is a perfectly fine position. Viewing Putin as a mafioso and Russia as a plutocracy (like all liberal democracies) that is only a member of the new eastern bloc for opportunistic reasons is likewise perfectly compatible.

                            AES doesn't gatekeep what counts as socialism any more than reality does. Little anarchist communes are also AES, they are just politically unimportant most of the time (beyond their local communities) by their very nature, though historically there have been important ones and there may be more in the future.

                            "AES" is used to distinguish between supporting socialism as a living project and supporting "socialism" as something that "has never been tried" and only exists in the (imagined) future.

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago

                              the term literally wasn't though, look into it's original derivation, it was made by the Breznev government (originally called real socialism) to quash criticism in the eastern bloc for people who started wondering whether Mao's system might be a better approach for them who disagreed with self evidently revisionist policies, you may use it that way, but the reason it was invented was to gatekeep definitions of socialism so the only real socialism was the :ussr-cry: specfically after Stalin USSR

                              • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                                2 years ago

                                Today it is also used to describe SWCC, whatever we might say about that historical usage. If you go look somewhere like GZD, which you identified as aligning with AES spaces, they do use the term for the Mao-era PRC as well as many other places like Cuba and Vietnam.

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago
                              CW mildy hostile, I'm sorry

                              supporting “socialism” as something that “has never been tried” and only exists in the (imagined) future

                              this is literally untrue you just have never looked up the original usage, the textbook definition would not apply to any anarchist commune or maoist insurgency or whatever else

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago

                              the traditional marxists (there are different terms for the same thing I'm sure)

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago

                                  There are no leaders of factions besides Xi publicly, that is the point, multiple people who publicly identified as this were persecuted, so there is a reason there isn't a public leader ...

                                    • Venusta [any]
                                      2 years ago

                                      people like Bo Xilai, Yue Xin, many other student activists in solidarity of the Jasic workers or otherwise, there's a reason :zizek-preference: boycotts Chinese academia bc of the suppression of Marxists who don't toe party line

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago

                          it is sectarian when you choose a tendency you don’t agree with it label it radlib and say can’t we dunk on them

                          • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                            2 years ago

                            It’s funny bc earlier we had the patsoc hiding behind sectarianism to defend their reactionary ideology and you’re using it as an excuse to stop criticism of people with generally chauvinist takes. We are anti-sectarian but we are more broadly pro-aes and the non-ml comrades here generally have been cool and in favor of that as well. Hell we had a Reddit style anarchist here a while back and tons of our own anarchists called them libs for their well, lib views tbh.

                            We’ve litigated this here before and I don’t think allowing all ideologies for some ideal of non-sectarianism is a good thing when they conflict with more important ideals like solidarity with aes and 3rd world comrades or a belief in revolutionary over reformist politics which we generally have. I wouldn’t want to see the site diluted to welcome twitter/Reddit style socialists and socdems in the name of non-sectarianism. Critiquing why those ideologies have historically and continue this day to fold or capitulate to capital is more important

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago

                              I literally just want to not see the words ultra or anarkiddy on this website, I don’t expect people to change their views, there are clearly other places for that

                              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                2 years ago

                                Anarkiddie I get but ultras have literally always broadly been critiqued by virtually the whole of the left. It’s basically no different than critique liberals especially when what they’re espousing is state dept serving (indirectly or otherwise) chauvinism.

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago

                                  it is a short hand for being sectarian against maoists mzt hoxhaists and anti revisonists left comma anarchists specifically it is used specifically for those tendencies when people say it,

                                    • Venusta [any]
                                      2 years ago

                                      I meant mzt as in the ideology in the Cpc you can call traditional marxists as opposed to innovative marxism or XJP thought

                                      • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                                        2 years ago

                                        I'm confused. Are we using this to refer specifically to Deng-era ideology and up to before Xi? The way I see it discussed, Xi is held in high regard mainly as a leader and XJT is seen as a relatively small addition to MZT overall, and the only people who would claim to be MZT but specifically not XJT are weird imperial periphery neoliberals who I know exist in China but I have literally never seen in one of these online spaces.

