A certain Hexbear user I don't like made a post about dunking people and I just want to remind them so badly that they literally doxxed someone on here and deserve to permanently shut the fuck up. It's taking all of my energy not to publicly shit on them
I'll have to go into this without usernames so I don't bring up a bunch of drama.
A certain user on Hexbear was previously banned for calling people slurs that donated to them on the mutual aid comm, about 3-4 years ago. Can't go into detail on why I don't mind them coming back without pointing out which user it is, but they've definitely had some personal growth since then, apologized for it, and have been a member of the community on the new account for years without issues. However, they have bad opsec, their username on here was the same as their username on another social media platform, they posted about their whereabouts often, ect.
One of the users who had previously donated to this person before they were banned the first time, made a post on the mutual aid comm pointing out all of the bad opsec this user had, redirecting people to their other social medias with the same username, pointing out where they live, showing receipts with this users name on it. While yes, this information wasn't necessarily hard to find, I find this kind of shit absolutely unacceptable to do to other users on here. Every time I see this person's username, I want to remind them that they're a massive asshole for that.
I directly called him out now so I don't care saying it, it's pmmeyourfoucaults
Ah ha, so here's where you started talking shit. Did the call out go like you were hoping?
BTW I'm at the dog park with my adorable puppy. How's your life going out of curiosity
Subscribed when I saw chisme
though don't know if I'm missing something or not but the front part of chisme should be el instead of la. Other spanish speaking users can back me up or correct me if needed.