"The official Soviet ideological position on Zionism condemned the movement as akin to bourgeois nationalism" -Wikipedia
do not fucking compare me to Enver. Enver is weak shit and crumples after the first punch, I am a force to be dealt with
by moderating a website they and others built for your use for free?
damn, sorry they did that to you
this is a fucking TRAp to ensnare nonconformists and shame them for not conforming to the dominant STALINIST ideologgy.
right, so if you think that why be an asshole to random users? Write some scathing teardowns of the mods/ the site and post it at least, what are you trying to accomplish?
Wouldn't it be healthier than to step away for some time?
Because it seems that you're just trying to vent somewhere that only makes you feel more stressed.
If by force to be reckoned with you mean the human equivalent of a creampie sure :who-must-go:
holy shit imagine thinking this is some sort of debate class and we're trying to refute something