It's depressing. Most people want to work and contribute yet have fewer and fewer opportunities to do just that. Meanwhile schools, hospitals and roads are crumbling before our eyes because there's not enough profit motive. Its total bullshit. There's so much work to be done its incredible but the rich won't get anything out of it so we all suffer.
That would be notably reductive, but yeah. It was also things like affirming that you'd discuss plans with the people most impacted by them, asking indigenous people about native agriculture, and I believe refitting existing infrastructure like buildings to be more eco friendly.
All the responses are either pretending $15 an hour is enough to feed and house a family or mentioning jobs that require both trade schools and apprenticeships lol
Except the fucking top comment which is just some insane rant about window washers
I don't know if any of you have ever actually sought an apprenticeship. It isn't easy. It's the same problem you've experienced or at least heard of, the classic "5 years experience for this entry-level job."
No one wants to hire a first year apprentice, they're only looking for 2nd or up (or 3rd year if you're in a particularly long apprenticeship like plumbing).
Could it be that some people are limiting our access to the means of production so they can then exploit our labor for their own personal gain? Nah.
The situation in the trades is actually way worse than "learn to code". Coders tend to come from privileged backgrounds, and the fact that you need a BS degree limits the supply. Becoming a software engineer is still a cushy gig, don't let anyone fool ya.
Trades apprentices are usually either in the family business or using it as a leg up from poverty. Unfortunately that means the bar for treatment is a lot lower.
My dad works for the local council in promoting apprenticeships and the way it works is every business pays in to the scheme because they get no choice, they have to do it. In return they get support for hiring and training an apprentice, the local council pay out of the pot to supplement the wages and they get training materials and other rescources ect. It's like a 40/60 split with the council paying the 60% of wages. And companies still don't fucking do it. It's his job to convince them to use money they've already spent to acquire quality workers. The investment from them on top is really reasonable. Nope, they don't want the expense of training their own workers.
Anyone who's worked a shitty commission job knows how laughable all the "you can make $500 in a day!" comments are.
Definitely comments made by college kids who have never thought about making ends meet long term on an inconsistent income stream.
Not to mention trying to get credit to buy a home or even a car.
Unskilled is a misnomer anyway. There has to be a coming to God moment eventually when we admit a teen fresh out of high school could do my job in a biochem lab with maybe a week of learning the context. I know supervisors who just suck and make it more difficult than if they just did nothing. HR departments want multiple coding languages for years when someone with a two year certificate could Google the answers for the regex expressions that they need to build in the one language they have to use. A lot of this shit is 1000000x more tedious than it is difficult.