• Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Emasculating fascists is the easiest way to get them to fuck off. It's fun as fuck. My ex gf and I used to work with this little pol Nazi at my old job and we would constantly emasculate him. She was a tough blue collar black woman and he was a scrawny suburban aryan chud who had no business working physical labor. One time I took him up on a scissor lift (he wasn't certified to drive one) and at like 25' I started shaking it and he almost pissed himself in terror. The best one though was when we had a bunch of downtime and so we're helping another contractor break down a bunch of wooden tables and fixtures without any real tools. We kept trying to get him to break boards by jumping or stomping on them and he kept just bouncing lmao. We made it kind of into a competition where we would see if everyone could break this piece this way and he kept failing over and over and at some point fell on the ground after trying to jump on a thick board to break it lmao. He couldn't stop humiliating himself because he didn't want to be a coward. Probably the most defeated he ever looked was when we told him to break these particle board planks with his knee but he couldn't do it. Then my gf broke it first try and I snapped it in half with just my hands. "If leftists are weak cucks, what does that make you".

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      4 years ago

      As a liberal, I am literally shaking rn because you and your gf didn't do the civil thing and reach a bipartisan agreement with the Nazi to exterminate only 3/5ths of the non-white subhumans.

      Sir. Have you no shame, sir?

    • CommieElon [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There’s this fashy family friend of ours who made me feel like shit on multiple occasions. He’s 50 years old and is a dough boy miserable with his life. I used to fight with him often when I was still a lib. I tried to be civil but he wouldn’t back off and made it personal. So now whenever he starts something (on Facebook because he’s a coward) I bully him now. I was just regretting sending him messages of how I saw “20 Qs in the wild and all 20 of them have shown how strong the movement has become.” This reminded me I shouldn’t be a lib and bully him mercilessly because I think he’s moved onto making fun of my brother because my brother has been posting anti trump and anti Q anon posts lately.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Huh. I was always under the impression that /pol/ Nazis were too cowardly to out themselves in real life. Was this guy dumb enough to start talking about "lesser races" in front of a black woman or what?

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        He acted like the Nazi shit was ironic and he wouldn't say other races are lesser but would say shit like straight white men are the most oppressed group lmao