Think of all we could create with the billions that go into advertisments

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think about this a lot: under capitalism, how many people have jobs that are totally unnecessary under socialism. You've got all the sales and marketing jobs. And also retail. And then everyone who supports retail. Wouldn't need most lawyers. A lot less cops. Probably a bunch others too. So even if socialism and capitalism are equally efficient - or even if capitalism is a little more efficient - no way capitalism can overcome socialism's more efficient allocation of labor because it has so many bullshit jobs.

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Nice try, but under socialism there is just no incentive to work, so everyone would stand alone in a room at home until they died of thirst like a Sims character.

  • gabaghoul [any]
    4 years ago

    Not long after graduating high school I was at a party when I found myself part of a conversation where a group of people were glamorizing their choice of marketing school, so in my extreme state of inebriation, I did my best Bill Hicks and shouted By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising, kill yourself. As they all scoffed and glared while walking away, I continued with enjoy being a whore at the capitalist gang bang. One of the chics strutted back to argue that she's not a whore, so I continued tearing her down and she turned red.

    This is why I don't have any friends.

        • plantifa [they/them]
          4 years ago

          You know how some advertisements for cars and shit appeal to children through things like animation/bright colors/children within the advertisement expressing their preference for the product, even though kids obviously can't drive, have the money to purchase cars etc. ? Ads that cater to kids even if they aren't the target audience give the incentive for kids to nag and influence parents into choosing to purchase said products. This was presented as an objectively good thing by my ghoulish advertising professor last semester.

          E: had to take the class for credit, no interest in being a bloodsucker

          E2: Essentially, it's the exploitation of the influence that children have in making household purchasing decisions, especially with young children b/c their still-developing mind can't distinguish between the programs they watch vs. the advertisements which target them (until around age 6 iirc)

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        How much of her soul would be in tact if she got a job marketing useless software to other companies instead of marketing products to children or individual consumers?

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The cost of advertising is factored into the cost of the end product. You are paying to have your eyes and ears bombarded with their carnival barking bullshit every day of your life.

  • ComradeLove [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago - Built to Spill Planting Seeds

    based on - Bill Hicks advertising and marketing

    • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      You could literally do capitalism in a world without advertisements, people would buy the same amount of things (roughly). Its just a stupid inefficiency caused by capitalism.

      • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
        4 years ago

        Isn't the whole point of advertisement is to manipulate demand where it wouldn't exist before? Like smartphones are this widespread with even babies having one because of the systematic effort by the industry to push it into everyone.