I'm not completely versed on the subject, but from my understanding RSS was actually intentionally killed off in a premeditated manner as it allowed users to choose how they interacted with the endless feed of streams that were emerging from some social media corners of the 'net. They wanted control, complete control, over what you would see and what you would have to scroll for hours to see and what you'd never see even if you scrolled forever. There was also some beef between Atom vs RSS I guess, which contributed to its downfall. But I remember using shit like Google Reader and having a level of control unimaginable to propriatery feeds like FaceBook and InstaGram.
So I say, bring it back! Lets have an RSS Renaissance, (I guess this is technically an XML doc, but it severs the same purpose). I've been wanting this to happen for years now, this is actually a fairly political issue and I hope everyone takes the correct side on it
He was young so he probably didn't see it coming (also wasn't he basically a free agent that Graham and co. assigned to reddit to make it work?), but in retrospect it's pretty fucking obvious that the go-to web aggregator would become a big consent manufacturing factory
fuck yes, im very down for RSS
any site without it is immediately side-eyed. it's kind of the only way to keep me coming back to a normal website.
Okay I clicked it and it just turned into a gigantic block of code with some very old messages I once received in there, is that what's supposed to happen?
You put it into a RSS reader; a software that fetches new items from remote sources regularly and present them to you in a centralized place in a readable way (and you can influence how those items are displayed).
So you could have, for example, a centralized place where you can access new articles from various blogs, your new chapo chat messages, and other similar items.
Interesting. I wonder if it can include the posts here as well. Would be kinda neat.
It does, see my other answer. There's a RSS icon in all communities and even on the "all" listing, and you can pick the sorting too.
Yo that's awesome. I might actually try this out, thanks!
@Beatnik please convey my respect to all the devs. Great job, seriously.
So I copy and paste that block of text into a certain program, and it'll turn that plus any other websites I've done this for into a single feed? That's kind of interesting.
No, you'd simply give the URL of that block of text to the software. Much shorter.
Here is a screenshot of a RSS feeder plugin for Firefox, for example (feedbro).
Also, not only does this website have a feed for your private messages, it also has feeds for communities and the "all" listing; for example for the later:
You're welcome :af-heart:
I didn't mention it but of course there are mobile RSS readers app too. Here's one that looks pretty good for Android: Feeder. It's on the awesome f-droid alternate app "store" (all apps are free so not really a store), Open Source and without any ads or tracking, as is the case for all f-droid apps.
I will say though, the design of this site is pretty fucking bad lol. it doesn't even load AT ALL without javascript. Unusable over tor browser.
Yes, the connection to the server is done via websockets. This allows for real-time updates, and other very neat features.
The flipside is that websockets only works via Javascript. There is no plan to change this, really.
If you absolutely must disable Javascript at any cost, a way to access the website without enabling Javascript over Tor would be to use the Lemmy Android app.
Alternatively, each community as well as "All" has an RSS feed for posts, which you may use if you want a fully static access to posts. I'm not sure if comments work, though, and voting certainly won't.
on an android phone? that...defeats the purpose of tor.
I'll still use this website, but frankly https://www.raddle.me has such a better interface and ethical framework,from a technical standpoint. They even have an .onion.
edit: that's a good point, but i don't wanna just lurk i want the internet validation points and people to validate the music i listen to. I AM VALID DAMMIT
It's not necessary to use an android phone. There are emulators and even transpilers that should allow to run the app on Linux or Windows.
In theory once fédération is implemented it should be possible to use raddle-type sites to interface with chapo
Sure, I could run chapo.chat in a virtual machine too, but like...this is bad design, i guess is my point. We are a group of terrorist and terrorist sympathizers, from the government's perspective.
Hm, that would be cool. Maybe i'll try to host one when that's more implemented.
I mean, from a pure security point of view first-party JS isn't that much of a risk from us, and you could monitor if the JS you receive is different from the on our git.
That said, I'm really not sure if this is still the case, bbut as some point it was possible to selfhost the front-end for this website so that you could make sure you wouldn't get served any Javascript from outside your computer.
But yeah, I understand. Also, you deserve internet validation points.
Would take a look at this. I've been meaning to experiment with setting up a tor hidden service anyway, just for the sysadmin experience.
It pretty, i like the emojii functionality as well. very cool :halal:
I'm glad that you all spoke about it and came to decision together, I can see the other perspective too to a certain extent. Regardless, I think you are right that federation will hopefully allow an autonomous instance that fills the niche needs I am talking about.
and don't even get me started on trying to surf this website in Lynx
Are you a masochist, oof
I'd rather read the raw xml rss feeds than attempt to use this website on Lynx
RSS + Podcast Republic is the way I listen to podcasts. I refuse to deal with propriety login stuff.
Ben Shapiro voice "Well, actually, it's clear the founding fathers intended for the government to be a republic, not a democracy. Now let me tell you about my wife - who is a doctor - and why we need to reduce capital gains taxes."
I appreciate the tip
, but is there a reason to keep uBlock Origin on here if there are no ads?probably useful if you want to retain element blocking features, sorry for the weak question
Google Reader was great. I followed a ton of web comics and stuff at the time, because I could have a personalized, updated feed of websites through RSS. Then Google killed it so, idk, they could create failed Facebook competitors
I switched to Yoleo Reader when that happened, for what it's worth. It's not bad.
this is actually a fairly political issue and I hope everyone takes the correct side on it
(woke Marxist voice) "society has evolved beyond the need for Real Simple Syndication"
Fun fact: almost all of the internet still has RSS feeds hidden somewhere. You don't need to deal with horrible dark pattern websites, just pop that bad boy into an RSS reader (or even thunderbird, go wild) and enjoy reading the articles with your own fonts, word wrap, etc. Cozy af.
Is that why all my rss feeds turned into raw code in the last few years? It wasn't some glitch on my devices but deliberate policy by nefarious ideologues?
More or less. Here's a pretty good story by Vice of just exactly what happenings went on. https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3mm4z/the-rise-and-demise-of-rss
I’m not completely versed on the subject, but from my understanding RSS was actually intentionally killed off in a premeditated manner
Uuuhhh yeah you're completely misinformed. RSS has existed uninterruptedly for nearly 20 years and is on most major sites
I'm talking about consumer-facing RSS, I know tons of site still use it for internal stuff and interfacing with other tech, but a chart is worth a thousand words
Reddit have it: https://www.reddit.com/r/republicofmusic/.rss
Youtube has it: https://youtube.com/feed/channel/UCm9K6rby98W8JigLoZOh6FQ
Most sites have it: BBC, Al Jazeera, everything ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
You can't possibly think that needing to modify a URL by hand is Consumer-Facing, right? Irregardless of whether or not he actual phyiscal RSS feed still exists or was removed, most websites have hidden them in dark places so unless you knew that, you wouldn't be able to get the feed since they deleted the little icon that shows you where they are
Go to a community (like /c/main) and look above the posts. It's another RSS icon. 😃
I use feedly for my RSS feed and I really like it, despite the godawful name. It has all the features I would need.
At first I thought you meant RSS, the hindu natiaonalist group, and I was like, hold up