Prolly not healthy to lean on a faceless online lynch mob eternally screaming into the void for emotional support but know that we're here and we love you.
You can have Zoom calls and not pull out your dick? Wow. Now I get the hub-bub about Toobin.
I'd say we should do a zoom chat but 100% someone would pull their dick out to do an irony.
Don't we have a Discord? Ya'll can hang out at the channel I made for my Monarch Labs, the coop I'm trying to start.
Haha I totally am mentally well in a world spiralling towards its doom. Real talk though, a good chunk of us are lonely and depressed, so ironically, you're not alone in that situation.
Me too :( The last person I was still in physical contact with, she's going back to high risk work. So it's just me and my cat for who knows how many more months. I miss human touch, I miss hugs, I miss physical contact. I keep thinking about how I could possibly find another chronically ill lesbian in the area to quarantine with, but it's a pipe dream, really. It's like my skin hurts for the lack of touch.
Same same same. It's so hard to do anything anymore.
It's weird but I wish I at least missed contact. I don't have anyone and never have. Everything feels like decay. I don't know where I belong.
We probably should organize a video call or something, just to talk or vent. If anyone wants.
I will just embarrass myself. Every time I interact with anyone it’s almost always cringe. That’s what happens when you have no interests/hobbies.
i really want to date but I have no idea how to go about doing it fixed that for you
I've only known isolation from society and my abusive family. I've never really belonged anywhere and I work too much that my life has been nothing but a waste.
Honestly I tried it for the first time after a hook-up right before the pandemic (normally I just leave afterwards because aaaaaaaaa INTIMACY) and I found it hard. Like I was involuntarily trembling the whole time because I'm a real traumatized bitch and it made the girl I brought home super concerned. She was very kind but it really drove home how broken I am.
Personally I get too dang hot when trying to fall asleep with my SO. And as someone who tosses and turns back and forth about a dozen times before finally falling asleep I feel bad doing that while having them right next to me, so I try not to, which can sometimes just make it all the harder for me to fall asleep. So I guess ymmv
Idk I don’t understand how people blame being lonely on a pandemic. I was lonely long before this shit started, get on my level libs
I was totally alienated depressed and lonely for years before the pandemic, so maybe in some ways I was better set up to handle it. Still lonely lol, but I feel like I'm on the up and up now. I feel like social ramifications of all the lockdowns will be quite severe, and are under-talked about. They will affect the vulnerable and alienated disproportionately more. Oh well