What is the craziest conspiracy you actually believe?
The correct answer is that paper burns hot as fuck and what do you think was in all those filing cabinets contained in the world's largest financial building (pre digital era).
The CIA has actively tried to discredit and disprove the UFO phenomenon since the beginning, because they thought reports of UFOs would clog up actual reporting channels in an emergency situation. IMO Ufos totally exist, I don't know what they are, and I doubt the government does either which is part of why most of the military has plugged it's ears and went "lalala i can't see you" for decades. Don't wanna admit there's something they can't theoretically deal with. Of course, for some reason the Navy has started caring recently, so who knows.
Of course, for some reason the Navy has started caring recently, so who knows.
Aw fuck aw yes we're gonna get Pacific Rim
I remember reading about a UFO researcher who had a mental breakdown after getting fed disinformation, do you know who that was?
Paul Bennewitz is who you're talking about, I believe. And there have been a few more researchers who got fed disinfo and promptly started believing every ridiculous story and hoaxed photograph they saw, too.
There’s a decent documentary on this if you’re interested in the topic. Pretty wild stuff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirage_Men
The Vatican is probably sitting on top of artifacts and writings that prove Jesus was a completely ordinary guy
not one that i believe personally, but one ive seen a lot of ppl talking about. apparently some nut jobs believe that america is good and cool? lmao can you imagine
Did Trump start peddling birtherism during the 07-08 primary? I thought he didn't do that until after Obama won.
I don't think that she asked him to run, he hates Clinton too much. I totally believe that Clinton pushed him hard during the primaries so that she could have an easy walk to President, and that it backfired horribly. Hillary Clinton is absolutely responsible for Trump.
Damn, he used to be able to string sentences together. Still want the guy to die, but I feel a little sorry for him. The tragedy of killing evil people is that there is a little bit of good in that person that you have to kill too.
This is why it's important not to dehumanize our opponents. Nazis are not demons from Hell, they're regular people like us who, for so many different possible reasons, decided to support great evil. And yet, our response to an organized movement of Nazis must be as unflinching as would be our response to an invasion by demons from Hell. If we get it into our minds that they are inhuman monstrosities, it will be difficult not to hesitate when faced with the reality.
Hurting people is difficult. If you've never tried it, you'd be surprised just how strongly your own mind insists that you don't throw that punch, don't swing that bat, don't pull that trigger. If you're serious about defending yourself and others, you need to be prepared to hurt people. Not faceless monsters. And that is something which requires dedicated training.
wtf, I've never seen that interview.
He's pretty much well-spoken there and somewhat reasonable. Which one is the mask? This shit is frightening lol
It's been twelve years. I think his age just really started to catch up to him.
Yeah dementia would entirely explain the situation. His dad had it really bad around the same age, it'd make sense
I'm not sure if this is a conspiracy theory, but I think the GOP has been funneling money to hack country musicians to get them to make more music about how great small town life is to keep people from moving and weakening republican majorities in rural areas.
This is actually well documented and ramped up significantly following 9/11. There was a huge purge in the country music scene (see the Dixie Chicks) that removed the remaining working class characteristics and made it entirely a nationalist/jingoistic propaganda outlet. I think Citations Needed has a pretty recent podcast on it.
I've been looking for a new podcast to listen to at work anyways. I'll check it out, good shout.
The nationalism was only right around 9/11. From the 90s on to today, the main ideological project in country music is celebrating asking for nothing, being proud of your life never improving, and drinking yourself to death, probably on a boat or beach.
Could you find the name or episode number? That sounds super interesting but I skimmed through all CN eps and didn’t see it.
Lmao it’s like the third episode down wtf. Thanks for finding that for me, putting it on rn.
They're even better than XKCD with always having a relevant episode lol. Enjoy, it's definitely a good one. They play lots of shitty stadium country
Square dancing was promoted by Henry Ford to stop white people from liking Jazz, as that was music for blacks and Jews. Not joking, it is documented.
Not just “promoted”, lobbied to be put in schools and made the “state dance” in many places...
Shit, I learned square dancing in school when I was younger
It's less about keeping people from moving and more about making people accept less and stay put. They spin shitty conditions and a lack of infrastructure as being on the frontier and being proud of a simple life. "It ain't much, but it's mine".
RIch people were informed and fully understand the impact of their vampirism on the environment and humanity as a whole back when global warming was first introduced as a concept, and everything they've been doing since is just anticipating/inciting the apocalypse.
It's still a conspiracy, though. Conspiracy doesn't mean fiction.
Eh, some are in of it, but you shouldn't underestimate how easy it is for people to delude themselves into thinking they are not doing anything wrong.
Intersectionality minus class and various "oppression olympics" narratives were pushed by the CIA during the early 2010s to suppress movements like Occupy Wall Street. Tell me that this isn't wrecker shit. The SJW strawman led directly to the rise of Trump.
The SJW strawman led directly to the rise of Trump.
Forever wars, 2008 recession, Middle Eastern migrations to Europe, Democrat complacency, and eight years of Fox News led to Trump
SJW stuff is too online
I think the internet influenced the election quite a lot, honestly, far more than it had in elections past.
True, but "trigger the SJWs" isn't enough to get people to vote
There was much more at play than that
That said, in 2011 the withdrawal from Iraq probably occupied the CIA far more than pissed off college kids
Cops were definitely embedded, but that's a given
Occupy Wall Street was crushed the old fashioned way: through police violence.
