• WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    have they nailed down a definition for "assault weapon" yet?
    or are they just going with "black and scary" still?
    like how they classify protests vs riots

    • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The lack of a solid definition and the ensuing ability for law enforcement to arbitrarily enforce the law depending on how they feel that day is a feature, not a bug. Though I will say that one of the very few things chuds tend to be correct about in the typical American discourse is that liberal politicians that implement gun control know absolutely nothing about guns, and pass laws that ban random aesthetics rather than anything relevant to gun violence.

      • weshallovercum [any]
        4 years ago

        Good point. Remember that only 20% of Dems are armed compared to 44% of Repubs. The people more culturally attracted to fascism and defending capitalism are armed, while liberals who have the possibility to be morally opposed to fascism are disarmed. This is also a feature, not a bug.

      • uwu [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Considering buying a Mini-14 because the stupid laws my state made for the AR-15 don't apply to the Mini-14.

        • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Obviously the AR is a big scary assault rifle because it's painted black and has a pistol grip. That nice, calming Mini-14 is much nicer, what with its wooden finish and its shooting exactly the same round as the AR.

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Pretty much. Their idea of anything that is "semi-automatic" is just scary black assault rifles.

  • shitshow [any]
    4 years ago

    I still can't get over Beto O'Rourke sinking all his credibility in his home state by guffawing "Heck frickin yeah we'll take your AK's."

    • OhWell [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There's people on this site literally arguing that Biden could win Texas. His gun control platform alone is why he isn't going to win Texas or Georgia or Florida. It's a shame he's only talking about it now, cause he could've really sunk himself had he mentioned it sooner.

  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's popular among the coastal pmc brunch crowd, and no one else, so he'll probably do it.

    • LoMeinTenants [any]
      4 years ago

      Yup, it's the only reason I see him making that declaration right before the election. Surely the center-right crowd they've been appealing to can't see this in a positive light.

  • OhWell [he/him]
    4 years ago

    He's FINALLY talking about his bat shit crazy gun control platform. The Dems have not been talking about it much but BOTH Biden and Harris have similar WTF gun control platforms that are most likely going to lead us closer to an all out civil war.

    Biden's plan is to outright ban the manufacturing and import sales of semi-automatic weapons (scary black assault rifles). After that, he wants to impose a $200 tax fine for ownership of ANY weapon that has a capacity of over 10 rounds and this bill will target mostly gun owners who have handguns. If you don't pay your fine, then your weapons are to be confiscated and furthermore, lists of gun owners will be taken here.

    Tell me how this isn't going to lead to civil unrest when he rolls this out. Dems are arrogant enough to push this, and I can already see GOP governors from southern states basically telling Biden 'OK, fuck you, come and take the guns'. This kind of stuff is going to make the rightwing absolutely holler and scream their heads off like they did about Obama and gun control.

    • Blottergrass [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So basically the bill is really about disarming the poor, meanwhile the rich not only get to keep guns for a measly $200 tax, but they get their own army (the police. Police main function is protect property, the rich own the property, therefore the police main function is to protect the rich).

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Correct, and as I've been saying all along, Biden is going to wage naked class war on the poor. This is just one of many instances of it with the policies he's going to push and everything he's planning.

        My greatest fear is that this senile old asshole and Harris will lay the groundwork for our future authoritarian dictator that is going to come after him, and this will be the beginning of it. Disarm the poor and then push some bills in bipartisanship with the GOP to target protesters and jail them indefinitely.

      • hotcouchguy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        "assault rifles" have a well-understood definition: "a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine." These are already illegal (except in very rare cases) due to being automatic.

        I haven't read Biden's plan, but judging from this thread, and from past legislation, the issue is "assault weapons" which is a made up term that no one can agree on.

      • OhWell [he/him]
        4 years ago

        That's his plan. It's going to incite some serious rage from right wingers. We haven't seen anything yet from the far right. The backlash to Biden is going to be fucking massive and intense, and will make the Tea Party and Trump look like a complete joke.

