Today, contrary to popular belief, most child labourers are employed by their parents
the third world is owned by fascists: (thanks to /r/LabourUK for this link)
I'm pretty sure that proverb doesn't mean "child labour is cool and good."
What the fuck are 'life skills' anyway its such a meaningless and misleading term.
Putting children to work must be seen in a local context
For example, is there a profitable cobalt mine in the vicinity owned by Microsoft?
"Ahhh, yes," I replied, sipping on my monocle-flavored martini, "but have you considered that every bad thing might actually be a good thing?"
"how is anyone supposed to tell the difference between doing a child doing chores at home and a child forced to work in slave conditions to make products for multinationals to profit from?"
a child forced to work in slave conditions to make products for multinationals to profit from
The company she works for implements USAID programs in Malawi which have turned it into the country with the highest % of farmland growing tobacco. It's a greenwashing front for big tobacco firms, and the Guardian should be ashamed to print this stuff.
Blatant mercantilism, just like what the US did in Bolivia with the Coca fields.
Global development is supported by Bill & Melinda Gatas foundation 😀
Legalizing child-labor would make it easier to rape and molest kids in workplaces (think of the misconduct and harassment adults already suffer), so I get why the Epsteins of the world want it.
Fucking Ron Swanson over here.
That Gates Foundation tag is just... chef's kiss.
There is a lot to be said (Obama voice) in the strength of the child (Pelosi cuts in) and let me just say, we're capitalists