So uhhhhh y'all gonna ban this wrecker? They've completely burned any plausible deniability by accusing the mods of astroturfing threads, among other things. At best, they have an axe to grind with the mod team and are acting in bad faith to sow distrust, and at worst they're directly connected with the Kerrys
I'm just here with popcorn, mate. everyone is just in this thread to mess with you. you lost all pretense of good faith ages back and you've been wasting your time for about an hour now.
Just more posts for you to be downvoted on, lol.
So uhhhhh y'all gonna ban this wrecker? They've completely burned any plausible deniability by accusing the mods of astroturfing threads, among other things. At best, they have an axe to grind with the mod team and are acting in bad faith to sow distrust, and at worst they're directly connected with the Kerrys
Ya'll still having fun with it or no?
Ehh it's starting to get old. Maybe let them corncob just a bit more
EDIT: Maybe leave the post and comments up though? It could be used as a reference for users if future situations like this arise
glad we just decide to ban people we disagree with, and make up conspiracies about them.
Give it up. It's plainly clear to anyone reading this thread what you're doing.
you're not banned, though? is this a pre-emptive whine?
so that's a yes
maybe don't ask people to get banned for raising legit concerns
Bye bye
I'm just here with popcorn, mate. everyone is just in this thread to mess with you. you lost all pretense of good faith ages back and you've been wasting your time for about an hour now.