There are definitely issues in US institutions, but a liberal is not going to defend the shortcomings
Lol, remember when Hillary tried to counter Trump's "make america great again" with "america is already great"?
And then she became the first wamen presindent because she did not defend the shortcomings, the rest is herstory
jesus christ, the final sentence is just absolute chef's kiss
bro, you just spent two paragraphs not knowing the definition of fucking words and making up a load of shit that loosely parrots what you learned on reddit. you're the one lost in the sauce, shut the fuck up
They may lack theory but they do still have the most smug overconfidence I've seen in a long time
pretty normal stance for liberals.
supreme overconfidence in things they know absolutely nothing about
It is locked unfortunately
Amazing how much confidence someone can have while showing zero understanding of what they're talking about.
What going off pure intuition does to a mf, not even the barest suspicion that words have mutiple meanings in different contexts or that the very idea of liberal propaganda could even exist
Incredible arrogance
yankees and overconfidence in an understanding of politics and philosophy gleaned entirely from context clues; name a better combination
Really unfortunate linguistic clusterfuck here.
I do actually think marxists should be careful when they throw out "materialist". It will absolutely flummox libs every time. Know your audience folks.
I agree and disagree. Or maybe I agree but want to disagree. the materialist versus idealist divide is such a basic and important concept in philosophy that I feel like anyone should at least understand that the words have different meanings in that context. but getting people to understand that words are just tenuous representations of concepts is a hard sell.
other problematic words are fetishism and reactionary
You'd think this would be an easy one considering we're already primed to different definitions of the word fetish. Everyone knows that a fetish can be a trinket believed to have some kind of magic power. But somehow they still get hung up on it.
And yeah I've had a couple of arguments where people get hung up on the word reactionary and just go "nope, you must not own a dictionary" when I explain the definition I'm using lol
gonna be honest - most people think fetishism is an accusation that they're into some weird stuff of the horny kind. the origins of the word have been lost, much as with materialism.
Everyone knows that a fetish can be a trinket believed to have some kind of magic power.
Do they?
Everyone knows that a fetish can be a trinket believed to have some kind of magic power.
I wish, I swear to God I can't mention a magic item in my Werewolf game without my players howling with laughter
I've never heard fetishism used in the magic item co text and I'm your garden variety precocious nerd, voracious reader, some interest in fantasy/sci-fi type
Everyone knows that a fetish can be a trinket believed to have some kind of magic power.
I suggest testing that hypothesis.
Edit: Because it'll be hilarious.
I have a Zuni fetish. Hey, why are you looking at me like that?
Flashback to that time David Rubin heard reactionary for the first time and instantly tried reclaiming it "yeah I'm reactionary about free speech"
You have to explain it to them like children from the ground up. Just assume libs are drooling babies.
I felt like I shouldn't specify "this is a word which has a specific definition" for the third time in the post, hoping A: the reader would get it by then, and B: the way I explained materialism in contrast to idealism would provide enough context to anchor the specific definition of the word being used. In my defense, if you search wikipedia for "Materialism" it goes straight to the philosophical definition with no disambiguan page.
I blame the lib. They saw "materialist" and thought they saw "materialistic" and it was all guaranteed failure after that.
Uh-oh, looks like someone didn't read their Socialism: Utopian vs. Scientific by Engels.
Which isn't surprising given that I have yet to see that kind of stuff referenced outside of forums like this.
It kind of sucks because you could have an interesting clash of ideas with someone who disagrees with the material basis of ideas. It'd sound like a debate about whether math is invented or discovered. If ideas are before material conditions and ideals will outlive any condition, then it would imply the existence of an objectively superior leader who is wisest regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in. We'd owe Aaron Sorkin an apology. You'd have to reread Berserk and say that Griffith did nothing wrong. You'd have a Calvanist world where some people are chosen by fate to lead. Truly, the divine right of kings would be back on the menu. The most correct monarch would be protected by God in battle and their people would be the chosen people. Then when barbarians overrun them and they think back to their former glory, they realize that a new leader has been reborn from the ashes who needs to lead them to repel the invaders and interlopers. They'd be justified in concentrating the unworthy and disposing of them. And they would have gotten away with it if communists hadn't saved the world from fascism.
Just focusing on:
a materialist is...
The person obviously has a problem with not understanding that the same term can have different meanings and as such concepts. This is one obvious flaw. A good question could be to ask why do they have this misconception? I blame the book worship of dictionaries and the status that is given to them in schools over the course of 10-20 years. They are introduced as arbiter of what is to be said and what is wrong. Which is obviously actively marginalizing non standard opinion (and arguable is actually creating the standard in the first place even against the will of the majority of kids/students).
Even from that little could they create a wrong understanding within the US imperial core in regards to Marxism and Idealism. However the audacity (is it lack of knowledge?) to claim that experts are not aware what marxism, idealism, materialism is? Audacity!
However their :ideology:
of a trashcan shows. They are :lib-brained:. Lib is when people do good stuff and good stuff is stuff I agree with. Lib according to them isn't what Libs do and not a category of analytical importance but of shifting moral weights.
The contradiction between what they think liberal thought is and the action of liberals in the US is not explainable. Neoliberalism doesn't explain it enough. This is a prime example of one kind of false conscious.
Maybe they just want to avoid the topic. You could call them phleb and wub, Marxists are phleb and believe that the bringer of progress in history comes from material conditions if they don't want to get hung up on the language.
You could call them phleb and wub
CW rick and morty and youtube How a plumbus is made
I've been doing this "words" thing for a pretty long while now, pretty sure I can just intuit the single meaning words have without having to be critical about it
The meaning of a word can be different things at different times depending on context
I don't think liberals realize that words can have meanings at all. They would just make noises to communicate positive or negative feelings if they were allowed to.
I get far too much use out of this quote
Moralists don't really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
God I love DE. After everything went down, there was something kind of bittersweet about reading the fan translations of A Sacred and Terrible Air. Gave me the same sense of finality as finishing NITW or Hotline Miami 2. A total aberration, an emotional high never to be upped or repeated - for better and worse.
linkeroni:'s from the closed announcement thread so you won't be able to immediately bully, plus is the most unstable website i've ever seen
however, check out the username and specifically the instance they're