Oh, come on! What are the odds we're gonna ignore two ongoing pandemics?
If this bird flu kicks off a double digit percent of the country is going to die.
Based on available human case data to date, the case fatality rate of avian influenza A(H5N1) is approximately 52%. However, this may be an overestimate given that mild infections can go undetected and under-reported.7 days ago
They made it so much worse. Essentially any person you encounter (the language says "occupant" of a public or private space iirc) can legally require you to remove your mask.
so they are basically encouraging vigilante shit. so if someone has a mask, any rando can what like arrest you over it? murder you in cold blood and get off scott free?
they are really leaving this thing wide open for horrible violence
Liberty from terrible wokescold scientists and researchers and death as explained by terrible wokescold doctors and hospice staff
Can we start referring to American Lolberts as “anarkiddies”?
Because that’s their ideology. Everyone should just do whatever they want even if it screws with decent people in the process…your rights end where my hedonism begins.
the House of Representatives modified the bill to allow “a medical or surgical grade mask for the purpose of preventing the spread of contagious disease,” keeping some aspects of the health exemption for mask-wearing. But, on public or private properties, like at grocery stores or at a workplace, people can be required to remove masks if requested
But on public or private properties?
What other properties exist? Isn't that... Everything? Is there property that is neither public nor private?
It's to throw red meat at the anti COVID mask crowd to get their votes to further.....fight woke cultural Marxism or something like that.
Hopefully this drives activists to consider more guerilla tactics for being heard vs. Standing somewhere with signs (aka being ignored 99% of the time)
It is now illegal to exist in public without exposing your face to the mass surveillance apparatus in NC
Please take your mask off for the security camera
Even at the height of the pandemic, only like 50% of people in NC would even wear masks. Chuds here would refuse to wear masks as a political signifier. Some chuds would even wear thin fake masks that would look like a mask but not prevent covid transmission. Anyone who wore a mask was treated as a social outcast and sometimes even accosted by random chuds. Laws like this are going to encourage even more violence against protestors and anyone with enough common sense to wear a mask.
NC is mostly reactionaries and fundamentalist Christians who love Israel because they think Israel will bring the rapture. The very few university protests in support of Palestine protests have already been attacked by police and counter protestors.
As a history example of how NC as treated open communists, in 1979, the CWP Communist Workers Party held an anti Ku Klux Klan rally in Greensboro. The Klan showed up and murdered 5 CWP members. The 8 suspected Klan members were acquitted of all charges in 1984, faced no consequences. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_massacre
Here is some local news coverage from the past month.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuXrMgGgMxg (An encampment at UNC Charlotte was removed by Police. The media claims that they encampment wasn't students but composed of outsiders.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGcwApH6fKI (Police attack protestors at UNC Chapel Hill with pepper spray. Protestors raise the Palestinian flag. Counter protestors raise the US flag. Read the comments on the video to see public opinion in NC)I would have chuds come at me for my mask. Would just tell them I have covid. They would slink away.
Rs have a supermajority in the NC house and senate, so shit like this will probably be forced through.
I think this what I was hearing about recently on a "Death Panel Podcast" episode.
There was a law on the books that says something like, wearing a mask while committing a crime is a big no no. It was in response to farmer protests, who would cover their faces while protesting.
COVID required some changes to the law on the books.