                                        • Venusta [any]
                                          2 years ago

                                          I’m am talking about the current party, do you not know there are multiple factions in it… there are people you want to not take the course of Xi and revert to Mao era policies, it’s not just a consensus, there’s like 10 factions …

                                          • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                                            2 years ago

                                            As far as I know, people concerned with implementing Mao era policies would be more accurately described as Maoists, since MZT would be more accurately described as accounting for Mao's theoretical contributions and a small portion of his policies but not really the bulk of them (and also a bit of a patina for Deng's right-deviation).

                                            • Venusta [any]
                                              2 years ago

                                              MLM groups identified as MZT before Gonzalo, it probably has more than one definition, I meant in the maoist way, but some people mean only MLM when they say maoists, it's confusing

                                  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                    2 years ago

                                    I mean in some cases maybe, but maoists don’t exactly have the best track record and could probably do with some critiquing.

                                    Mzt is generally pretty popular here so it’s definitely not that

                                    And honestly calling everyone that doesn’t follow a prescribed ultra doctrine “revisionist” (i.e. actually responding to the material conditions which is a fundamental part of Marxism) and yourself anti-revisionist is kinda sectarian in itself lol

                                    • Venusta [any]
                                      2 years ago

                                      I for one have never called anyone here or anyone else not here a revionist or tankie or whatever other dunk/own, or even wanted to, it’s really not that hard

                                      • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                        2 years ago

                                        Again I don’t think tolerating anti-aes and chauvinist views is worth the moral superiority of being “anti-sectarian” this is basically the tolerance paradox for socialists. All the solidarity to socialists of all stripes but I don’t think allowing chauvinist elements into the broad left is good and they should be critiqued and spoken out against

                                        • Venusta [any]
                                          2 years ago

                                          You have to agree with the premise it was chauvinist, and that is for sure up for debate, unless you’re the authority on what is chauvinist, if the other posters above decided on that this would literally just be GZD

                                          didn’t critically support chauvinist

                                          didn’t call China socialist chauvinist

                                          etc etc

                                          • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                            2 years ago

                                            Yeah I believe this is what the kids call “having a take.” Chauvinism in general is complicated subject and obviously there’s gonna be different pov. Chasing some kind of universal agreeance is fruitless and kinda lib tbh and gutless fence sitting. Generally it’s taken to mean supporting western imperialist nations bc of taking their view on something as the default. And that is generally to me, not worth allowing in the space.

                                            We can have a lot of arguments about whether you and I are correct but that we can debate it doesn’t justify tolerating it. We can debate all kinds of shit that we generally take to be bad. Should we allow pro-landlord takes here bc whether it’s bad or good is “up for debate”? Certainly you and I aren’t the arbiter of what is universally true in any circumstance.

                                            • Venusta [any]
                                              2 years ago

                                              I agree, I just think tossing arounds ultras to people the left of you you don’t like is just as childish and dumb as libs throwing around tankies to people to the left of them they don’t like and should be pushed back on

                                              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                                2 years ago

                                                I think there’s a lot of supposition in whether or not that counts as “to the left of you.” If you end up supporting imperialist nations against aes idk how “left” that really is and I think that’s why it worthy of critique

                                                That said I mean we’re gonna call them something right? Like whatever we name them is gonna be interpreted as a pejorative when we consistently use it to critique them. You could be having this exact convo with me but change out the word for chauvinist for example. I really don’t see the point in running so much defense for a group especially if you agree that chauvinist takes are bad.

                                                • Venusta [any]
                                                  2 years ago

                                                  People are to the left and right of each other and that's okay most people would agree left to right mao, xi, deng and that would not cause debate so why would people using a word to make fun of someone who prefers mao politics over xi politics not punching left ... there really isn't a debate that using the word ultra would be targeting someone to the left of you, leftism does not automatically equate to good or practical or whatever ascribed values, but it is still more to the left

                                                  you do not have not support imperialist nations, by not critically supporting x country, you can firmly oppose western invention and imperialism and don't have to give props to a state that is in many other ways abhorrent ...

