• AntifaCEO [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So am I right to be skeptical of the first round of vaccines? I know first responders and healthcare workers are set for the first set or so, but even if its widely available to 100% of the population, am I paranoid to wait like 2-3 months before getting it? 18-34 btw, I will very likely get it, just not "as soon as available"

    • TheUrbanaSquirrel [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I don't know. I always get the flu vaccine. It's not really something I question anymore. As soon as this vaccine is available for my group, I will get it. If you're nervous, I suggest researching how it was developed. Vaccine technology has come a long way in the past few decades. Turns out the development phase is pretty quick, it's the trial phase that still takes a set amount of time. I think they had vaccine candidates as early as last spring.

    • alexandra_kollontai [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Reposting my comment:

      I’ll wait to see if the general population has bad reactions to it. Till then, I’m in the age group where I can afford to get it, and I’ll wear a mask to avoid spreading it.

      A shitty vaccine definitely worries me. I don’t know enough about microbiology to know if my fears are possible, but I do know enough about economics.

      The goal for these companies is to produce a vaccine that as many people as possible will get for the highest price possible. Of course. Not super hard considering that this virus has changed life as we know it. If we all develop severe health problems a year later as a result of the vaccine, they don’t need to care, they already made their money.

      I trust a communist vaccine more than a capitalist one.

    • sailorfish [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Idk how it is where you are, but I think over here as an 18-34 y.o. (who isn't at high risk), 2-3 months is gonna be the waiting time anyway, if not longer. I'm guessing just healthcare workers and nursing home patients are gonna take a month, and then they'll continue going down the risk groups. So.. good news?