Permanently Deleted

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    We're mostly an aggregator for choice reddit/twitter/podcast/discord slop. I can't think of anything that's unique to Hexbear apart from maybe :funny-clown-hammer: and a few of the other hyper-specific emojis.

  • The_Dawn [fae/faer, des/pair]
    2 years ago

    Yeah this definitely feels :pepe-silvia:. There's like 200 active accounts here. Even if if we do the reddit demographic "1% of the ppl actually engage with the site and the rest are lurkers" (I highly doubt that on a site like this, most ppl who use the site seem to comment/post semi-regularly) that means 20,000 ppl have visited this site, worldwide. That's really not that much reach, and leftist memes/online culture definitely tend to converge on the same memes and such regardless of what corner of the internet you're on.

    Not to mention this site is literally based off of a podcast. If anything we got our humor from leftist podcasts, not the the other way. People here don't seem to listen to anything besides CTH/WTYP/Citations Needed/The Deprogram/I Forget What Parasocial Leftie Cast Is Popular These Days

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      2 years ago

      C'mon, nobody here listens to CTH.


    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Yeah this definitely feels . There’s like 200 active accounts here. Even if if we do the reddit demographic

      Eh, and this is why I said similar sites.

      Not to mention this site is literally based off of a podcast.

      And many of the new podcasts came directly from r/cth posters. We used to have tons of these people actively posting there, advertising their shows.

  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    2 years ago

    you should definitely go outside people stealing memes from our forum is actually not a big deal and might even spread our correct takes.

    Also it sounds like you are consuming too much internet media

    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Spent 9 hours in the park with a potential new love interest yesterday. My vitamin D levels are well. Today is my sitting in underwear day, thank you though.

      Maybe you could take a walk. You could consider the potential implications of grifters taking the limited funds of a working class audience by simply and insincerely stealing the words of other, better, people?

        • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          In the sociological sense, recuperation is the process by which politically radical ideas and images are twisted, co-opted, absorbed, defused, incorporated, annexed or commodified within media culture and bourgeois society, and thus become interpreted through a neutralized, innocuous or more socially conventional perspective.

          TLDR: People some times say "hey I'm a socialist" for profit, they then use the works of actual socialists to reinforce this idea. Historically this has had negative ramifications for the left because it misdirects energy, finances, etc. that could be better used for anything else.

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    This is just an internet phenomenon generally. Influencers and other content creators very regularly recycle jokes and ideas they've seen from normal internet interactions.

    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      normal internet interactions.

      Hm, this would make sense. I tend to avoid most internet nonsense, and so it's possible a culture shift made this behavior acceptable and I missed it. Shitty if so, the posters did the work and these influencers/content creators/thieves live very very comfortable lives as a result.

        • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          Yeah, I understand. I do it too.

          What I think I failed to communicate is these are sometimes full-on sentences repeated verbatim. I used to be a "stand-up guy" as a teenager and I have a weird memory for jokes as a result.

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      2 years ago

      "normal internet interactions"

      That's a good one. I'm stealing that.

    • duderium [he/him]
      2 years ago

      One day I’m going to be walking in the local grocery store parking lot and I’ll overhear someone talking about bug-eating white pmc dsa karens, I just know it. I already heard a boomer shout “nobody wants to work!” when he was getting out of his truck at a gas station.

    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      That's true but there's a difference between someone trying to score internet points and someone making sure they have enough content to maintain their lucrative lifestyles. If you make a living selling your ideas, the onus is on you to (do your best) to make sure they are actually your ideas.

      • blight [any]
        2 years ago

        There are no original ideas :astronaut-1:

        • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
          2 years ago

          Pretty sure the sentence "I need to be a communist, but cool and hip" has never been stated before.

        • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          There are original forms of communicating those ideas though, and that's where the theft of work is.

          Unless we decided to give Orwell a pass for his plagiarism too, I think it's fair to expect people on our side to do their own work.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It’s because we’re all just reading off of twitter and rewording it on our own chosen platforms

  • determinism2 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Start posting made-up figures of speech and other neologisms, pretend like everyone knows what it means, categorize them and see where they emerge in leftist media.

    That would be pretty mondo-large if you ask me.

  • Fishroot [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    All podcasts are manufactured by the Brooklyn-New York industrial complex

  • leftofthat [he/him]
    2 years ago

    What's plagiarism? Sounds like it involves some kind of :LIB: ownership concept that I'm not familiar with. How does one come to "own" an idea?

    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      What’s plagiarism?

      George Orwell found innocent on all accounts, by the truest communists. I'm pretty sure the Soviets had a methodology for remembering who wrote what book, and ensuring credit.

      If not, I am the director of Solaris (1972). AMA and give me money.

        • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          I welcome evidence of any successful leftist state project that did not give credit to authors, filmmakers, etc. Legitimately curious to see what that would look like.

