He wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea about him.
He also pushed for austerity in the Covid negotiations.
Dude is going to have single digit approval ratings before 2022
People forget how bad Obama's approach to the great recession was economically speaking. A $600/wk unemployment guarantee the way we did under COVID would have ended the recession quickly.
Obama was too afraid to spend because he worried about inflation despite every economist working under him advocating more spending. Ben Bernanke's academic research is extremely strong in specifically the response to the US Great Depression and Japan's role in creating the lost generation.
Obama, despite being personally likeable, was under 50% approval within a year.
The guy is only remembered fondly because of how shit Trump is.
The guy is only remembered fondly because of how shit Trump is.
I don’t think this is true, he’s remembered fondly for the same reason Clinton is, because the lib propaganda machine says he is, because ineffectual centrist garbage must be portrayed as the best anyone can hope for.
I too love to fake being a progressive, just to end up passing more neoliberal austerity politics. Wait, why am I at 6% approval rating ??
-François Hollande
Lets be fair, some actual socdems like Corbyn or Morales are really alright. The rest just went ahead and chugged in all that neolib ideology.
Who could have expected that decades of voting history would have been more indicative of Biden's behavior than campaign promises written by interns.
Excuse me, but shouldn't this be flagged as "RUSSIAN STATE CONTROLLED MEDIA"? How else will I know that this news source doesn't default to maintaining US global hegemony?
Yeah, I was arguing that.
It seems the Biden administration is more concerned with preventing the people from getting a "win." It is pretty black-pilled, "cutting off my nose to spite my face" shit.
Feels similar to Thatcher shutting down the mining pits in the UK to prevent the National Union of Mineworkers from having political power.
I think more libs will get radicalized by Biden than we expect, plz don't change my mind
Libs won't radicalize. They will just get more smug and arrogant like they have always been.
It will be the normal, everyday working class people who become more and more alienated by Biden and the Democrats in the next 4 years. They are the ones who will potentially radicalize. It's our job to reach out to them, and not allow the fascists to do it.
Making the common Chapo mistake of treating libs as a monolith that are represented by very online ideologically committed liberals and forgetting about the masses of lib-by-default non-committed folks.
It will the normal, everyday working class people who become more and more alienated by Biden and the Democrats in the next 4 years.
Many of these people are, currently, liberals.
eta: Oh wait, just saw the username. Yeah its not even a Chapo mistake, its just you continuing to be a moron about this.
Dude, all you do is post about how the libs can't be radicalised. How many of us do you think were libs who radicalised? Because I'd be willing to bet it's around half
Damn I'd forgotten about that comic. Need to look it up again and have a read.
Scream-laughs into the void as the liberals around me tell me that it's not true or that it's good that Joe is doing this to my face.
Look how libs frame it lol: https://www.resetera.com/threads/biden-suggests-openness-to-using-executive-action-on-some-student-loan-debt.350095/
?????????? why would he have the executive power to forgive $10000 but not $50000?? how can anyone fall for this?
I donno, /v/ fell for fake rumors way more often and had way more edgelords but jesus christ at least the more off topic /v/ threads weren't as bad.
I've seen people who reluctantly voted for Biden kinda expect it, but yeah it was never gonna happen. Hopefully they learn that lesson well.
it's working ... it's just... senile Biden's bad with directions "No! The OTHER left!"
i was in a leftist community of 90k people that right up until the election would dogpile you if you brought up biden's voting history, it felt like my brain was melting every time it happened
Oh yes the online libs very much do. They take his campaign website as an ironclad trustworthy representation of what he actually wants and will try to accomplish.
Is there a non-RT source saying the same thing so I can show it to libs/misguided leftists without being yelled at and having it dismissed based on source?
As these stories about Biden have been trickling out I’ve slowly been finding myself hoping more and more that the Ds can take the senate in the Georgia runoff. Could it potentially be a radicalizing moment for liberals if they see their party controlling the whole legislature and the White House but declining to do anything significant? Or will they mask it effectively like they did during Obama?