  • communiste [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts.

    From his website. Sure to be a popular policy!

  • redterror [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the only people who dislike guns are white suburban liberals, so basically Biden's key demographic

  • kristina [she/her]
    4 years ago

    no, it isnt. only inner city liberals worried about property values want to ban guns. most other people are ambivalent or fervently in favor of guns.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Hopefully availability comes back at least. I don't need an arsenal, just like a thousand rounds of 5.56 and 9mm.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I haven't looked into all of the reasons behind it but the local gun store guy said that the manufacturers and wholesalers he buys from would still be producing normally enough if they didn't get their primers and lead from China. That's the same supply line collapse that was responsible for half my gardening stuff arriving in August. I've seen a few bulk cases pop up in r/gundeals with increasing frequency but they're gone within minutes.

      • zxcvbnm [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I mean you can find it online, I used ammoseek, but it'll cost ya. Or keep an eye out at your sporting goods retailers.

  • itsPina [he/him, she/her]M
    4 years ago

    ahh yes so now instead of 20 dead we will have a measily 12 dead when someone decides to shoot up a school, thank you mr president. Incrementalism works folks!

  • Sushi_Desires
    4 years ago

    A buyback is impossible. There's roughly 1.3 firearms PER PERSON in the :amerikkka:, so it is reasonable estimate around 430.3 million serialized guns (1.3*331M population). Keep in mind that if you use your own tools you can make one for your own personal use totally legally from an 80% finished receiver, and it doesn't even need a serial number AT ALL except for in a handful of states.

    If we arbitrarily assume that Biden's arbitrarily determined policies will classify **half ** of guns as assault weapons or otherwise bannable semiautos, and then we extrapolate that these guns cost $500-$1000 each (a VERY conservative estimate in my opinion), you would need between $107,575,000,000 - $215,150,000,000 to do a "fair" buyback of stuff people bought legally in this hypothetical scenario.

    Even if they decided to just MMT their way into this money (totally possible and very easy to do, but totally undermines the deficit myth) you have to wonder whether people would notice that they could have used that money to simply provide housing for people, or healthcare, for example.

    The situation runs a lot deeper than the economic factors, though. It's honestly draining to try to articulate all of this, but basically guns are a part of culture in the US. Look at this picture someone uploaded to a Palmetto State Armory review of 30 round magazines as an example of what I mean (I redacted): https://i.imgur.com/szgz4VB.jpg.

    I'm not sure what else to say about it. ...Chris Hedges (actually I think this was an excerpt from Ralph Nader lol) talks about how, if you walk into a bar full of country folk, you can hear extremely lucid and thoughtful analysis of things like sports statistics, as this is one of the few hobbies our society allows people who work themselves to death to express their creativity within. Guns is another one of those things. The set up, the customization, the investment of not only money, but also intellectual effort that many people put into their firearms is no different than car hobbyists or gaming computers.

    I am not encouraging or advocating for it, but if dems sweep into office, especially considering everything that's happening right now, and try to tell people "that $5000 worth of gear you saved for two years to buy is illegal now", people are going to go APE SHIT

      • Sushi_Desires
        4 years ago

        I'm just referring to deficit fear mongering, sometimes called the "Two Santa Claus" theory. Conservatives "spend" tons on tax breaks when in office and drive up the deficit. Then when they lose office, they get to blockade all federal funding for social programs and the safety net, and sometimes even cut them in the "service" of lowering the deficit.

        The truth is that taxes don't actually function this way at the federal level. Federal programs are not funded by taxes.

        Of course since our modern democrats are really just conservatives, they do this too. Hence Nancy Pelosi letting some members of the squad into certain committees on the condition that the House DEMOCRATS reinstated Pay-Go.

        The Deficit Myth is the name of a new book from Stephanie Kelton that breaks it all down in layman's terms. Some people I know who are obsessed with studying heterodox economics say that, while it doesn't perfectly explain everything about how our economy and banks really work, it is an excellent primer.

        edit: fixed some links and stuff