it's all just a holodeck malfunction folks, we'll be back to warp 8 and after-shift drinks in ten forward in no time. the captain is on top of it

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Ehhh, I don't think it's helpful to take swipes at the Koreans either. While I don't have much sympathy for petit bourgeoisie using force to defend their property, a targeted campaign of violence based on ethnicity is not good even when carried out by an oppressed ethnicity. Besides, the complete withdrawal of the LAPD from areas where many Koreans lived points to a conscious plan or desire to let minorities fight it out so they can't unite against white supremacy.

      I'm not saying the original Korean store owner was not a racist and a bad person or whatever, just that we should not celebrate factionalism.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Oh I thought you were calling the roof Koreans racists. Sorry if that's not what you meant.

          • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
            6 months ago

            Nah, not really. More like rolling my eyes at the fact that they get lionized by the far right for living out the castle doctrine fantasy that lurks in the lizard brain of every incel and every small business petty tyrant, and because it just happened to be along race lines, which feeds into the far right narrative even further. I didn't mean to imply that the convenience store owners themselves were racists, just that they're held up as "the good ones" by foaming-at-the-mouth racists.