Hunter is going upstream for a long time sweetie.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Rare good thing from the US. Gotta be honest I do not understand the ironic adoration of Hunter Biden by the online US left at all. He's a terrible person that deserves to go to jail. From dodgy prostitution scandals, taking advantage of women, to corruption in Ukraine (which is very suspicious in hindsight given the Ukraine war and all the money that is exchanging hands currently).

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      3 months ago

      american leftists "like" hunter in the same way we "like" trump, they're funny while also being terrible and there's fuck-all we can do about it so better to laugh

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        3 months ago

        This guy doesn't see that comrade Trump has synthesized Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzaloism with Burger Characteristics!

          • spectre [he/him]
            3 months ago

            (we need a macro or bot for the comrade Trump pasta):

            Folks, the bourgeois, they're no good, more and more people are saying it. All these workers— the biggest, we have the biggest workers— very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they're right. These bourgeois are very nasty people, very very rude, and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me every day and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say look, the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction, believe me. The means of production, Obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. Landlords? They're done for folks. Everyone told me— they said, Comrade Trump you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess who's laughing now?

    • Mokey [none/use name]
      3 months ago

      Its funny that hes a piece of shit loser who is a massive stain protected by liberal

    • NewLeaf [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Seriously, he's a piece of shit, and even ironically saying he's "cool" is fucking stupid. How many lives has he ruined? How many times has he endangered others lives on camera?

      • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
        3 months ago

        I genuinely don't know. I've only paid attention to it enough to know he smokes crack and a bunch of republican senators were trading his dick pics.

      • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        It doesn't really seem like he's actually ruined all that many lives. None of the pedophilia or sexual abuse accusations seem to be true afaict (Republicans made up a lot of stuff about what was on that laptop). The prostitution scandal seems to just him paying prostitutes with stolen money, not about harming people. His previous partners also seem to mostly describe parting "amicably". In terms of corruption, that money probably would be gone anyway. It's kind of hard to quantify the harm he did in Ukraine. His own life really seems to be the only one "ruined".

        He had sex with some of his employees, which is bad, but I'm not sure it's "life ruining". The power dynamic means they can't really consent, but also nobody has brought any charges against him related to that. The prostitutes across state lines thing is illegal (and technically trafficking), but also they were already prostitutes and they went across state lines voluntarily (and no charges were filed).

        Endangering other people, that might hold more weight. There's that other comment about him speeding while smoking crack, and there might well be more stuff, but still.

        • Tunnelvision [they/them]
          3 months ago

          That’s not completely true because I’m pretty sure the laptop had a video of him speeding in a sports car while actively smoking crack. If he had hit someone they’d definitely be dead.

        • usa_suxxx [they/them]
          3 months ago

          The man literally did an imperialism in Ukraine. No lives ruined. Sure

        • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
          3 months ago

          If by "zero" you mean "there is zero chance a crack addicted nepo baby sex pest has not ruined several lives" then sure

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      3 months ago

      The ironic adoration comes from the fact that liberals cover their ears and eyes completely to Hunter. He is completely off limits to speak of. They want you to believe that a high ranking politician’s kid who has no experience with anything suddenly has qualifications for managing an oil company in a foreign country and that his prostitutes and crack smoking are private affairs while prosecuting anyone who doesn’t have a rich daddy for the same crimes

      It also comes from conservatives not giving a shit about any of that and just scream “HUNTER HAD SEX AND SCAMMED A BUNCH OF BUSINESSMEN”

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        Also I've always felt like conservatives are almost holding water for Hunter. They focus entirely on his laptop and suggestions that Hunter was part of a Satanic pedophile murder orgy. The reality is much more boring. Hunter's just some rich idiot from an influencial family. His dad is famous and powerful. So that creates the type of person who Hunter is, someone who will indulge in excesses and never face real consequences until this exact moment.

        He smokes crack and frequents prostitutes. He got a bunch of jobs he wasn't qualified for. Nepotism can't be the answer, instead it's a weird shock thing for conservatives about pictures of his dick or vague suggestions about murdering kids or whatever.

      3 months ago

      I also think that part of it is like, everyone around Hunter has a body count in the hundreds or thousands (or more), while he himself is something much more relatable - a junkie with rich parents. He's a piece of shit who exploits women and he got a bullshit job because of who his dad is, but our system chooses to punish him and not the warmongers he is surrounded by, and even in punishing him our system doesn't punish him for any of the truly shitty things hes done but for a technicality that makes us all roll our eyes.

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      3 months ago

      I'll be honest I haven't really kept up with the Hunter drama much. I knew about all the foreign companies that kept giving him BS "consultant jobs", and about the lying on a gun form thing, and doing tons of meth and hanging out with sex workers, but beyond that I really don't have any solid deets about his antics. I mean anyone that rich is going to be a piece of shit but I haven't heard anything beyond typical party-boy failson shit.