Al-Ma'arri (973-1057), whose full name was Abu 'L'Ala Ahmad ibn 'Abdallah al-Ma'arri, was born in Ma'arra, south of Aleppo. He achieved fame as one of greatest of Arab poets. Al-Ma'arri was stricken with smallpox when four and became blind. As he grew older, he was able to travel to Aleppo, Antioch and other Syrian cities, learning by heart the manuscripts preserved there.
Al-Ma'arri spent 18 months at Baghdad, then the center of learning and poetry, leaving to return to his native town. There he created the Luzumiyyat, a large collection of verses that contrasts from traditional works by its irregular structure and in the opinions it contains. His presence in Ma'arra drew many people, who came to hear him lecture on poetry and rhetoric.
Of himself, al-Ma'arri wrote "Men of acute mind call me an ascetic, but they are wrong in their diagnosis. Although I disciplined my desires, I only abandoned worldly pleasures because the best of these withdrew themselves from me." But his somewhat misanthropic nature appears in another remark: "I was made an abstainer from mankind by my acquaintance with them and my knowledge that created beings are dust."
Al-Ma'arri remarked that monks in their cloisters or devotees in their mosques were blindly following the beliefs of their locality: if they were born among Magians or Sabians they would have become Magians or Sabians. Al-Ma'arri was a rationalist who valued reason above tradition or revelation.
Like Carvaka he saw religion in general as a human institution invented as a source of power and income for its founders and priesthood, who pursued worldly ends with forged documents attributed to divine inspiration. Like Vardhamana and the Jains, al-Ma'arri believed in the sanctity of life, urging that no living creature should be harmed. He became a vegetarian and opposed all killing of animals, and the use of animal skins for clothing. :vegan-edge:
Al-Ma'arri passed judgments with a freedom that must have offended the privileged members of his society. In Reynold Nicholson's words "Amidst his meditations on the human tragedy, a fierce hatred of injustice, hypocrisy, and superstition blazes out." Many of the extracts below are taken from Nicholson's translation.
Question of the day :lenin-cat:
whats your favorite vegetarian/vegan dish :bean-think:
The State and Revolution :flag-su:
:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:
The Conquest of Bread
Remember, sort by new you :LIB:
Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:
Follow the ChapoChat twitter account :comrade-birdie:
THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:
Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:
! :deng-salute:
! :allende-rhetoric:
! :left-unity-2:
! :Care-Comrade:
Megathread requested by @Lord_ofThe_FLIES :vegan-edge:
Used to. Diffrent name though. I think this one is pretty common. I found a miami rapper with it after I started using it.
Everyone here understands that means testing is insane, but I want to share my own experiences with it.
In 2019, I worked in service and earned around $19,000 for the entire year. I managed to land a web development job in early January 2020, and earned $77,000 last year. I will qualify for the means tested relief check.
My friend has been underemployed for the past year after getting laid off in May. He was laid off from a good-paying engineering job. His earnings in 2019 disqualify him from a relief check if the $50,000 salary-cap stays in place.
We just ended the most disruptive year in living memory. These ghouls are trying to pretend like nothing happened between March 2020 and now.
Jesus christ how many emojis are on this site? Every day I see more I've never seen, is there a master list somewhere?
I'm not sure I have the right words to describe how listening to British and French people be like "Uh, unlike Americans we don't have problems with racism and never treated black people poorly here," makes me feel.
Anybody else ever feel like a worthless stupid lazy asshole who can't get anything done, can't learn anything, can't pick up a hobby.
I can't even keep my house clean. The most simple fucking things in the world are just impossible for me. I can't imagine being able to actually do the work to accomplish even the most trivial of things.
It is the twenty first day of the Biden administration and the camps are not closed.
Shit posting aside, everyday has felt like Sunday for a few weeks now.
Like I've got a constant little reminder in my head going "it's going to suck ass when you have to go back to work physically. Bet covid will still be around too" every day of the goddamn week. :sadness:
:JB-shining-aggro: :kim-peace: :gramsci-heh: :nasrallah: :sicko-speeeeen: they are great
:sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen: :sicko-spin: :sicko-speeeeen:
This is why we can't have emojis in the post titles.
There's too many now and they don't all display when I type :sicko :angery:
We still don't have a troll face emote. RESPNOD TO ME THIS TIME YOU FUCKNGIG COWERAD I could see that one awful Biden face being morphed into the troll face somehow