As from dlcs go I actually had a much harder time enjoying this one over the others. Areas felt incomplete and empty, lots of main game copy paste content or even dlc copy paste content like the stupid hippos. The tedious easter egg hunt for skibbidy fragments and weird power scaling. And the atrocious final boss.

Overall I still enjoyed it and the map was beautiful to look at and fun to explore but it feels like a concentration of all the main games flaws. There's very few fun things to find in the world lots of crafting trash and upgrade materials, surprisingly few useful spells weapons or armor some just flat out worse than whats available in the main game. The skibbidy level scaling felt strange, i struggled with the dlcs bosses until i hit skibbidy level 17 and suddenly they melt within a few hits, i don't really know how many i need for each fight.

The boss fights that are there are solidly enjoyable, messmer is probably the most fun one to fight. The furnace golems are the STUPIDEST thing from has ever made, painfully tedious and very frustrating copy paste trash thats just a waste of time.

Final boss i had to respec cos no matter what i tried i got minced in the second phase. What worked? Fucking fingerprint shield and pokey stick. The most unenjoyable gameplay method of sitting behind a shield and its really effective. If i don't use that i need frame perfect dodges and perfect focus for 10 minutes or longer with bo opportunity to make mistakes. First phase was fine but wtf am i supposed to do in the second phase? Be perfect?

  • Babs [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Divine Beast Dancing Lion part two and the Scadutree Avatar are the best new music. Metyr's also really fits the fight but it's not one I'd listen to outside of it.

  • Babs [she/her]
    6 months ago

    The new weapon types are really cool but I hate that you can't get any of them until the DLC, and you can't start the DLC without doing some end game shit. I'd love to use Milady with wing stance, or some backhand blades or a dueling shield before the end of the game.

    Great finally having a reason to use Malenia's great rune though.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      6 months ago

      On PC you can use mods to give yourself the weapons early (have to use alternate launchers but whatever). I'm doing that and having a good time in my latest coop playthrough.

  • Stoatmilk [he/him]
    6 months ago

    For so many of the bosses, the run that finally beat them didn't really feel like I had mastered them, or even that it was a close fight, their AI just sort of decided not to do any of the hard attacks and just stood there being hit a lot. I don't know what was up with that.

  • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Enjoyed it for the most part, but I didn't like how exploration was handled. So many places to go that had absolutely nothing. Fully exploring the finger ruins or frenzy woods felt very bad for how much area there was to cover vs amount of rewards for exploring.

    Idk how they would fix this though as then they'd either have to make even more unique dungeons to avoid the copy paste complaint of the base game or litter about even more crafting items.

    Fuck furnace golems as well

  • NoYouLogOff [he/him, they/them]
    6 months ago

    I enjoyed most of the DLC, I think I came in at level 160-70ish with a straightforward strength build, so I started feeling really strong when I got some shadow fragments. I tried to be thorough, and ended up finding all but 3 before looking up the map and they were all on hidden paths that I missed. I ended powering through most bosses, so I can't pass judgement on them. I died to Rellana like twice. I thought there was some really cool or even just funny equipment out there, when my seamless coop buddies reach the lamenter I think we'll have a fun time with the transformation. Verdigris armor is the first super heavy tier that isn't atrociously ugly. The great sword from crossbow guy became my main weapon. Heavy Backhand Blades ended up being really powerful, I used them on Radahn and Melania in base game.

    Radahn is atrocious, not fun for reasons everyone knows. I did have an easier time with top tier defensive talismans, which I had to go back to base game to get the Dragon Greatshield Talisman, but this does not fix the fight.

    I went through most of the DLC not meeting the things I disliked about the base game, like big bears as normal enemies, until I suddenly did. I am always annoyed by FromSoft npc quests as well, the lack of ability to reload sucks when you accidentally kill a forager or are unsure about a choice or miss some obscure content. I killed Messmer first try, and the Hornsent's summon sign doesn't show up the first time.