              • leftofthat [he/him]
                2 years ago

                you'd have to describe the difference, I could be. I'm talking about when someone thinks they own an idea and can control how others use that idea (for example, requiring that person to acknowledge the original author of the work). Sort of like being a landlord over that idea and renting it out. Sometimes for a fee, sometimes just for recognition. If that's not right then yeah I'm probably mistaken. I think it's wrong to take domain over an idea to the point where you would try and control how someone else uses it. Let it go. But I understand people who feel otherwise (in housing as well as in intellectual property).

                • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                  2 years ago

                  So I'm strongly against copyright, IP, etc. I'm also not talking about vague ideas, but rather a specific combination of words someone put together in order to make a functional joke.

                  For the term plagiarism I am using this particular definition:

                  the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

                  I think there's benefit in knowing who wrote what specific book, what song, etc. I like following bands and authors, I like knowing whose work were influential and why, and I like knowing that my doctor didn't just copy the test notes from the guy next to him. In this sense the concept of plagiarism is important to me.

                  Your landlord example would be apt for my purposes. Just as people once just lived on land, posters here are simply vibing and entertaining, educating, and helping each other. Reposting, rephrasing a joke - great. :dead-dove-1: is my favorite example of this on the site.

                  The landlords here would be those who take those ideas and then exploit them for profit, resulting in a much higher standard of living than the original "author." These podcasts are all subject to copyright, branding, etc. The Chapo guys, strictly as an example, have stated they're against piracy of their "special" projects. That means the free things generated in leftist spaces are now part of that brand.

                  • leftofthat [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    I think there’s benefit in knowing who wrote what specific book, what song, etc

                    It's when you stop other people from acting in order to obtain this benefit that crosses the line for me. I think it's a great if you want to know the original author of a work, and I wish you could get that information in a way that didn't involve punishing folks for their behavior. But it doesn't seem to me like those things can be separated.

                    Stealing answers on a test isn't plagiarism it's cheating you should respect the difference if you're discussing in good faith.

                    Plagiarism is just stolen valor for nerds

                    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                      2 years ago

                      I think it’s a great if you want to know the original author of a work, and I wish you could get that information in a way that didn’t involve punishing folks for their behavior. But it doesn’t seem to me like those things can be separated.

                      Again, I'm talking about a verbatim copy with no new material. I sincerely, in good faith, am trying to believe you do not think an ideal world is one where there's 8000 people claiming to have authored the exact same copy of Lord of the Rings. We need this to understand history; who said what, and why.

                      I do not understand why putting somewhere, anywhere, on your art "original idea by whoever" is such a big ask. You can even say "The rapist, George Orwell, came up with this initially and we fixed it." I do not care.

                      Stealing answers on a test isn’t plagiarism it’s cheating you should respect the difference if you’re discussing in good faith.

                      Okay, fine, you're right. But how about xeroxing a thesis or dissertation, and passing it off as your own?

                      Plagiarism is just stolen valor for nerds

                      Okay, but you're failing to address the implications of what you're suggesting.

                      • leftofthat [he/him]
                        2 years ago

                        I honestly don't see the implications.

                        I am not lying when I say I don't care how many Lord of the Rings versions there are. Someone will recommend one to me.

                        If you pass off an academic thesis as your own I'm assuming it's for something like a grade? That sounds like cheating. Same as copying answers. Not plagiarism. If you're passing off an academic thesis on your website blog as your own, no one is harmed.

                        I don't think you need to mandate author tracking to understand history. But I am open to considering how to make sure a society can function.

                        • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                          2 years ago

                          I honestly don’t see the implications.

                          So then, let's pick on a target I assume we both dislike. Do you think Joe Biden plagiarizing the speeches of others to attempt to gain the presidency was a good thing, and we should have just let him be president in 87?

                          I am not lying when I say I don’t care how many Lord of the Rings versions there are.

                          Again, (1) version, singular. With multiple people claiming authorship, and no way to discern it. You don't think this could be used to further muddy the waters? What about Das Kapital, or the Bread Book? Do you think it would have been acceptable to allow the national socialists to claim those as their own, with no methodology to disprove it?

                          If you pass off an academic thesis as your own I’m assuming it’s for something like a grade?

                          It's a requirement of a degree, typically. It is a form of evidence you are capable in your field before receiving accreditation.

                          That sounds like cheating.

                          Okay, so plagiarism is a form of cheating. If you really want we can say "Joe cheated by xeroxing, 1:1, an exact copy of this paper written by another potential doctor" every time, but I personally prefer a single word. Enjoy my run-on sentences being worse if you get your way.

                          • leftofthat [he/him]
                            2 years ago

                            I'm not trolling these are honest answers it's clear we feel differently.

                            Do you think Joe Biden plagiarizing the speeches of others to attempt to gain the presidency was a good thing, and we should have just let him be president in 87?

                            I honestly don't care if he did or didn't do this and do not think he should be punished for passing off words as his own. He should be judged by his words and actions.

