He's almost as tall as Big Bird and probably way heavier. Even a panda will fuck you up and that's the least generous animal comparison. He isn't smart though so I think I could win. Distract with cookie and go for the neck.
exhales weed smoke bro, fucking, fucking cookie monster could fuck you up, especially when he's sober and not on the cookie dough.
We'll know if Hollywood was in this thread. There will be a Terminator spinoff...
ShowWhat if you both survived a plane crash and you only had a cookie? You don't get to choose to not fight him in that scenario. You can fight him over the cookie or over the corpses.
Yes, I would just bake a whole ton of cookies, then he'd be my best friend or something. Easiest way to win a fight, turn your enemies into your allies.
Do I get prep time? And if so, does Cookie Monster get prep time too?
You don't always get prep time in a combat situation. That's why I go for the neck. Paralyse the enemy and then prepare.