I find it very disturbing, that the "ideal female body" looks like a 14 year old.

  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
    4 years ago

    This argument really irritates me tbh.

    A lot of girls get body hair way before being an adult. I had pubic hair when I was 9 and armpit and leg hair well before that.

    Like if you can’t tell you’re looking at an adults naked body because they wax idk what to tell you.

    Even if it’s caused by misogyny and patriarchy, at the end of the day, there are women who are more comfortable removing their hair and I don’t think it’s productive to shame them for being bad feminists or consumers.

    You should not tell your partner to either shave or not shave and instead tell them you prefer them to do what makes them comfortable.

    • Baader [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Fair point. Since shaving is the norm I felt like people need encouragement not to shave. But yeah do as you like.

      I don't want to shame anybody that shaves. I'd rather ask for the intention behind it and if the reason is "society" You can change. You don't have to anyway

  • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
    4 years ago

    I like shaving. there's nothing quite like going to bed with fresh sheets having freshly shaved legs.

    I certainly don't look like a 14yr old lol. 14yr old me had giant honkers anyway so I never looked "young"

      • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
        4 years ago

        yeh I don't even remember a time I wasn't a target for sexual harassment.

        but realy, I don't see the need to focus on shaving vs pretty much anything else. most people recognize at this point it's a personal choice. the only people who ever comment are older gen x and boomers. I think it benefits more (currently) from younger generations treating it as a non-issue since the push to make it ok to not shave has been around so long.

  • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
    4 years ago

    ok i wasn't gonna go into this but it really bothers me so i have to. once people begin to use phrases like "ideal female body" and "i prefer" you've really lost the point of it entirely. it's not about your preferences and that's the language that's gonna get people jumping on you every single time.

    liberating people from the confines of beauty standards is not elimination of the things people do to conform to them. it's allowing people the choice to do what makes them happy without ridicule one way or the other. the point is for people to do things not because they feel they have to, but because they like to do them. it's about removing patriarchal bullshit requirements to participate in society without ridicule or shame.

    don't like shaving your legs? you shouldn't have to.

    don't like putting on makeup? you shouldn't have to.

    it's not right or wrong to do either of those things and the point is to not shame anyone for doing or not doing them. if someone shaves their legs, they should do it for themselves, and not someone else. same for makeup. you do it for yourself because it makes you feel good and YOU like it. not to satisfy someone else's preferences or standards. normalize doing or not doing things because you want to, not because you have to. if men want to wear makeup, hell yeah. shave their legs? HELL YEAH! paint nails? FUCK YEAH! it's ok if they don't want to, too.

    • Baader [he/him]
      4 years ago

      100% agreed. I think it atrocious that there even is something like a beauty standard. I never mention to say an unshaved body is ideal. Every body is ideal to the degree the wearer thinks.

    • Baader [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yes, Gillette was the inventor of this bs. But western society perverted a perverse idea. Playboys in the 80 had only women with bush. Nowadays women feel like they have to shave every two days to have a child like groin and to be fuckable. Tell your parents to stop shaving, you will learn to appreciate it and it makes the others life way easier.

    • mazdak
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • sappho [she/her]
        4 years ago

        This is one reason I'm glad to be a lesbian. Lots of wlw forego or minimize shaving but I've never known a cishet woman to do so.

    • sappho [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Speaking of which, if you are a person who shaves their body hair, try switching to a safety razor. It is much more effective than plastic razors, better for the environment, and cheaper over time.

      • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        one gilette fusion power mach stealth turbo extreme etc. with 4 replacement blades ~£10
        a full safety razor kit with a stick of soap, 100 blades, a brush and a mirror ~£10

  • Mallow [any,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Personally the pressure to shave really sucks for me. If I don't shave my legs I can't ever wear shorts or people look at me like I'm some kind of disgusting freak. It's not that no one can like to shave, it's the expectation and body shaming of people who appear to be women but aren't shaved that is an issue. While I was out with a friend one time who was wearing shorts but also doesn't usually shave, some random dude said something about them being hairy and then a racial slur. For me and for a lot of people you can't even have leg or underarm hair showing in your house if you live with your family still, they'll look at you the same way strangers do and are more likely to make a rude comment about how gross and hairy you look.

    I guess it's the way you phrased it that bothered people more here but even when I say it nicely like "you shouldn't be expected to shave" people always jump in "well I like that" and it's like.... idk not the point. It's so frustrating feeling like my body is gross in its natural state. When I was in middle school and high school my mom would straight up tell me that the hair above my lip needed to be bleached when I had never even thought about its existence before. There is extreme pressure to spend money on beauty products and spend hours making sure you fit a certain standard and it's not to the point where we can just say it's a personal choice. Right now the choices are conform or be considered hideous and therefore lesser because women are treated like one of their primary purposes is to look appealing.

    • sappho [she/her]
      4 years ago

      for a lot of people you can’t even have leg or underarm hair showing in your house if you live with your family still, they’ll look at you the same way strangers do and are more likely to make a rude comment about how gross and hairy you look.

      My mother literally told me, unprompted, that I was "disgusting" because I hadn't shaved my armpits and wasn't planning to. I'm actually dealing with some debilitating health problems at the moment that literally make self care like that physically difficult, if not impossible for me, and still her number one priority is how gross my body is. It's infuriating!

      • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
        4 years ago

        there was a long period of time i was actually terrified of shaving my armpits because i ended up with a severely infected abscess that i had to have cut open and drained. well, when something is that swollen and infected, injections for the pain don't work. i felt everything and blacked out.

        it was so large i couldn't put my arm down to my side because it hurt. they had to stop and just leave it open so it would drain on its own :<

      • Prinz1989 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        When I visited him, my brother saw my ass and said it looks like an apes for all the hair. If only I were gay i'd make a fine bear.

    • eiknat [she/her,ey/em]
      4 years ago

      i've always been waiting for someone to comment on my hairy legs and it NEVER COMES. i'm pretty grateful people seem not to give much of a shit where i live. i hope some day you're able to do what makes you happy without any fear of someone having an opinion they shouldn't feel so damn entitled to spout. ❤️

  • warped_fungus [she/her]
    4 years ago

    hell yea. I love having armpit hair, my pits smell way worse without it and it adds a splash of contrast to my pasty body. I wish it was easier to trim though BC I don't always like it totally wildin' out. I shave my legs on occasion but I usually go 1-3 months in between. The only people who have ever given me shit for it are my older female relatives. When I told them I still pull plenty of bodies regardless they each flew into a straight RAGE. I do like my pubes to stay at least a little trimmed though, just to give a little breathing room for visitors.

    Tl;dr armpit hair fucking rocks