Greta Tankberg countdown: countdown

Edit: 170 comments doggirl-gloom

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Libs are absolutely terrified of people saying stuff cause they think power is exchanged via west wing speeches

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        4 months ago

        That's why I've beentaking a study course in Old Enochian. Gonna start speaking unmentionable horrors (things that happened last week that dems have memory holed) in to being

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          4 months ago

          Fuck, liberals actually think spells are real in the old timey finnish rap battle sense. We are so cooked.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        4 months ago

        Idk if it ever aired outside the US but back in the 90s there was a kids show called Captain Planet and these five woke dei kids were like ring wraiths for Gaia and they'd like set oil executives and loggers on fire and if things got too tough they'd combine their ring powers to summer Captain Planet, a cheerful blue murder himbo who would use super powers to do eco-terrorism. This was a show for children! One regular ass tv! It could never happen today. Never. It wouldn't be tolerated.

        • a_little_red_rat [he/him, comrade/them]M
          4 months ago

          Oh, I've seen it too. Many shows back then had eco activism as a good thing, or at least oil execs as villains. I think even that weird "Motormice from Mars" show had an oil baron as the main antagonist.

          And I don't think it couldn't happen now. Media, even when revolutionary on the surface, is barely driving real world engagement and can be easily defanged. We live in the revival era of anti-capitalist messaging in media (film and even video games), and yet it's been fully consumed by capital. I hate Zizek and his clique, but Mark Fisher was spot on in Capitalist Realism.

          Avatar, one of the biggest box office successes in the world, has a blatant anti-colonial message yet most people don't apply it to the obvious parallells in the rral world. We just consume, feel good for a moment for agreeing with the obvious morally correct choice, then do fuck all about it. And execs know it.

          sorry for the doomer note here

          • FortifiedAttack [any]
            4 months ago

            yet most people don't apply it to the obvious parallells in the real world

            Because they think they don't live in that world. They can't see the parallels because they see their world as flawless.

            They think it's all fictional and made-up, and that, because they are receiving their treats, they must therefore live in a utopia.

          • REgon [they/them]
            4 months ago

            Legend of Korra really tanked the message of Avatar

        • REgon [they/them]
          4 months ago

          It did come out of a time period when urban guerrillas had just stopped being active. Plane hijackings were still pretty normal. In the context of its' time it was super chill, these days it's no longer chill. Overton window and all that I guess.

        • glans [it/its]
          4 months ago

          An anti Hillary psy op it had to be stopped.


    • REgon [they/them]
      4 months ago

      Well you see it's actually words and ideas that change the world <- Liberal ideology

      Which is why we should let nazis say whatever they want, to demonstrate the strength of the concept of freedom of speech <- Also liberal ideology

      But leftists need to shut the fuck up <- Still liberal ideology