                                                  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                                    2 years ago

                                                    Lol I mean at this level that’s just cringe polcomp type shit. Politics does t exist on a flat plane. It’s really just an ultra view to say ok actually anything that isn’t particularly my interpretation of Marx is to the right of me. Everyone else was busy building something, incl non marxists to be honest. People exist all over the place wrt to interpretations of socialism, liberalism, whatever

                                                    But whatever you consider yourself, and wherever you see yourself on an imaginary plane, if your ideology consistently leads you to side with imperialist nations (sometimes no for some but generally often) and keeps you from seeing a country that lifted countless people out of poverty, has been basically the sole country to make the general gains against poverty in the last half decade and if you take them out it completely falls apart, is the only country that consistently holds capital accountable to the law and not above it, amongst millions of other advancements, or take the responses to conditions placed upon them by the imperialist west in dprk and other countries cases as universally bad and exempts them from being socialist bc you’re too caught up in believing imperialist nonsense, than that ideology should be unwelcome

                                                    • Venusta [any]
                                                      2 years ago
                                                      CW hostile, but I also had no clue what they were saying, I'm sorry


                                                        • Venusta [any]
                                                          2 years ago
                                                          CW hostile, I'm sorry

                                                          that's okay for you to believe, I think you would be happier in a place with less diversity of opinion

                                                          • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                                            2 years ago

                                                            Again I’m fine with literally all stripes of socialism. I don’t agree with my anarchists comrades on stuff but I think there’s utility in their views. I specifically don’t think chauvinism and the inherent defeatism of ultras on one end, or the radlib western leftists that won’t support anything outside of the imperial core on the other is worth having in and is frankly detrimental to the movement. Tbh it shouldn’t be a big bar to cross for leftists

                                                            • Venusta [any]
                                                              2 years ago
                                                              CW midly hostile, I'm sorry

                                                              I never said I didn't critically support China ... you inferred that, I literally would just prefer different kinds of leadership and those people do exist ... they are just more marginal than the ones you support so you are by default right bc you agree more closely with the faction in power, would you accuse a maoist in the government in China as not supporting China bc they don't agree with XJP on a theoretical basis, I guess they're just a chauvinist defeatist ultra radlib western leftist

                                                              • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                                                2 years ago

                                                                I’m not talking about you or anything about your ideology specifically at all, I’m talking about ultras and “radlibs” getting called ultras for broadly not supporting aes and often falling into the trap of supporting imperialist nations bc that’s what we’ve been talking about up to this point.

                                                                • Venusta [any]
                                                                  2 years ago

                                                                  fair enough, it's inherently sectarian though, virtually everyone who is not just a textbook ML, is basically an ultra in that definition especially if you don't inclide the "often" part bc in this community that almost never happens here, I'm sure it does on twitter and reddit

                                                                  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
                                                                    2 years ago

                                                                    A lot of our non-ml comrades seem to handle it fine. :shrug-outta-hecks: and just bc it’s common to fall for people in imperial nations to fall for imperialist dogma doesn’t mean it can’t be regarded as a bad thing.

                                                                    It’s honestly to be expected that that should be the case, that’s why it has to be critiqued and talked about. Most white People aren’t gonna understand intuitively how their white identity privileges them in societies built on white supremacy, you generally have to have a dialogue about it. I think it functions similarly, we are by default gonna probably side with countries we’re familiar with especially over ones that we grew up being taught to revile that do all these awful things allegedly. That’s the self sustaining propaganda of imperialism at work.

                                                                    I can’t speak for everyone but to me, ultimately it’s just a good line for building solidarity with aes countries and looking to models that are working in the real world we could take and apply to our own conditions. We have to have some values on things, we’re all choosing what not to have and what to have. We generally would agree here that wage theft by capitalists is bad for example but might get some push back in spaces where they don’t agree.

