Dude is unintentionally hilarious. Check out his patreon tiers.
politics is about addition, not subtraction
what the fuck does this even mean. i cannot stand how americans think in nothing more than platitudes. if it sounds good in my head, it must be true!
It's a fancy bullshit way of saying big tent politics good, appealing to specific alienated demographics bad.
Politics is when you throw oppressed minorities to the wolves, and the more minorities you feed to the wolves the more politics it is.
We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
This means that libs fetishize compromise as an end in itself so the more people you can bring in, the more compromised any core principles you proport to stand for are.
In politics, you cosin an agenda to split the pi or you'll go off on a tangent.
As far as I'm aware that change to his handle happened not long after Warren dropped out. He's just a grifter, can't believe this guy has more followers than the late Michael brooks did. JFC.
Politics is about addition, not substraction... Multiplication, not division... :pete: Exponentiation, not root extraction...
Check out his patreon tiers.
I looked them up they looked normal - why did you want us to check them out?
Fuck, he changed them. A few months ago they were named like "official Comrade tier" and "Own the Means of Production Tier". It was like give me a fucking break dude, you just "became" a leftist like 4 months ago.
wasn't that like 2 years ago now, not 4 months?
Not that it makes it not chringey
Yeah I'm not being precise with timelines. It seems like it's only been like 4-6 months ago to me. Those were just my thoughts the first time I browsed his patreon out of curiosity. I don't like.. hate Ryan or anything he's just a cringy dork IMO.
fair enough, just wanted to see if my time perception was off haha
I love how after the 2020 election he tried to pivot into being a pseudo Marxist and kept tweeting images he obviously made himself where liberals were supposedly making memes about how he was the most dangerous leftist and the next Lenin.
Yes the former Republican who stayed around just to fuck up Bernie and then fell in rank with the Dems (and also immediately dropped support for m4a) is the real savior of America...
Division would have worked better than subtraction in that tweet