Looks like his right eye was already headed down to hell, the rest of his body finally caught up
Assume he had a stroke before this and lost some muscle control in his face.
Motherfucker looks like he got his ass to Mars and forgot to wear a suit.
Also 'massive heart attack'. His last seconds would have been filled with excruciating pain and absolute fear and terror. So yeah, good job all round.
:amerikkka-clap: Probably had a consistent diet of cheese burgers and steak.
I think it's amazing how they managed to take the picture in the very moment it happened.
Hopefully it's another one of those situations where the ghoul didn't share his password to the most important secret plan files
What's the difference between a "massive" heart attack and a regular one?
Apparently there are actually a lot of degrees of heart attack, from very minor ones that cause damage but are unlikely to be noticed, to massive ones that kill very quickly. And all sorts of stuff in the middle. From what I understand that's part of the reason a lot of people doing go to the ER when they have a heart attack; the symptoms aren't as severe as they think a heart attack should be, so they assume it's something else.