post your takes folks
I still think it's gonna be trump
Trump will have a heart attack onstage in Iowa. Despite being legally dead, he will beat DeSantis by three points. After the caucus is called he will be revived somehow and make a hilarious joke about how DeSantis lost to a dead man and every other candidate will drop out. The evangelicals will read this all as the apocalypse coming.
'We'll bet thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts, ' said Fred, as he and George quickly pooled all their money, 'that Ireland win - but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch.'
why the fuck would anyone watch quidditch such a dogshit sport the only player that actually matters is the Seeker and if catching the snitch won't win their team the game then the only thing they should be doing it beating up the other team's seeker until the chasers make up the points deficit.
And yet you are posting nuanced critiques of an imaginary TERF island sport in a thread about election predictions
They made a Quidditch game on PS2 and the whole game is just filler until you get the semi-random event where your chaser is coming up on the snitch. You could afk and just pick up your controller in time to catch it and you'll win every time.
Oh my god that’s hilarious. Still better than the game made by the gamer gate nazi
As a kid I absolutely loved that game but it’s because I won every game against the cpus like 180 to 0 so I could just chill during the snitch minigame that should’ve been the majority of what mattered
Also wow it’s so obvious that JKR has never watched a sport Jesus Christ
I guess it's fitting that an imaginary game dreamed up by a deranged transphobe would have a position called a "chaser." :thonk-trans:
It's going to be like the Roman Empires. Each region of the US will be claimed by the true Q and/or his successor. Eventually it's going to consolidate into the Midwestern Q Union vs the Southern Q Republic
Alaska+Arizona+Oregon to recreate the stupid Skyrim+hammerfell+morrowind alliance
Worse, it was a Skyrim, Morrowind, Black Marsh alliance. Nevermind that Morrowind has been enslaving the argonians of black marsh until like two weeks before the game starts
Unless Donald Trump gets hit by a bus and fucking dies or decides to not run (Which I seriously doubt), I can't think of a single reason he WOULDN'T win. Most Americans hate to admit it, but Donald Trump is EXTREMELY popular in the Republican party and has an extremely devoted voter base. I just can't imagine people plastering DeSantis's face over everything like they do Donald Trump
I do think people on this site underestimate the added appeal DeSantis has with the “but Trump’s crude” old quiet suburbanite republicans. He also better appeals to capital, because he promises not to rock the boat as much (even though in practice I think he’ll do much more boat rocking).
But I also 100% think you’re right that Trump will win unless he dies
the funniest possible thing is Trump loses the election resoundingly, there's a January 6 Part 2, and then Biden resigns and the supreme court gives Trump the presidency out of a hope to "heal the nation"
Biden calls in the national guard to deal with the "extreme left protestors" in order to show a sign of bipartisanship :rosa-shining:
The democrats wouldn't do jack shit, AOC would post a twitter clapback, pelosi would use it to fundraise
Trump unless he dies. DeSantis if he dies. Either way the Dems lose.
Which I guess means I’m hoping for Trump 2024, which is horrifying
If Trump dies it’s either an intelligence agency or good ole heart disease, I don’t believe an individual can kill the man
Deep state comes out in force against Trump, and when it becomes clear that he's gonna win anyway, they get him with the heart attack gun.
maybe they just straight up jail the guy
That’s pretty much the way to do it aside from staging a congressional baseball moment. If he can steal nuclear codes and stop dodge jail, he’s effectively already taken over
I did bet my friends that if Trump sees the inside of a jail cell I’ll eat a maga hat, so for my own personal sake I hope that doesn’t happen.
And also because DeSantis is 100x scarier than Trump
Nah. He’s too smart to cross Trump. He’s setting himself up as the successor to lead the pack of hogs
Capital seemed to do just fine under Trump.
I hope you’re right though. Those two taking shots at each other is best case scenario
Trump. Trump has proved he can win, and a sure thing is a better bet than a risky newcomer.
If there's one thing Dems and Repubs like more than money it's power and the way to power is winning elections. Everything else is secondary to winning. I don't have to point out all the lies and promises you've heard from US politicians to sell their brand to consumers and it is consumers that :vote:
baring a visit from the angel of death, it's gonna be Trump
I think the really interesting question is, who will the VP be? DeSantis feels like the obvious pick, however... I wonder if Trump would allow it. I think he needs a Pence-like character. Someone to shove the boring work on, a personality that won't split the limelight. My gut says Ted Cruz has sufficiently bent the knee and kissed the ringed hand. Talented enough to play second fiddle yet sufficiently insufficient to usurp the stage.
Trump wins the nomination and dies of a heart attack right before the general. The nation proceeds to elect the corpse of Donald Trump as president
I think Trump is going to declare he's running insanely early in order to preempt getting indicted for the documents at Mar-a-Lago. When he does decleare it'll mean that the De Santis' and the Cruz's of the world will have to refrain from running, because they sold their soul to the MAGA crowd ages ago and they can't get off of Mr. Trump's Wild Ride now. There will be no primary; only a coronation.
If by some divine intervention he does get arrested, the Republican primary will be a competition to see who can capture the inevitable MAGA fury over Trump's arrest. Candidates will run on pardoning Trump, tearing down the FBI, and absolutely no material policy positions whatsoever. Of course, the winning candidate would never actually pardon Trump or reform the FBI. Trump getting arrested would have cleared the path to power for them and pardoning him would only threaten their position, and the FBI is already fash as fuck.
Desantis fizzles. He alienates the right for not doing enough to save Trump and clearly gunning for his position in the party (and gets astroturfed into oblivion by another billionaire that he pissed off for some incomprehensible reason), the Dems because they get sufficiently spooked about culture war shit, and normal people hate him because he's a fed who glows so bright you can see him from orbit.
If Trump runs, he wins. If he's prevented, the party rallies behind their own 11th hour John Kerry candidate. Look forward to the Tim Scott version of The National's Mr November.
source: my ass