:crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona: :crab-party: :corona:
We can have a crab party when he stops tweeting from beyond the grave.
fr. I didn’t get on Chapo to be edged. I want instant gratification
:crab-party: We have one winner, are there more? :crab-party:
I was just throwing this out there in the hopes someone had a name.
this counts https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/520666-indian-man-who-fasted-to-pray-for-trumps-covid-19-recovery-dies
A 79 year old mayor in Tennessee somewhere. It bothers me that only prominent black Republicans are dying.
Some nobody Republican from Arkansas just got his COVID dance card punched recently, not going to look up the name though.