Too much doomer brain on this site. Give us something to look forward to!

  • My_Army [any]
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

      • concessaoprasorrir [he/him]
        4 years ago

        honestly, i'm considering that

        but i don't know, while i don't like being brazilian (we're like the chuddest SA country after colombia), i do like being south/latin american, and i do feel a weird sense of duty towards my country/continent (not in a nationalist way, i mean towards us, the colonized peoples)

        and being an expat isn't easy imo

        • Express [any,none/use name]
          4 years ago

          A huge problem with China in particular is their immigration policy is awful. They have only approved 20,000 permanent residents in the last 10 years.

          • concessaoprasorrir [he/him]
            4 years ago

            jesus. didn't know that, i guess they hire a lot of foreigners but it's much harder to go from working visas to permanent residency

            that sucks, but it's also understandable

            • Express [any,none/use name]
              4 years ago

              If you are looking at countries in Asia to immigrate to, Vietnam and Taiwan are both very good choices when it comes to opportunities for foreigners. They hit the sweet spot where they are stable enough to handle immigration and open enough you can start a life there without super advanced skills. Because you are Brazilian, Japan would probably be the most obvious choice since there is a very large Brazilian immigrant community making it the smoothest transition with the largest social safety net. I'm all for supporting China in abstract, but when looking for building a life for yourself, you have to consider things like getting permanent residency and what 10 to 20 years out looks like and until China fixes it's immigration, it's not a viable choice.

        • angry_dyke [she/her]
          4 years ago

          There is a pretty sizable community of expat Brazilian lefties living in Buenos Aires, I met a buch of them when I visited BA two years ago.

          • concessaoprasorrir [he/him]
            4 years ago

            i know! and argentina is actually my first choice if i'm ever to leave here

            but not BA, because if i'm already giving up on my duties as a leftist i'd probably move to patagonia, to live my dream of being in a cold, reasonably isolated place where i can finally have some peace

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I know it looks like we're weak, but I remember the Left in 2010, and even in 2000. We were so damn weak then, and now we are millions strong even in the USA. Socialism isn't a dirty word anymore, even if they usually mean SocDem. Saying you're a Communist doesn't even get an eye blink some places.

    Our take was right all the way down the line, and we should keep up the shitposting because we're not getting wrong anytime soon, and more and more realise it.

    Bad things are coming for a lot of vulnerable people, but our mutual aid orgs are working, our funding is strong and not CIA sourced like in the 60s, and our party organisations are growing both inside and outside the establishment. Unions are growing and our protests are at the widest and most organised since the 1960s, maybe even the 1930s.

    The old guard of the WTO and Iraq protests of the 90s-2000s, and the OWS organisers have learned praxis the hard way, and are now experienced veterans with good takes and form the core of a decentralised cadre that is remarkably good at vetting and weeding out the spooks.

    We even have militias now, imagine that!

    We have SocDems and even proper Socialists in our legislatures and while they aren't taking over anytime soon, they're a useful tool.

    Basically, a lot of people are going to need help, but for the first time, we can help them, we don't have to beg the state. That's incredible.

    It's not dual power, not yet, but god it feels a bit like it and that's the best fucking drug I've ever felt.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        4 years ago

        A few, though they'd probably quibble with the term Militia. Most are focused on protection of Minorities. A lot come from SRA groups that wanted to get a little more explicitly organised, since the SRA deliberately doesn't engage in political activity.

        The Huey P Newton gun club is probably the best known. The BWDL is an offshoot of that focused on African-American Women.

        There was Redneck Revolt as well, but I'm not sure what's going on with them and I remember some kind of struggle session, not heard anything for a while. There are a couple of smaller ones too here and there.

        Obviously they keep a low profile because the goal is to protect people, not strut around looking Tacticool.

    • keki_ya [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Revolutions happen in times of crisis, right? I’ve never been super worried about a fractured/small US left because I don’t see some sort of economic collapse happening for a while. As long as there’s a party/org that has some dedicated + experienced members, people will naturally come once economic crashes make people turn to extremist politics, one of which will be socialism.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        4 years ago

        I don't see complete collapse coming, but I do think the coming winter will be up there with the 1930s. And I just don't see a rapid recovery in the cards.

        • keki_ya [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I guess I can see it. I personally think the decline is gonna be slow and painful, unless something big like a war or coup happens.

          Revolutions happen when the general population is so economically destitute that running into a soldier’s bayonet is a fine alternative to just sitting at home. Those conditions may not be met within my lifetime, but they’ll certainly happen eventually.

  • posadist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is the strongest the left has been across the world since the 80s. Socialism is viewed positively by most zoomers in AmeriKKKa and China is still stable despite all the sanctions and Covid. Imagine growing up during the USSR's decline and fall, the decline of the left in Europe, Africa and Asia. Imagine living through the unchallenged neoliberal status quo for 40 years like a lot of our older comrades. Things are looking up.

    Also, the fascists are mad that they lost lol.

    • Express [any,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Why do you think the left is so full of doomers. For a lot of millennials it’s been their entire lives under neoliberal hell that they never wanted to be under. By polling they are more socialist than gen z. I can’t imagine what it must be like for socialist boomers to see the utopian vision crushed so completely.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Every progressive dem won, every dem who lost was a centrist.

