I have proposed, in the past, that the JDPON should disperse the Amerikkkans throughout the Third World instead of allowing them to remain in occupied North America. Here are some of my reasons:

  1. A geographic concentration of Amerikkkans would facilitate counterrevolution. It would also be difficult to exercise proletarian dictatorship over hundreds of millions of enemies: we would need to import a huge unproductive sector of police and such from the Third World. As a practical matter, it would be better to thin the Amerikkkans out, making them minorities in the Third World, where they could easily be controlled and supervised by the international proletariat.

  2. Amerikkkans will need to undergo re-education. It would be very difficult to re-educate them in their own kkkountry. They need to be in a proletarian environment where they can learn from the masses.

  3. There are land claims to settle, mainly for the First Nations, but also for Aztlán [occupied Mexico -- MSH) and perhaps the Black nation. Conceivably some other nations could be moved to North America if they wished to be, such as Nauru or the small nations in Ghana whose land has been ruined by imperialist corporations. Amerikkkans are going to have to move out of much of North America and make room for other nations.

  4. Amerikkkan kkkulture is almost totally reactionary. There is little worth saving in Amerikkkan kkkulture. It would be better to force Amerikkkans to assimilate to the more culturally and politically advanced peoples of the Third World. There is also historic justice in forcing Amerikkkans to assimilate, just as they destroyed so many other nations and cultures.

  5. In the early stages of socialism, the Third World will require skilled workers and technicians of various kinds, including medical personnel. These persyns are disproportionately concentrated in the First World. Moving them to the Third World will be a practical way to address an urgent need.

  6. The Third World is also owed big reparations. An excellent way to make those reparations is to put Amerikkkans to work building infrastructure in the Third World: roads, housing, water supplies, sewage, electricity, telecommunications, schools. Amerikkkans can also work in Third World factories and fields to expand production for the benefit of the Third World.

  7. Part of the process of civilizing and proletarianizing Amerikkkans will be putting them to productive work--for a change. Amerikkka has so little productive capacity that there may not be many ways to put all those people to work in occupied North America. They may have to go to the factories and fields of the Third World.

8 ) Amerikkkans will need to be reduced to a Third World standard of living. If they stay in occupied North Amerikkka, they will benefit from the vastly better infrastructure and all the stolen wealth that they currently hold. It would be better to move them to the Third World as a way of accelerating the process of re-education.

  1. There are historical precedents for relocating large numbers of enemies. Millions of Germans were forced to move after the Soviet victory over fascism in World War II. Even enemies like the united $nakes and the "united" KKKingdom agreed that it was necessary to move Germans off land that was needed for Poles, Czechs, and others. Again, this is related to the national question of the First Nations, Aztlán [occupied Mexico -- MSH], and the Black nation.
  • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Sketchy new accounts and making weird edgy posts that get downvoted, name a more iconic duo

    • a_dog [any,he/him]
      4 years ago

      lol i know chapos are libs but has it really made it to the “LF memes are sketchy / you’re a russian bot” phase

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Nobody's calling you a bot kid, just a dumbass. pretty sure "sketchy new account" refers to your whole post sounds like what insane right wingers think the left is.

        • a_dog [any,he/him]
          4 years ago

          christ did you just get internet yesterday or just hate fun stuff or something? this is a classic from monkeysmashesheaven durinh the LF heyday

        • a_dog [any,he/him]
          4 years ago

          laissez’s fair, the old subforum on somethingawful that spawned all the different online lefts. chapo guys were lf posters for example

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Include me in the screenshot of cool comments you'll take back to wherever. But let me contribute.

    Uh...we need to take AmeriKKKan white people's hamburgers. Because AOC said that to honor the pagan goddess gaia, we need to defeat the white man and install communism.

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is your brain on undialectical Third Worldism.

    Family separations of mixed race families, but woke.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This reads more like what some dumb teen chud thinks the left wants.

  • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I have proposed, in the past

    your account is less than an hour old

    oh sorry i meant akkkount, seeing as how we are mortal kombat now

    • Melon [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      it's related to Maoist Third-Worldism, "joint-dictatorship of the proletariat of oppressed nations" (I had to look it up)

      From the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement:

      Throughout the history of world imperialism there has been a massive accumulation of wealth in the core imperialist countries of the First World. We understand that to move forward in the hope of Communism without reconciling the vast division of wealth and labor between the First and Third Worlds can only produce social imperialism; Communism cannot be built over the hoards of stolen wealth in the core, to advance this contradiction must be resolved.

      Settlers more or less goes into Third Worldism too, but a common criticism of the whole "lower the standard of living in the First World" stuff is how nobody's life is dramatically made better with the existence of cars and single unit housing despite how exceptionally expensive (and resource hungry) those "developments" are.

      • KiaKaha [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Oh right.

        This feels a little bit crude tbh. The most important thing is infrastructure, and that’s not really something you can pick up and take away. Make huge investments into the global south, sure. But it’s difficult to pick up a nuclear power plant, solar farm, or rail network and drop it down elsewhere. Better to spin up construction and turn it outward.

        • Melon [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          yeah, the First World lifestyle is needlessly costly because the infrastructure demands it and the infrastructure can't be discarded without leading to losses of standard of living in the short term...

          maybe the third worldists are right

          • KiaKaha [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Infrastructure makes life less costly though, least in terms of new labour needed to sustain it.

      • a_dog [any,he/him]
        4 years ago

        are you high single family houses fucking own, it’s just that we kill and displace and enslave a bunch of third worlders to have em

    • a_dog [any,he/him]
      4 years ago

      joint dictatorship of the proletariats of oppressed (or exploited) nations

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Ideas like this, in addition to being extremely undialectical, have no basis in a possible future reality. How, exactly, do you propose to achieve this? The literal physical work of removing 250 million people and scattering them around the world? Who will do it?

  • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    This is either a middling bit that goes on for too long, or the result of a complete lack of understanding of socialist principles being filtered through a punitive and small-picture mind.