There was a bit more than ordinary police violence. In NYC we were under FBI and DHS surveillance, and other encampments probably were as well.
Bush did 9/11
Pearl Harbour was allowed to happen (this one was confirmed not long ago)
Jfk was murdered by the Cia and the mafia and Oswald larped as a Leftist publicly whilst all his private relationships were with fascistic right wing characters and right wing cuban emigres
That the current uptick in anti Russian and Anti-Chinese hysteria is to manufacture consent for a world war directed at those 2 - the "Uyghur genocide " is obvious US atrocity and war propaganda much like the faked gulf of tonkin, faked babies in incubators, faked 200,000 dead mass graves in yugoslavia, faked WMDs, faked viagra being handed out to soldiers to rape in Libya, faked 'Assad used chemical weapons' Opcw report where the US fired the lead investigator and doctored the report etc.
Kier Starmer is an MI5 plant who's goal is to purge or discredit the left of the Labour party rather than to win elections - actually this isn't crazy at all come to think of it...
If you want wacky, Tito and the Queen definitely fucked
That until the last banker has been strangled with the entrails of the last extractionist, no one will be free.
I'm pretty much against conspiracy theories in general because they're the opposite of anti-authoritarian or whatever. Can someone tell me a conspiracy theory where there isn't a more subversive plain-site explanation?
The Bush-did- 9/11 conspiracy theory vs the explanation that Al Queda did it because they thought the US deserved it and a handful of amateurs actually killed many thousands of their enemies. The plandemic theory vs global capitalism creating and transmitting outbreaks through economic activity.
Somebody help me think. What is an example of a conspiracy theory suggesting a more radical explanation than an explanation that occurs in the open?
Mouthwash exists because ad companies came up with a medical-sounding name for bad breath (halitosis) and convinced people they needed a thing to treat it.
I think your hypothetical conspiracy would have to be something like that, but the fake need is more fundamental. Like food.
I don't really believe it, but there was a huge anti-communist incentive to fake the moon landing. The Soviets were winning the space race.
I get that there's incentive but the USSR had space monitoring capabilities and telescopes that would have been able to prove that the Americans were up to fucks if that were the case.
I just can't explain why the Soviets would play along with their own humiliation?
The Reds probably weren't as humiliated as the US likes to imagine them being. The US arbitrarily decided landing on the Moon would be the end-all be-all of the Space Race. They set out to do it, they did it, then they ran a victory lap. It was a remarkable accomplishment, but space is so incredibly large that it is a little bit silly to even conceive of there being a finish line in the first place. Two years after the Moon landing, Venera 7 became the first probe to land on the surface of Venus. A year later Mars 3 became the first probe to land on Mars (the US had accomplished successful fly-bys before these in the Mariner program). It is not like the US won space and everything was over. The "battle" continued, and milestones continued to be set by both space programs.
Reminds me of this post, which my space enthusiast brother has verified as true: https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/QcwmdEZfHF.jpg
My favorite and most believable version is the Operation Avalanche take, that the contractor for life support skimped and it wouldn't have survived the landing. So they had Kubrick or someone who knew Kubrick's come in and shoot a backup reel that the astronauts would broadcast in the event that they couldn't land.
I like that one because it's a very believable capitalist solution to a capitalist problem.
I found this video that says Kubrick shooting film would be impossible because a successful film would be impossible to fake. No idea if it's true, but it's an interesting watch, and the presenter seems to know a lot more about the topic than I do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_loUDS4c3Cs /shrug
There's enough reasons to shame Brezhnev outside of his links already.
Not to mention that the whole thing was being observed by media, amateur radio operators, amateur astronomers and such, around the world. If it were faked, there would have been a lot of middle class hobbyists calling bullshit, let alone the international community with state resources at their disposal.
If I could pick up signals from the ISS with a handheld radio, some nerd with a satellite dish was definitely listening in on the communications. The is a whole category of affluent hams who do EME shit. They have privately operated antenna arrays so sensitive they can receive a signal which is being bounced off the surface of the moon. It would require much less to receive a signal being transmitted directly from the Moon's surface.
Not necessarily a conspiracy theory, but I believe in ghosts or spiritual links between the afterlife and our plane of existence. After my mom died we experienced 4 strange occurrences in the house within a month of her dying. I wasn’t a believer in the afterlife or ghosts until I this year lol.
So I lived with my mom and sister when she died from cancer. Then my sister and I lived in the house for a few months after until we went our separate ways.
One night I was home alone and my sister was staying the night at a friend’s. I was in my bedroom playing games and I came out to grab a white claw and fill my cat’s food bowl. Everything was cool, and I went back to my room.
Then I came back out to grab another beer maybe 30 minutes later, and the chairs in the kitchen were lined up like this . Notice the cat’s food bowl on the floor; I wouldn’t have blocked the area behind me with a chair.
I have a couple other incidents I can explain tomorrow if you want to hear, I’m about to pass out from my sleep meds.
u/maxwellhill on reddit is actually Ghislaine Maxwell.
Still hasn't posted.
I want all cryptids to be real.
Mothman is cool af especially.
I've had a theory that Bigfoot is just sightings of different escaped apes and sometimes anarcho-prims in the woods.