                            I don't care who "owns" the bread book. Claim whatever you want. It doesn't change the text of the book.

                            Plagiarism can be a form of cheating, yes. So is lying. I would oppose a law against lying on the same grounds I would oppose a law against plagiarism. And likewise would support laws against cheating and fraud.

                            • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                              2 years ago

                              He should be judged by his words and actions.

                              This is what happened, but only because people were able to find the original authors of the speeches. Spoiler: He didn't go to jail.

                              I'm not talking about laws here, not once. I'm just suggesting that some podcasters/youtubers/influencers/whatever steal whole content to fill their run time while making a profit off of it and then locking (intentionally or not) that once free material behind copyright. I think that is shitty. I have never once mentioned laws to punish them, instead simply I suggested (if my suspicion were accurate) people probably shouldn't pay as much attention to them or give them money to live extravagant lifestyles. Do you disagree with this statement?

                              • leftofthat [he/him]
                                2 years ago

                                people probably shouldn’t pay as much attention to them or give them money to live extravagant lifestyles. Do you disagree with this statement?

                                Yes I disagree with this statement. I could not give a shit whether or not people give money to folks who entertain them. I would not presume to tell someone how they should be reacting to something

                                • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                                  2 years ago

                                  I would not presume to tell someone how they should be reacting to something

                                  Okay, but you did start this conversation with a comment calling me a lib for using a word I had to define for you. That feels really hypocritical. Maybe you don't presume to tell someone, but instead hurl insults? idk. I do not understand who you think I am, or what I'm trying to accomplish. I had to define plagiarism for you, you simply ignore points I make, and seem to think I'm arguing for legislation against podcasts and lying - things I never once mentioned.

                                  I give up. You're either trolling, or we are incapable of communicating effectively on this subject. If you're not trolling, I still hope you have a great day/evening.

                                  I also hope you'll consider the medical thing I mentioned - it's a serious blind spot in your worldview that will harm others if ever implemented. I hope you're not okay with that.

                            • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                              2 years ago

                              Example of implication of what you're suggesting. My new love interest has a serious medical condition. She suffers seizures, blindness, and a host of other nightmares. She is one of four of five documented people with this condition. She and her PCP rely studies by the two doctors who have ever dealt with this. Their names are on the studies, and because of this they have made contact and are working together. This is probably why she is alive right now.

                              If every grifter with a medical degree slapped their names on these studies she would have no way of verifying who could provide legitimate care. Without a chain of authorship it would be entirely on her to judge each and every doctor and whatever made-up treatments they suggested. That is a really fucked up situation.

                              Anyway, enjoy your day.

                              • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                                2 years ago

                                the treatment of medical issues is simply more important than shitposting

                                we are not academics working on cutting edge research here we are laughing at the same damn picture of a pig

                                • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                                  2 years ago

                                  I never asked about treatment, or cutting edge research. Not once.

                                  I simply asked for theory, history, or education on how the proposal of letting anyone claim authorship would work. That was not provided. So I provided examples of what I see as shortcomings of the idea of letting anyone claim authorship. I probably took it personally, but it was a real response to an idea that does not work without harming someone I care about.

                                  Insisting something is a good idea without being able to provide any additional details is well below the bar of the typical conversation here. If they did not want to provide details, or could not - they could have disengaged. I did so once I realized they did not.

                                  None of this matters, I was talking about stupid jokes on stupid podcasts.

                                  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
                                    2 years ago

                                    My point is that the established culture in academia is different to memesharing and exporting a code of conduct designed around protecting careers and effective research to one of people just typing nonsense they stop thinking about in 30 minutes is unreasonable

                                    • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                                      2 years ago

                                      I did not take the conversation in this direction, the person I responded to did. The poster I was responding to brought up their ideas, legislation, and any other number of topics unrelated to my post.

                                      It is not comparable, you are right. But I was willing to engage with the ideas brought up in response because I was interested in what they were saying, and they have historically had good insights.

                            • JustAnotherCourier [none/use name]
                              2 years ago

                              It does, because it stopped him from running for president in 1988:

                              In September 1987, however, reports emerged that he had plagiarized a speech by the British Leader of the Opposition and Labour Party Leader, Neil Kinnock. Other allegations of past law school plagiarism and exaggerating his academic record soon followed and Biden withdrew from the race later that month.

                              In this instance, because he was accused of plagiarism, or cheating, or lying, or whatever you want to call it - he did not have the opportunity to become president. Because he copied other people's speeches and those speeches had documented authors, people were able to call him on his bullshit in a public forum and prevent his run.

  • Parzivus [any]
    2 years ago

    Good. I want my posting to be so powerful that influencers adopt it into their ideology. I will make them learn historical materialism through my posts and disseminate it to their fans, all while I keep calling them all grifters (which is true 90% of the time).

  • solaranus
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator