His name is Croatian, right? I wonder if his grandpa got thrown in the pit :tito-laugh:
Say what you will of leftist bullying, I'm certain it doesn't burn worse than quicklime.
This means it works :red-fist: bully them harder, comrades :sankara-salute:
"The desire to hurt people who express contrary views is immoral [...] therefore I want to throw people who disagree with me in jail"
I, too, think that being mean to me should send you to prison.
https://mobile.twitter.com/jewsagainstfash/status/1205291600965857281 https://balkaninsight.com/2019/09/10/in-australia-some-croats-openly-celebrate-fascism/
"You hate people for merely having a different opinion" Oh yeah? which are opinions are those, you fascist reptilian freak?
"They won't let me express my views!"
"That you want to cut taxes?"
"Noooo, not that one."
"That you want to round up all the immigrants and native peoples, then jail them or boot them across the border?"
"Guess again!"
"That you believe women should be the property of their husbands?"
"Nope. Not that one either?"
"So what view are you not allowed to express?"
"Oh, I think you know which one."
I like to think of it as the Br*tish Chapo. Unlike Chapo, who's running out of content since the election is over, Trash Island always has plenty of cartoonish evil afoot to riff about.
What a shithead. Are you surprised this guy is in favor of torture ?
Edit: Oh and apparently, he is for only sending men to prison... Umm...based?
Are you surprised this guy is in favor of torture ?
Torture doesn't hurt his feelings.