  • Barabas [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Still playing but I decided to make a new character and arrived there at like SL60 and got crushed by most things. Haven't been any bosses that were worse than Mohg was trying to speedrun there once I started getting my vit up to 50 and had a couple of fragments. Was interesting to see that they added lines about the DLC for Gideon though.

    The aestetic and attempts at making the NPCs more active are welcome.

  • Cowbee [he/him, they/them]
    6 months ago

    Some of the new weapons and bosses are fantastic and fun, but overall the scaling isn't great and the balance is all over the place.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    6 months ago

    Many spoilers:

    My overall thought is that it had some of the best boss fights I've ever experienced (Bayle, Messmer) and some of the worst (Radahn, that stupid moon lady). It felt like they relied heavily on phase change full room instagib attacks to make it hard and I thought that was lazy. Radahn especially with his final phase change, took me a while to learn how to spot him and where he was going to land. Felt way different than his OG fight. His second phase attacks are dodgeable of course but you won't have any stamina left to attack him and by the time you get it back he's back on his bullshit. Very very few openings means it was an EXTREMELY long and tiring fight without summoning. I did it but I won't pretend like I had fun doing it.

    Once I killed one furnace golem I just ignored the rest. Absolutely ridiculously boring to kill. Just horse jump and smack their legs for 5 minutes wow so engaging much gameplay.

    I agree the level scaling was weird but I understand why they did it, they kinda backed themselves into a corner by capping scaling and having the base game balanced around hitting at least some of those caps. It would have been cool to just up the scaling but that probably makes the end of the base game too easy. Which is also a thing I wish they would get away from, as someone who has thousands of hours across the souls games, who cares if it's too easy.

    The world itself was beautiful but the pacing was so weird. You have entire areas that were an absolute joy to run around PACKED TO THE BRIM with things to do and then you have entire areas with nearly nothing (the finger ruins were egregiously empty). Why make this interesting beautiful areas and then put literally nothing inside them.

    It felt to me like they had some ideas and they wanted to try them out. Some of those ideas were super cool...there are some seriously cool bosses, enemies, weapons, spells, etc. But some of those ideas had me scratching my head. Also spirit ashes still blow chunkies even if you use mimic tear and even if they're maxed out. For something that's supposed to act as a crutch they needed to fix their late game issues and they just didn't. All of them die hard on all of the instakill phase change attacks which I find very funny.

    I hope this DLC was more of a play test for Elden Ring 2....a way for them to try some new stuff and see what folks like and what folks don't. Overall I enjoyed it but I'm a die hard fan of the series. I don't think it's for everyone who liked Elden Ring.

    • Gorb [they/them]
      6 months ago

      I got a lot of the dodging down but was always out of stamina, tried a few builds and strategies until i discovered he can't penetrate the fingerprint shield at all leaving only the meteor shower to evade. Fight was so easy with that shield i wasn't even looking at him but instead my stamina bar.

      Renalla was fine it kinda reminded me of the lady maria boss fight where I had to learn how to parry then the fight became trivial. The twin moons aoe was fine when i realised my carian shield just nullified its damage.

      I don't think i could stomach an Elden ring 2. The open world is just not for me I have very little desire to touch the game ever again unlike all the other from games i replay almost yearly.

      • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        I think I'm in agreement regarding Elden Ring 2. From Soft makes incredible games, but I think overall I enjoyed the souls, sekiro, and armored core more. It feels like games with levels allows them to reward exploration without the feeling of recycled content or incredible amounts of effort to make a huge map feel unique. Not to mention NPC quests you might completely miss because you did some part of the game in the wrong order. Glad to have experienced ER, but I'm looking forward to a non-open world next title

  • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
    6 months ago

    agree with a lot in this thread. I enjoyed the bosses a lot. the map being so obtuse to explore pissed me off, could have more or less been fixed by doing multiple map layers like in the base game imo. "how do I get down there" was in the base game once as an intentional puzzle (the Caelid chasm) but it got really tiresome having that feeling over and over again in the DLC. I'm not a patient gamer, blundering around the map doesn't interest me as much as just getting to the next Thing so I ended up looking up various routes pretty quickly. collecting the upgrade materials is pretty boring and formulaic. I had an intentionally OP build going in so the difficulty overall didn't bother me that much, felt in line with going to the DS3 DLC. overall it did not enthrall me as much as the DS1 or DS3 DLCs. I think that kinda goes for the game as a whole though I can say now in hindsight.