                                                                    I don’t think these are inherently bad takes to have spread through leftist movements in the west, would go a long way to undoing and combatting imperialist brainworms, and I’ve seen plenty of non-ml comrades incorporate them into their thinking so I don’t think that “seek to be non chauvinist, and critically support aes” is inherently at odds with non-mls or is a wholly ml-only view to take.

                                                                    • Venusta [any]
                                                                      2 years ago

                                                                      can’t speak for everyone but to me, ultimately it’s just a good line for building solidarity with aes countries and looking to models that are working in the real world we could take and apply to our own conditions. We have to have some values on things, we’re all choosing what not to have and what to have. We generally would agree here that wage theft by capitalists is bad for example but might get some push back in spaces where they don’t agree.

                                                                      it is a good thing

                                                                      I think that is well and good, I don't think ML in this vein of thought are bad or wrong, I think they are comrades and it's just a small difference of opinion, and I just think it would be nice to not just fire off a term people use regularly on other sectarian forums as a way to dismiss things you don't agree with in a complete bad faith way, like 99% of the usage of ultras is here

                                                          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                                                            2 years ago

                                                            telling a user who has been here since the beginning of the site that they would be happier on some other forum while you are being collectively dunked on by dozens of other old heads is a real move for a two month old account

                                                            • Venusta [any]
                                                              2 years ago
                                                              CW hostile, I'm sorry

                                                              you are hostile and unpleasant

                          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                            2 years ago

                            That's not what I asked and you know it, if you truly believe the things you believe answering this question should be dead simple with a yes or no

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago

                              You asked if you could dunk on rad libs when referring to a socialist / communist content creator, he is not an ML who upholds AES so therefore he is radlib, that is your point, and it’s the definition of sectarinaism

                              • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                                2 years ago

                                I'm not referring to BE. I'm asking you if dunking on radlibs is sectarian. Not if dunking on BE is sectarian. Is dunking on radlibs sectarian? This is a yes or no question and it does not relate to BE, who is being described as an Ultra, which is not a radlib.

                                • Venusta [any]
                                  2 years ago

                                  It depends on who the radlib is, if you call other leftists radlibs then it is.

                                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                                    2 years ago

                                    so that's a no, you're not willing to answer a simple, direct question directly. cool stuff, glad to have reddited with you good sir

                                    • Venusta [any]
                                      2 years ago

                                      dunking on radlibs is fine, I would never use the word radlib, but idk what you want

                                      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                                        2 years ago

                                        but idk what you want

                                        literally just the yes or no answer to the question this entire exchange started with, which is why you seem so suspect

                                        • Venusta [any]
                                          2 years ago

                                          yes it's okay to dunk on "radlibs" I would prefer a full definition on what radlib is considered to be tho, which you didn’t give me when I asked you multiple times, I'm sorry I was replying to like 5 people at once I got a bit mixed up

                      • CredibleBattery [he/him, comrade/them]
                        2 years ago

                        you're very funny, actually, you spend half of your posting time in this website ''side-venting'' and shitting about every tendency you don't like by calling them ''sectarian'' or whatever it is this month, posting months-old threads and random comments from an extremely more niche, smaller website and basically implying it as proof that every person belonging to that tendecy ''are the REAL sectarians!''. overall being a smug rose-twitter liberal. I'd say you're the only one being sectarian here.

                        in the end all i can say is lmao.

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago
                          CW hostile, but I don't think I'm sorry for this one, I'm pretty sure this comment was extremely rude

                          you’re clearly really invested in me, mad or something?

                  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
                    2 years ago

                    Certain tendency-specific words are as far as I can tell tolerated to use like Ultra or Statist as long as it isnt used in a direct hostile manner to someone on the site.

