from an israeli propaganda film (what is it with zionists and cartoonish queerphobia?)
no no no no don't look at this one you're supposed to look at this one
ShowThis picture is dystopian as fuck. Godamn. Never seen it before, but that's something. Waving a flag of love while in a land turned into rubble, flattenes by bombs, no doubt standing on the buried bodies of children. Such insincere appropriation of the word love. Damn. This one hurts.
seems like fatphobia but who the hell knows with these freaks
Simultaneous fatphobia and "you own product but you are communist, curious" bs
Don't listen to all these other people, it's actually
to show that they're extra based
Once again the title of this paper from 2014 nails zionists:
(its not actually that relevant in this case, buuuut: zionists and homophobia name a more iconic duo)
"See, this is what you weirdoes look like to your heros."
"We thank you for your generous support friend. Every bit of help is precious."
Wow, who would have thought the fascist ethnostate state is queerphobic, I am shocked!
It’s me that’s a picture of me
Edit: I actually watched the video and that gay voice is straight out of South Park season 1. Glad to see people pushing the boundaries of animation.
These sticky notes are bringing me back to old school SJW discourse
ShowMe writing my post-it notes to remember things and just barely remembering to write "ignorance is strength" because I keep forgetting this critical belief
Yours seems to be tweeting for 5 years for 52 followers. Perhaps stick to your day job (do you even have one?)
Imagine thinking that's an own
The sense of humor which sustained a people for thousands of years.
I feel like this could have used a content warning, its not amazing coming to the secret comrades hangout and seeing shit like this, the whole vibe of it is so gross