• ImOnADiet
    1 year ago

    I seriously doubt the US would outright spend the resources to go to war with Niger right now, they 100% want to keep their eyes on China rn, the window for any kind of military conflict with them is closing, they’ll just try and do the ole classic coup

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          1 year ago

          Same thing that kept them out of Iran for the last 20 years. Fucking around in Afghanistan and Iraq tapped them out. Now fucking around in Ukraine is tapping them out even further.

          Americans don't have unlimited resources and wars are enormously expensive. We literally don't have the juice for multiple continents worth of proxy fights that drag on indefinitely. We've hit our limit.

          • goatmeal [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            They US tried to do a coup in Iran on Achmedenijad in 2009 dubbed the Green Revolution.

            Edit: I have suspicions about the burning hijab protests too. The Ayatollah blamed the protests on Israel and the US. It's possible but the Ayatollah is a repressive piece of shit.

            • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
              1 year ago

              Sure. But not an invasion. They were hoping Iranians would do all the heavy lifting.

              Incidentally, we're not sending much manpower into Ukrainian either. They're expected to do all their own killing and dying, while we just toss them more ammo.

              • goatmeal [none/use name]
                1 year ago

                Yeah ans Zelensky already said the country would be sold to JPMorgan and Blackrock

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      1 year ago

      They've specifically gone out of their way not to condemn it in fact, as it suits their interests on squeezing the EU on energy dependence.

      • ImOnADiet
        1 year ago

        useful, glad the imperialist bloc is continuing to fall apart and eat itself then. Guess the rest of Europe is really gonna see what we did to Japan in the 80's first hand lol

        • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
          1 year ago

          the "80s in Japan thing" also happened to Europe. It was basically the US going to its "allies" and begging them to destroy their own economy.

          • ImOnADiet
            1 year ago

            I thought it was way way worse in Japan, legitimately ruined their economy to this day

            • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
              1 year ago

              It was indeed far worse in Japan. Japan's economy isn't ruined per say, but the whole country feels like it's just getting by rather than thriving. The 90s recession was brutal and they never truly recovered.

        • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Yeah, we'll see how long it lasts, but the coup has bought itself some time by stopping uranium to France.

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          That's not a sign of collapsing, this was always the plan, to subjugate Europe. Leftist economists have been predicting this (the US destroying Europe) since the late 90s and early 2000s. Got to win the inter imperial war first, before moving onto the next front (likely China).

        • Rogerio [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Is there anything you suggest I read on what US did to Japan?

          • ImOnADiet
            1 year ago

            I only know anything about it because of hog groomer on twitter,

            Part 1: https://nitter.net/bidetmarxman/status/1564267348017938434

            Part 2: https://nitter.net/bidetmarxman/status/1564268574075940870

            if you'd prefer the threadreader thing, idk how its privacy is tho:

            Part 1: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1564267348017938434.html

            Part 2: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1564268574075940870.html

    • goatmeal [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I think you're correct but maybe not. The neocons who run the country are as stupid as they are sociopathic. They'd rather die than live in a world of multipolarity. They've been taking military L after L for a decade and their strategy is to double down every time.

      Edit: They also don't just go to war. They fund some shadowy terrorist group to do their bidding, like the contra equivalent.. They attempted a coup in Venezuela in 2019.

      • ImOnADiet
        1 year ago

        They attempted a coup in Venezuela in 2019.

        Yeah that got caught by fucking fisherman lmao

        • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          Nah that's a different one. I think the one they are talking about that had explicit U.S. backing was the Juan Guiado one.

          • ImOnADiet
            1 year ago

            Ah true, i always think of the funny one first. Honestly even that attempt was kind of bizarre, does anyone have any reading I can do about that? From what I know didn’t the opposition just declare him president after accusing Maduro of election fraud, and then just insisted he was president for a couple years despite controlling literally 0 branches of government?

            • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
              1 year ago

              Well, if you follow journalists at telesur, which is the state-run media for all the socialist-aligned South and Latin American countries (so grain of salt, but I've found their reporting to be more accurate on average than any Western sources), basically the opposition decided to sit the election out in protest (because they haven't been winning), which lead them to lose even more.

              From what I can tell, reading between the lines, the leader of this opposition Guiado then started to try to coordinate with people in the military to organize a coup. However, both the military and government forsaw this, and so basically gave him a dummy legion. Either that or they reached out first to goad him into it, either way very funny.

              From there that section of protesting conservatives declared him president, and he attempted to storm the capital, but didnt make it very far when the entire battalion that had 'defected' basically just stopped in the middle of the highway rather than continuing on. There were some shots fired by army that wasn't in the know, but overall the entire thing was pretty pathetic. Guiado then proceeded to just wander around Venezuela, as they didn't even bother to arrest him, eventually traveling to the U.S. where they gave him (illegally) control of Venezuela's gold and foreign currency reserves, which is where he is now, even though because of that even the opposition conservatives have distanced themselves from him.

              • ImOnADiet
                1 year ago

                Right, like it seemed planned out extremely terribly compared to past coups in LATAM, but I don’t want to outright come out and say that because I haven’t actually done any reading on it

                • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                  1 year ago

                  While I think the U.S. government gave the go-ahead on it (as they immediately declared support for Guiado), I generally believe that their end of the bargain, which was shipping weapons in, was stymied by Venezuela refusing aid. There are a lot of guns already in Venezuela, it is a heavily armed country, but my guess is that they were trying to get the more explosive ordinance in.

                  It's one of those things that doesn't work because Venezuela has already seen most of the tricks in your book, so they aren't fooled anymore.