So many libs are gonna be down and out after this, like they’re not gonna believe that wandering shouting VOTE at random people couldn’t get them the win. We need to have like pamphlets and memes we can spam literally fucking everywhere to highlight the failures of the dems and give people resources to learn more about communism
Trolling Dems for four years is the plan no matter who wins.
Trolling blue no matter who
I wouldn’t put all my chips on Biden losing. In fact we should prepare for what we’re gonna do with a Biden win.
Don't vote for Biden. Voting for Biden is not harm reduction.
"Standing next to Dems" is the only reason we have any representation in the bourgeois press, we can distinguish ourselves by distinguishing ourselves. A Biden presidency will be nothing but more "democrats vs republicans" and people will come out thinking Biden is a radical socialist.
Yeah, I agree "do you vote for Biden" isn't really that important of a discussion, but I talk about unimportant things all the time.
When it comes to how the media treats the protests, it'll be the same as it's always been. Some of them are legitimate, the violence is from Russian agitators or whatever. It's not MSM representation of the left.
especially an obviously goulish and anti-socialist reactionary like Biden
Libs already know Trump sucks. Trump winning will not convince them of anything. Libs need to be convinced Democrats suck, too, and Biden has a better chance of doing that.
Of course there are tons of reasons not to vote for Biden, too.
Libs already know Trump sucks. Trump winning will not convince them of anything. Libs need to be convinced Democrats suck, too, and Biden has a better chance of doing that.
What makes you think they won't side with him because he's "their guy"?
Some will, some won't. Arguably, seeing Biden win and then fail to accomplish anything will radicalize more libs than seeing Biden lose. Think of how many libs maintain that the country's Covid response would have been way better under Hillary. The benefit of not being in power is that you can Monday morning quarterback everything to death; it's harder to do that if you're the one calling the shots.
I mean my messaging is do whatever vote you want, oppose anyone who stands in your way
Fuck that, our messaging should be "let the libs work their fucking asses off to get Biden elected, so that if he wins and does absolutely fucking nothing, some of those liberals might have their worldview shattered and have to face reality for once in their lives"
I don’t think many people on this site think that trying to radicalise libs is a good use of time. It’s just that this site and it’s community are online and therefore mostly interact with other people and politics online. And of the major factions in online politics, liberals are the closest ideologically to them and are easy to bait into arguments where you can dunk on them.
TL;DR the working class isn’t online.
If you think the working class isn’t online then you’re not in their spaces
Ha, when you put it that way it's definitely our version of trying to "appeal to the moderates".
Younger libs might still be radicalized. A lot of Warren voters that aren't just personality 'Yaaas Kween' worshippers might be radicalized by trying to get them to examine their ideology.
But most suburban libs are lost causes that will just follow the party leadership. I agree that trying to convince most of the suburban voters is not going to happen and a waste of energy.
Just spam "should've VOTEd Sanders" at them like I plan to do, like the last cycle.
as much as this should be done, it’s extremely optimistic to think they’ll just be down and out and not making wild accusations blaming Russia, China, Bernie, etc
If 2016 wasn’t a wake up call for these people, they’ll be delusional until the bitter end
CTH got me after Russiagate started and nothing happened. I was stuck on Orange Man BAD for a good year or two since all of media was cashing in on it.
Since we're currently living in a
societycool zone I think people are already ripe for the picking this year.Taking me back to when I was a socialist who intensely cared about Russiagate.
(Yes, a full anti capitalist, not a soc dem)
Yep, I've got several aged reddit accounts I plan on using to go to r/neoliberal and post Bernie pics asking "Where did that bring you? Back to me" after Biden loses.
Oh man, I could sell so many fucking newspapers as society collapses around me
We will parachute them into the American establishment. They'll have it split into a thousand warring factions before the week's out
Nah, they will call the cops accusing you of being an antifa terrorist and feel good about it thinking "these disgusting Bernie bots caused Biden to lose, let them die in a clandestine death camp".
I tell you, they will enjoy it.
Not really. Bush and Gore were nearly neck and neck, and Gore lost more because Florida rigged the election, but it was very tight. Hillary lost because of our idiot electoral college system. Biden has polled well above what either of them did consistently for the past six months.
Not really.
Proceeds to list reasons why Gore and Hillary lost due to unfair election circumstances.
My point was more that they both lost very narrow races, and Hillary lost pretty much fair and square.
Under the rules of the current electoral system yeah I guess she lost fairly. But I wouldn't call the current system anything close to fair. The narrowness of the races has nothing to do with anything.
The current system isn't fair, but when you run you're agreeing to the terms. She had the opportunity to overrun her polls but she didn't--she took the last few weeks of her campaign to fuck around in Arizona like a dipshit.
And the narrowness absolutely counts. Ballot box bullshit really only impacts (only, I say, as though percentage points aren't reflective of hundreds of thousands, but still) maybe 1 to 2% of the vote. Which is a lot, but if it's not a narrow race, that doesn't matter. The American electoral system is fucked, absolutely, but the only times Republicans have won in the past 20 years are when they were in a narrow race where they could throw their weight slightly in one direction or in Hillary's case, watch her spit up on herself.
this place's take on the election are very dumb. he might lose, sure, but it's not looking likely. all signs are pointing to a biden win, and its not like the election is that far away either.
It's accelerationist wishful thinking plus a healthy dose of paranoia. Either 2016 or 2000 broke their brains, depending on how old they are, but I went back recently to look at how Bush/Gore went and I didn't realize that Bush regularly polled ahead of Gore. Now do I think Florida did some fuckery to tilt things their way? Sure, the Bushes are a ruthless dynasty of fuckers who do anything and everything to gain power. But if it wasn't so close, that wouldn't have mattered anyway.
I think the emphasis on accelerationism is misplaced. If Trump wins the libs will double down, sure there will be a small faction who just loses hope in the dems... but we'll just move futher into fascism, which doesn't immediately mean "things get really bad and libs wake up"... the economy will likely rebound and patriotism and all that shit will be on the rise.
It won't lead to any kind of collapse, at least in the next 10 years.
A Trump term 2 would have less media hysteria, because all of the hysteria between '16 and today was setup to damage his re-election chances..... I have a strong suspicion they will just go back to business as usual in a 2nd term.
Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump won if everyone cooled off a bit, that was the case with Dubya round two.
like i get all the institutions suck, voting is rigged and all but its not like the democrats have never won an election lmao. the controlled opposition part is that biden is running, not that he might win
I alrdy have the list of people most responsible for two terms of Trump rdy to trigger everyone:
Mayo Pete