It's so obnoxiously narcissistic. "Oh, I am so above the unwashed normal people. I am not stupid, like a commoner. I'm the special superior chosen one. The main character. Me me me!"
No you aren't, nerd. You're an egotistical asshole.
Girl at the dog park told me her dog is the main character and she is the npc.
Those sorts of people are supposed to get cats. Dogs are natural masochists and live to serve.
tell my dog that she barks if I work past 5pm instead of paying her attention
My cat supervises me working and starts screaming if any of my meetings run long. She also tells me to stop working about 3 minutes earlier each evening
love my lil :sabo:
My cat does the same. She meows loudly if we aren't in our home office on time, and if we aren't upstairs at quitting time.
The only time I will accept the term. All hail our dog overlords :swole-doge:
There's a reasonably well grounded hypothesis that dogs and humans mutually domesticated each other. And there's another theory that rather than humans domesticating cats cats domesticated us.
While NPC is definitely a bit yikes. Normie might just refer to average every day people (you know people who just want to grill or exist somewhere between liberal/centrist/conservatism). Normies are functioning members of society who might get their news from msnbc or foxnews but are very often much happier and healthier than the person that uses the word normie. If you unironically use the word normie you are to be pitied because its very likely that your existence is a sad one.
Normie = emotionally well-adjusted person who has found success in life and is generally content about their identity and lot in life
and they make me sick :bern-disgust:
The phrase "Well adjusted to injustice" comes to mind.
Also, why don't we have any Cornel West emotes?
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
You can substitute "muggle" and it's pretty much the same word. People who aren't aware of what's going on and don't care.
:kitty-cri-screm: :meow-tableflip: :ooooooooooooooh: :NOOOOO: :wojak-nooo:
i've unironically run into dudes who think this. they need reeducation. and to wash their ass. :gamer-gulag:
I cannot imagine how uncomfortable that must feel for them.
Bidet sounds French and therefore using one makes you gay. I'm sorry I don't make the rules.
every aspect of that might be very dumb but at least it's anti-French C-
Those are great, but I'm assuming the people in question here don't like the idea of that either
People show their whole ass when they use NPC like that imo. It's like "alpha" in that regard.
So much of it feels like the "are we living in a simulation?" navel gazing pontification terminally online nerds routinely fall into.
Just the folks at the bottom of Plato's cave, coming to blows over what the shadows on the wall mean.
Is this a "You criticize people on the computer and yet you are on the computer..." :very-intelligent: thing?
It's an allegory about the nature of being a philosopher and trying to see how the world truly is.
Your paradox is good though, a lot of philosophy deals with the uselessness of philosophy.
I know what the allegory of the cave is, you don’t even need to go to Phil 101 to be familiar.
just making sure, no offense intended. I'd argue that Phil 101 is the best place for it actually.
you accuse people of having bizarre and extravagant fancies
I hardly have to accuse anyone. These are both well established.
I didn't make the rules, so it's not for me to decide
NPC talk tbh :chad:
Calling people "normies" made sense when the internet was small, but now it basically just means "democrats"
I take "normie" to mean "person who isn't terminally online". Being a normie is a good thing
I often use 'normie' as a stand-in for either 'neurotypical' or 'person who doesn't follow politics obsessively,' both of which I think are accurate and both of which distinguish them from me. I've always thought NPC was a weird thing to call people; it seems like people who use it are telling on themselves.
usually normie == neurotypical for me too, sometimes it means cishet
the sooner normies realize that they are bottomless, nihilist receptacles of consumption and not the main character of a movie the better off we will all be. its too bad that between the margins neoliberalism does not provide any experience that suggests u could be anything BUT the main character
The NPC meme is basically "If everyone around you is an asshole, then you're probably actually the asshole." but told from the perspective of an asshole.
I think they both have a value in discussion. Normie indicates you place in society society in a way we don't have tradional roles for.
NPC for example is when you want everyone to know you are insufferable
NPC is a fucking cringe :gamer-gulag: term because they don't know how to relate to people in real life so they use a term they are familiar with.
It's on the same level of saying they are going to get a sandwich to restore their "healthpoints".