I always hear the the Falun Gong are a cult, but I never really hear what makes it a cult. I skimmed the Wikipedia page and it only really said that Falun Gong is a spiritual movement. The oppression of them seems kinda bad in my opinion, but I am very uninformed.

Edit: thanks very much to everyone who replied

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The wiki page is carefully cultivated to whitewash them. They believe in shit like race science, that homosexuality is a disease introduced to destroy the spirit, faith healing, etc. Their leader did a pretty deranged interview with Time in the late 90s where he talked about his beliefs in like alien shit, it got wild.

    EDIT: Rationalwiki is absolute libshit but they're pretty good at summarized takedowns of pseudoscientific cults. Long and short is that they're another iteration of millenarian Chinese folk religions and that's why the CPC views them as dangerous, they have a habit of undermining national stability.

    • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      David Copperfield practices real levitation

      You can't tell me this whole interview isn't a Felix bit

  • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They're opposed to feminism, gay people, "race mixing", vaccines and communism, think Trump was sent from heaven to destroy communism and the CPC, think that aliens created computers to corrupt the youth, and actively collaborate with the US government to try to balkanize China and overthrow their government.

    They prey on isolated Chinese expats and engage in your typical cult behavior: cutting them off from non-members, extorting them for their money and time, abusing them to force them to stay in the cult, etc.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They allegedly spread ridiculous lies about China and they are CIA pets

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    You shouldn't feel bad, they are 100% a cult that follows a Zens level lunatic. It makes Tom Cruise look like the Pope. The most you could say that real people have suffered by coming into contact with this lunatic and being manipulated for their own exploitation.

    If you think lib sources have any credibility then there is this article. I guess anything goes when you could use it to say "Trump bad".

    The publication had been founded nine years earlier in Georgia by John Tang, a Chinese American practitioner of Falun Gong and current president of New Tang Dynasty. But it was falling short of Li’s ambitions as stated to his followers: to expose the evil of the Chinese government and “save all sentient beings” in a forthcoming divine battle against communism.

    Roughly translated by the group as “law wheel exercise,” Falun Gong was started by Li in 1992. The practice, which combines bits of Buddhism and Taoism, involves meditation and gentle exercises and espouses Li’s controversial teachings.

    “Li Hongzhi simplified meditation and practices that traditionally have many steps and are very confusing,” said Ming Xia, a professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York who has studied Falun Gong. “Basically it’s like fast food, a quickie.”

    Li’s teachings quickly built a significant following — and ran into tension with China’s leaders, who viewed his popularity as a threat to the communist government’s hold on power.

    In 1999, after thousands of Li’s followers gathered in front of President Jiang Zemin’s compound to quietly protest the arrest of several Falun Gong members, authorities in China banned Falun Gong, closing teaching centers and arresting Falun Gong organizers and practitioners who refused to give up the practice. Human rights groups have reported some adherents being tortured and killed while in custody.

    The crackdown elicited condemnation from Western countries, and attracted a new pool of followers in the United States, for whom China and communism were common adversaries.

    "The persecution itself elevated Li’s status and brought tremendous media attention,” Ming said. It has also invited scrutiny of the spiritual leader’s more unconventional ideas. Among them, Li has railed against what he called the wickedness of homosexuality, feminism and popular music while holding that he is a god-like figure who can levitate and walk through walls.

    Li has also taught that sickness is a symptom of evil that can only be truly cured with meditation and devotion, and that aliens from undiscovered dimensions have invaded the minds and bodies of humans, bringing corruption and inventions such as computers and airplanes. The Chinese government has used these controversial teachings to label Falun Gong a cult. Falun Gong has denied the government's characterization.

    Common lib practice to write what the evil communist party did before mentioning the very clear and obvious reasons why it had to be done.

  • Yun [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is a good read: https://medium.com/@Ben_D_Hurley/-10677166298b

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I know about the history of the swastika, but what I'm saying is that when Falun Gong believe in race science, homophobic nonsense, are antivaxx along with other neo Nazi beliefs, along with the use of such a symbol, it's not a coincidence. I have zero problem with spiritual groups sticking to using the symbols that got appropriated by the Nazis, but that's not what Falun Gong is. They own the Epoch Times among other far right media, and use these outlets to push far right nonsense everywhere. They were founded in the 1990s by a neo Nazi, they aren't an organic spiritual or Buddhist movement. The founder of Falun Gong (Li Hongzhi) believes heaven is racially segregated, interracial marriage is the downfall of civilization and mixed race people cannot enter heaven without his intervention. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

  • BoizInBrazil [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Along with everything else in this thread, they also believe that their followers have pure spiritual energy that possesses them to have "perfect" organs and that the reason Chinese communists persecute them is so that they can harvest these organs. So if you've ever heard that China harvests people's organs online or on the news it comes from rumors spread by this cult.

    Plus they have a spooky compound in the mountains of upstate New York where members live and receive "religious education"

  • Poetjustice [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In addition to everything said in this post, they’re actively dangerous as the biggest platform of medical disinformation in the world. For starters they’re the biggest anti-vax group in the US, and have been banned from Facebook because of it. Additionally, their Chinese branch peddles fake cures for Serious illnesses which many gullible people are conned into doing rather than seeking actual treatment.