                    • Venusta [any]
                      2 years ago

                      I feel like that would change quick if people just started posting about “chauvinist tankies” instead of chauvinist ultras, and it is inherently hostile

          • WonderSwanCrystal [she/her]
            2 years ago

            It's actually "nonsectarian" as in "nine sects" are allowed. 8 of them ML offshoots and one is anarcho-communism.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Post anything even slightly pro-Russia to out yourself and be permanently shadowbanned. You aren't welcome here.

    lmao is badempanada a ukraine flag emoji guy or something now

    • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      No, he just isn't stanning Russia just because their interests are running counter to the US', which is a completely reasonable stance to take.

      • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
        2 years ago

        Banning anyone who is even “slightly pro-Russia” (the vast majority of this site by almost all lib definitions) is Lib shit and he is being a chauvinist ultra

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago
          CW hostile, I'm sorry


          sectarian go back to your ML only space pls *

          • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
            2 years ago

            Not sectarian: shitting on China all the time and saying they aren’t socialist

            Sectarian: that guy sucks

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago
              CW hostile, I'm sorry

              using ultra is the same as just saying anarkiddy it’s not allowed on this site, you’re not pleasant to be around

              • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
                2 years ago

                Defending BadEmpanada is the same as shitting on the PRC and should not be allowed on this site

                That’s just like your opinion. Plenty of people enjoy my slop

                • Venusta [any]
                  2 years ago
                  CW hostile, I'm sorry

                  okay sectarian

                  • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
                    2 years ago

                    Ok anti-AES sectarian, I’ll be the pro-AES sectarian if that’s where you and BadEmpanada are drawing the line

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        2 years ago

        The issue is that most of the lib internet considers stating facts like "Russia probably isn't shelling the nuclear power plant in Russian-held territory with American HIMARS rockets from the Ukrainian held direction" to be "pro-Russia", that's why it's notable.

        • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          Right...on it's face, banning 'anyone with pro Russia views' seems to not be terribly awful, seeing as Russia is it's own autocratic shithole.

          Until you consider that being against NATO for the role they have played in this conflict (and many others too numerous to list) and espousing views such as 'maybe Russia didn't bomb their own prison' are considered 'pro Russia' takes by every lib

        • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          Yeah, having watched the video (and other videos of BE) i wouldn't think he would consider that pro-russian.

          • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
            2 years ago

            Except that libs like him consider any anti-NATO argument as pro-Russia. You aren’t actually this naive are you? During the Iraq War would you go around banning anyone who is “Pro-Saddam”? Guess what, by fascist American definitions that’s everyone who isn’t marching in lockstep

            • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
              2 years ago

              Except that libs like him consider any anti-NATO argument as pro-Russia.

              He literally says in the video that waters is right when he says NATO broke their promise of not expanding eastward. It's very telling you never watched a single video by them lol (not like i could blame you, i have better things to do usually as well)

              • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
                2 years ago

                Tell me he wouldn’t ban SeventyTwoTrillion or Granit or Z Poster or myself. He would in an instant just for saying what we do on the news thread

                If his bar for what he bans includes anti-imperialist principled communists then it’s a bad bar

                • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
                  2 years ago

                  I don't know about Granit, i highly doubt he would ban SeventyTwo, Z Poster literally supported Russia and were very open about it. You are somewhere there i think as well.

                  I don't think myself it's principled antiimperialism when we are sincerely hoping one bloc with imperial ambitions (no, putin won't conquer Europe but they are clearly in Ukraine for their own political interest, which are purely capitalistic) triumphs over another but that's a different story and everyone here knows i'm an anarkiddie/trot/ultra anyway :shrug-outta-hecks:

                  • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
                    2 years ago

                    Was Russia being imperialist in Syria?

                    Is Iran being imperialist in Yemen and Palestine?

                • Vncredleader [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  You're getting angry at a hypothetical ban on a different platform.

                    • Vncredleader [he/him]
                      2 years ago

                      all of you calm down. Maybe that's true, and maybe you are getting worked up over what a third party would hypothetically do and whether that means this poster is good or bad. everyone calm down. This is not even a struggle session, just personal sniping and bad faith. I may not be a mod but all of you need to cool off and disengage. No "well blank started it", this is just sectarian at this point, ultra being a sectarian term or not doesn't really change that.