    Even though the dem party is definitely our enemy, I think we can take this as an indication that the growing leftish sentiment is real, not something we're imagining. Keep fighting the good fight, keep radicalizing your friends, progress will only get faster as we pull in more and more people.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      4 years ago

      To add to this, a shitload of progressive ballot measures were approved even in states that voted for trump or generally have a large chud contingent. NE and UT passed ballot measures that remove the prison labor exceptional slavery in the 13th amendment, FL approved a $15 min wage, marijuana legalization passing in a few states, Oregon legalizing shrooms and basically decriminalizing possession of other drugs

    • CEGBDFA [any]
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator

  • concessaoprasorrir [he/him]
    4 years ago

    there's a small chance that a demsoc will become the mayor of the largest city in the americas and this could be a significant blow to bolsonaro as the city and its state represent a big portion of our electorate (about 4% and 22%, respectively)

      • concessaoprasorrir [he/him]
        4 years ago

        são paulo

        it's guilherme boulos, he's from PSOL (a sort of "center-left to far left" party, he represents the left wing) and being supported by basically all the communists here except for like, webmaoists and a few ultraleftists

        at this point it's safe to say he's likely to go to the runoff, but defeating the incumbent will be really hard

        i'll make an effort post describing him if we're in the good timeline where he wins :deng-smile:

        i'm not big on electoralism, but this could actually be really good for us

  • duderium [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Antidotes to doom and gloom

    Feel like shit? Exercise. Jog. Go for a walk. Talk with someone you love. Limit your time on social media. (You can lock yourself out using a password only a friend knows.) You will feel better.

    We should also remember a few things as we move forward into the future.

    We all know that fascists have a lot of advantages: tons of money and weapons and an entire socioeconomic system as well as a massive propaganda apparatus which works in their favor. There is also no shortage of cops or fucking proud boy morons ready to crack heads in the streets.

    But we have a few advantages as well. We’re smarter and way fucking cuter. History and science are both on our side. For 99% of human history, the concept of private property did not exist. There is an overwhelming pressure everyone feels every day to “return to tradition”—the real tradition. Capitalism and primitive accumulation are both aberrations in human history.

    George Floyd’s lynching was a monumental tragedy, and from an electoral perspective this year has been a total disaster. The police and coronavirus and god knows what else have all killed a lot of good people. But if you looked at the streets, it’s been the most exciting year in decades, maybe ever. People of all races and genders marching together to abolish the police isn’t something I ever thought I’d see.

    We all know that the global 99% has all the power. Our job is just to help wake the giant up, and hang on until it does. Sooner or later, this is bound to happen. The police state can only delay the inevitable. Start or join local Marxist orgs so you can prepare and also cope.

    Biden becoming president changes almost nothing, and I think we’re sure to see more massive protests this summer or even sooner as the economy continues to crumble. With your guidance, who knows what we’ll be able to accomplish. Rather than taking over a few blocks in Seattle for a few weeks, or driving the pigs out of their station in Minneapolis, protestors might be able to take an entire city. Just make sure that if you find yourself in this position, don’t fucking stop or even hesitate until the entire world is yours! The biggest mistake workers’ states made—from the Paris Commune to the nascent USSR—was that they stopped when they could have kept going. When the pigs are on the run, don’t let them catch their breath!

    Make sure to stay safe, of course, since we all know Trump’s supporters are really fucking mad. We need every one of you to help bring down capitalism. If you feel like shit, we’re always here to talk. Vent away.

    • throwawaylemmy2 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Feel like shit? Exercise. Jog. Go for a walk.

      I wish that shit worked. I just feel more stupid and dumb after doing them.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Right? I used to do long-distance running before work and school got in the way. I only remember feeling tired all the time, not happier or more confident. The only thing it helped with was scheduling my time. I'd go running at a certain time of day so I knew to schedule things around it so I wouldn't simply lay in bed and stare at the wall. Didn't feel any better, but I got things done.

        • throwawaylemmy2 [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I dunno if structure would help me. I've just been depressed half my life, and nothing I do really works because it's like "oh, well this hasn't changed shit for me. So..."

  • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
    4 years ago

    Despite lib and neoconresistance, the demonstration against the anti-worker pro-corporate labor laws receive massive support. Meanwhile, the fundies and alt right wannabes who hopped in on the anti establishment bandwagon ends up getting breadpilled by the labor unionists and lefties.

    The law is still going to pass because Indonesia is a neocon CIA hellstate, but the whole thing still gives me hope that socialism is still alive in Indonesia.

  • mysterymeat [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    more drug decriminalization. fighting for black and trans bodies. wholesome stuff like finding homes for humans AND dogorinos? imagine>happy doggos

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Statistically Kissinger should die within the next few years.

  • sailorfish [she/her]
    4 years ago

    The next stage of the Russia Cup in figure skating is on in 3.5 hours!! Two of the women competing will be Kostornaia and Trusova, who recently left Tutberidze to be trained by Plushenko instead. Now everyone's holding their breath if they're as good with him as they were with her. Kostornaia especially, as she hasn't competed since the switch. Does she still have her triple axel?! We're waiting with bated breath.

    This is absolutely uninteresting to 99% of people, but the drama of it all has been amazing, and I'm very much looking forward to this next stage. Write-up of the drama on r/hobbydrama here. You'll be able to watch it live here or on youtube I believe. Wooh!!!!