He is currently developing a rival shooter, DEADROP, an extraction-based game with blockchain elements including NFTs initially sold to access early versions.
Dr Disrespect thinks 5g causes cancer or something and got shungite to protect against it. the man is braindead.
My favorite thing about Dr. Disrespect is the time I saw a clip of him at an awards show, and he was still wearing his sunglasses and headphones because if he didn't nobody would recognize him
Without his glasses and headphones id think he'd look like that guy from my name is earl
I tried to figure out who he was once, and the first clip I saw was some inane bullshit speech about climbing a mountain. It was presented as a 'moment'.
He’s the motherfuckin 2 time baby, the 2 time back to back loser
Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.
Streamers are so exhausting.
Has Baby Gronk taken a position on this yet?
:grillman: I can't even tell if you're making this shit up lol
it was very convincing, are you, like, a writer or something? :)
He’s gotta watch what he says otherwise he can’t lead LSU to the championship
Streamers are collectively worse than Youtubers and TikTokers with their open bigotry.
Streamers are generally worse versions of conventional celebrities. Less talented, and without the PR training to not be so glaringly off-putting.
Oh cool, I already thought he was a huge dickhead, now I have tangible reasons to dislike him
what's the point of playing a character if you make the character you play unlikeable and toxic to marketers?
Is it even playing a character if the person is also unlikable and toxic?
just pretending you're playing a character by wearing a ridiculous haircut and sunglasses
Wasn't this loser banned from Twitch ages ago? He only has youtube and tiktok, he makes fuck all from them and is forced to massively shill products while he still has any relevancy. He latches onto anything and everything he can just to survive because without Twitch he has to work massively harder just to prevent decline, he's been flat for years now.
Man peaked like 3 years ago. He's going nowhere. Go ahead and make yourself less visible asshole.
Then he might have to get a real job where he produces something of value instead of playing the most boring shooter of all time while almost being racist
Did we ever find out exactly why he was banned from twitch? That whole thing seemed weird.