                      Yinz are better than this

                      • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
                        2 years ago

                        I’m just tired of people here defending these anti-China chauvinist breadtubers who are sectarian, then calling the people who point this out sectarian.

                        • Vncredleader [he/him]
                          2 years ago

                          Sure, but at the same time one can easily say that people shut down just about any critique of China here as sectarian. Being a leftist who's ideology is not aligned with China sure as heck is gonna seem "sectarian" here. I've been on both sides of this argument too many times, and know why everyone is defensive, but that's why I'm saying its unproductive. It always becomes a memorandum on breadtube and then China. It becomes a conversation ender and a whole lot of bad faith arguing. If any time BE is brought up it becomes a fight over if you can criticize china or if its just bad criticism and then who decides what is bad criticism, then we really are a sectarian mess. We allow posting about people who are sectarian, but sectarian swipes at one another HERE, including stuff not on the topic of the post is just going to get bad fast.

                          I can totally see why the other poste would feel like everyone was being super hostile. I get being woried about "ultra" becoming a thought terminating cliché, because it has become that in quite a lot of places including here. Heck I've seen people here say that any MLM is an ultra and because they dont approve of the current PRC they are fair targets for sectarianism, and when the Naxalites and NPA are mentioned in response they swore they are not MLMs "because MLMs are ultras and bad" essentially, but they know those groups are on the whole cool. Like it does become a self repeating "criticism of china means lib or ultra, and ___ are ultras so they are anti-china/___ are anti-china thus must be ultras" and that becomes the analysis. This was just discussed in another thread, by those standards the NPA in the Philippines should not be defended here and posting something the CPP said at all must be met with complaints about their stance on china. Heck we have Brace emotes and have posts about every ep of trueanon and Brace is pretty much of the same view as BE on China

                          It becomes exhausting for everyone

                • TrashCompact [none/use name]
                  2 years ago

                  Z-Poster was definitely something of an actual Russia stan. The name is a giveaway.

                  I do miss their non-harassment contributions to the site, though.

          • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
            2 years ago

            "Even slightly pro Russia" isn't stanning, it's the opposite

            • Kumikommunism [they/them]
              2 years ago

              No, it's not. What? The opposite of stanning something would be hating it. In what world is the opposite of uncritically supporting something just supporting it a little? That's not how that works.

              • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
                2 years ago

                I don't know comrade this is ultimately a semantic argument about the situational meaning of "opposite", which isn't that interesting. The opposite of having a highly dogmatic view of a topic is having a nuanced view where you are able to acknowledge both good and bad things about the topic :shrug-outta-hecks:

                • Kumikommunism [they/them]
                  2 years ago

                  well, yeah, but the point of my comment wasn't actually about the word. It's that you seemed to be presenting the only alternative to "stanning" Russia as just liking it but less.

                  I don't think there are any valid reasons from a socialist viewpoint to like Russia at all. You should obviously criticize Ukraine and the US, but there's nothing to gain from Russia.

    • Vncredleader [he/him]
      2 years ago

      A lot of Maupin types show up in his comments, I assume that's why he has that stance

  • emizeko [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I stopped paying attention to badempanada in 2018 after one too many China Bad takes

  • TheBroodian [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    BadEmpanada doesn't know how to do 'critical support'. I support him as a Comrade, but he puts way too much value in being PRECISELY RIGHT along a moral axis.

  • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    i hate this youtuber even when he post 'good' its like half hour long annoying streaming videos with the actual content of like, three paragraphs of text.

    fucking lazy dreck stop giving money to people to dispense their lukewarm takes as a job

    • tagen
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • Diogenes_Barrel [love/loves]
        2 years ago

        no it isn't. it's not like every single useful person to leftism is necessarily an on-the-ground organiser but this particular type of providing very low-quality and unorganized """education""" is not helpful.

        i think adam johnson and nima shirazi probably do better work on the pod than as two PSL door-knockers, but i struggle to find the good in some dude streaming and talking 'leftist' for entertainment bucks.

