Original post here: https://hexbear.net/post/3856299?scrollToComments=false
I think we have a general path forward based on community feedback. "We see you, we hear you!"
I went ahead and unpinned the old post. I'm pinning this one for now and will edit this post when I wake up from eepy time. I had a very mid week and have no particular alarm set so be on look out. Love y'all and I'm amped for my first announcement post since coming back. :)
Hexbear is fine.
We're comfy.
Changing the name of the comms is an easy decision, but trying to amputate comms that perform a useful function for bonding and cathartic relief is a step too far. We need to face the fact that hexbear as a community isn't especially erudite compared to other leftist spaces - our main aspect is providing comfort and awareness in the face of what is currently a world that stands against us. That's an important function. We shouldn't be damaging ourselves in attempts to appease lemmylibs.
That’s exactly the thing that makes it special though. You can get shitposts and effortposts in the same space in a very unique way here. Hexbear is genuinely one of the only online leftist spaces that defies this paradigm
The welcoming environment of Hexbear to all leftists is mentally and socially liberating and thus allows a much wider and more authentic experience. Yeah it’s great to get a 100% what I was looking for answer from a leftist reddit post with 3 comments all stuffed with only sources and academic language and then locked, but where’s the community or casual discussion? That’s not how real life works
Yeah I totally agree. This space has a lot to offer that others don't.
Well apparently the reason is also that it was boring... This comes from someone who mods the dunk tank... Is he being forced to mod it or something? Just don't mod it and block lol
edit: get a load of this joker
So boring that they are repeatedly the most popular posts on the site!
"I find it boring" is so funny since it's also going back on previous statements. Real galaxybrain hours, who's up?
It’s not galaxybrain, it’s obvious wrecker shit. Nothing was wrong until somebody with power got bored?
Uphold TC69 thought, ban motherfuckers who start struggle sessions over explicitly BEING BORED. Maybe a struggle session wasn’t the intention, but that can’t possibly be a good enough reason to have started this
I edited it to be less mean than what it originally said lol
Yeah this is the most old-school-forum bs I've yet experienced. Some losers make a massively unpopular decision, they delude themselves it's only disliked by [bad groud], they hide behind leftist rhetoric, constantly change their reasoning, yet they never ever do any self-crit. It is typically a mod that'll do this, because they're experiencing being a "leader" (being a mod isn't being a leader, but this is the first time they feel they can tell others what to do) and they powertrip over their dick and either get mocked and kicked out or kill the forum.
“We have to turn this into every other dead leftist forum because I, the true leftist, do not think it’s serious enough”
Ok mf then be serious. Where are your effortposts?
Actually wait yeah. I need every person involved in the discussion about making the site more serious to produce 2 effortposts they’re already made from their account
"But also it doesn't have to be serious, I like the unseriousness, just not this unseriousness, so therefore it's bad"
It's really just the "stop having fun" meme
Some real show-and-prove type beats; I'm bout it, let's see 'em
TC69 probably isn't who you want to be invoking on the issue of silly arbitrary changes by admins against the wishes of the userbase...
What exactly was silly and arbitrary about the changes in the TC69 era? Mandatory pronoun tags, removing downvotes and mass-banning transphobes have all massively improved site culture.
I like Hexbear over Chapo.chat
probably mad about getting rid of main or changing the site name
deleted by creator
Nothing about the last 24 hours has a 100th of the coherency of tc69’s decisions lol
The one who mods the dunk tank but hates the dunk tank is just about the only one I think should actually step down. Also perhaps whoever came up with that "making fun of reactionaries is white cishet male behavior" take