  • Waldoz53 [he/him, any]
    6 months ago

    LOVED the dlc, did not love the last boss. it was a nightmare, even though i was a greatshield build to begin with. that annoying one shot mechanic kept getting me when i had the boss at <20% hp

    • Gorb [they/them]
      6 months ago

      Best moment in the dlc is Igon and Bayle and in my head is the final boss for me. Very cinematic and cool fight to have with Igons monologue at the beginning

    • Babs [she/her]
      6 months ago

      The grab attack? There is a way to break the rune above your head so that you don't get your heart stolen.

        • Babs [she/her]
          6 months ago

          Yeah! The Scadutree Avatar drops Miquella's Rune, which you can use as a reusable item to start a really slow animation to break the thingy.

          Took me so many failures before a friend told me about it.

  • bigboopballs [he/him]
    6 months ago

    The constantly re-used bosses is definitely the weakest point of Elden Ring to me.

    I've been thinking of going through all the bosses in the game and counting how many of them are actually unique creatures.

  • TheModerateTankie [any]
    6 months ago

    I loved it. Some areas are a bit empty, bosses are balanced wierd sometimes, yes, but it didn't seem any harder than the hardest parts of the main game, but I also explored as much as possible before tackling bosses so I was pretty powerful at that point, and I use summons at every opportunity just to draw the fire of the hard bosses because I don't like having to dodge perfectly for five minutes just to get a couple hits in, and then be one shotted by an AoE attack in the second phase.

    I had a great time just slowly and carefully exploring most of the DLC. Making it to the cerulean coast was just chefs-kiss. I really enjoyed the haunted woods, too, even though it turns out to be a pretty small area with not much in it as a reward.

  • ryepunk [he/him]
    6 months ago

    I loved pretty much all of it. Exploring and finding fragments was very fun, the bosses were a nice challenge mostly. Heading south and finding the cerulean coast was amazing. Almost missed the southeast frenzy forest because I missed a single ladder in shadow fortress. Overall it was just superb.

    The only boss I struggled with was of course radahn who I spent about 2 hours figuring out how to beat. Thankfully I love summoning for fights so I don't struggle like people who try to solo bosses like insane people. But finding a summon who wouldn't die instantly basically left me with the mimic tear, so mimic it was. Still took an hour of learning the dodge timings and hoping to get a good block on the instant death move. And learning to force him to fight me in phase 1 while letting mimic hold aggro in phase 2 while I blast him with a ranged weapon special. Endurance management ultimately is what wins the fight though. Especially since I use just a medium shield and was only at about 35 endurance. Probably won't fight him ever again.

    But what a journey it was.

    • Gorb [they/them]
      6 months ago

      What were your thoughts on putriescent knight? When I dropped into a replica of Midirs arena I thought I was in for an epic fight and around the corner runs out bonewheel orphan of koss on a horse. The fight itself was ok but i felt a little disappointed. You don't just throw in an exact replica of Midirs arena and give me that.

      • ryepunk [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Yeah, midir is such an excellent fight, and the putrescent knight isn't that good. It suffers from too much retreating which can make fighting it a pain. Once I'm figured out to just jump over his fire attacks it became much simpler and just a matter of learning to keep myself close so I could actually hit him.

    6 months ago

    I enjoyed all of it, despite the big empty areas. Just the final boss that soured it for me, they really have to start considering how much they want to lean on the hard gaem git gud side of soulslikes. Also the fact that it is 100% separate from the main game is pretty stupid.