        • tagen
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

  • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Holy shit every time I watch a YouTuber or Twitch steamer I feel like I just took a section of my life and threw it in the trash. What a god-damned waste of time.

    • SadStruggle92 [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Hot take: Many Western leftists have secret anxiety about the diminishing influence and the impending collapse of the imperial core, especially those who come from an academic/affluent upper middle class background.

      Eh; I have anxieties about the ill-preparedness of the American Left in the event of that situation. I'm less actually concerned about the US not being "in charge" of things, because we're already a net exporter of most the shit that keeps the lights on & people fed; and it would be far from impossible for us to maintain a domestic industrial base if we weren't run by fuckin' ghouls in human skin suits.

      It's the problem of getting them out of power that I'm actually worried about.

  • GenXen [any, any]
    2 years ago

    How many more videos do they need to make to really sell the narrative that this "irrelevant" old rockstar lost this debate?

      • Cherufe [he/him]
        2 years ago

        In this site we produce our takes according to the title of the post and according with how much we like the people involved

      • GenXen [any, any]
        2 years ago

        "Roger Waters is very dumb but dumb people tend to like him because he says some things they like"

          • GenXen [any, any]
            2 years ago

            What happens is that the same short clip of a slightly heated Roger pushing back on the status quo narrative gets played everywhere on the internet like these takes are from outer space, which alludes to my first comment.

            Oh, but your boy here concedes some minor points while digging on the lib reporter too. Totally unique! I can't believe I didn't invest time to listen more from someone who introduces their argument with "Roger Waters is dumb, and if you think him doing this has any value whatsoever, you are dumb too."


            • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
              2 years ago

              "Oh, but your boy here concedes some minor points while digging on the lib reporter too." = 90% of the video is shitting on the lib reporter. you would really do yourself a favor by not trying to get worked up over the video's description but watch it, but you do you.

              • GenXen [any, any]
                2 years ago

                Nearly a quarter of the comments on this post are you trying to defend this video, but you're right, it's us that are angry and worked up over it.

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I agree that Waters is sometimes not making the best arguments, Biden fanning the flames in Ukraine isn't what makes him a war criminal, but badempanada is also putting words in his mouth that he then argues against without waters actually having said it.

    • HalidBeslic [he/him]
      2 years ago

      That's the reason why I put the video here in the first place. He just assumes so much about Waters based on nothing, while also being smug as hell. Also for his passionate defense of Biden. He paints him here as someone who is basically blameless for the situation in Ukraine. In my eyes, Biden is definitely a war criminal for not telling Zelenski to make peace with Putin. He is getting people killed because he wants to bleed Russia. He chose to fan the flames, and not to talk. America is partially responsible for all Ukrainian war crimes in my book.

      • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        his passionate defense of Biden. He paints him here as someone who is basically blameless for the situation in Ukraine.

        He explicitly says that Biden fanned the flames already before the war, he just thinks the ultimate blame is on Russia for pulling the trigger please watch the video.

        • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Too lazy to watch the video, but I know his Latam takes and I just can't imagine him saying that Biden/America is blameless lol.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    2 years ago

    For all of BE's edginess and pretensions, he doesn't really stray that far from what your average Anglo leftist believes. Palestine good, Cuba good, Vietnam good, China lesser evil, US bad, NATO bad. He has slightly better than NATO simps and cruise missile socialists, but that is undone by his general unhinged personality.

    Like all Anglo leftists, he defaults to the position that multipolarity isn't better but merely different from unipolarity even though virtually everyone living in the Global South knows this to be completely untrue and a self-serving statement made by people living within the imperial core.

    At the end of the day, he's just some Aussie living in a Latin American country where all the Nazis fled to, and that will affect his politics.

    • geikei [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      You would hope the average us "leftist" believes that China is the lesser evil and that NATO bad unequivocally but