Fucking kill me, ugh! Every time I get my hands on vodka, I'm so excited to have it that I end up drinking like 20 hangovers worth as if I grew up in the fuckin potato famine or something. And then I end up making like 20 shitposts that I don't even remember making and get to go back and read.

Big mistakie steak, big no no, oh the humanity please god end my suffering

  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Not having hangovers anymore was one of the best parts of quitting drinking. That, and the weight loss.

    Greasy, salty carbs are your best bet. Even if you are only renting them til you puke them up later, they'll still help.

  • pilsken [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The fact that capitalism hasn't developed a functioning hangover cure really is pathetic. All we have is some cultural variation of "eat this salty thing and then wait for 12-24 hours depending on age, fitness and severity".

    I'd propse a good 10% of the scientific effort under communism should go towards recreational drug consumption and resolving the side effects.

    • Judge_Juche [she/her]
      4 years ago

      There legit is a cure for hangovers, you just take a few salt tablets and drink a couple cups of water before you start drinking alcohol. You are still lethargic the next morning but no pounding headache or nausea.

      The failure of capitalism is to only treat the end symptoms becuase its more profitable. In a socialist society every drinker would be issued with a monthly supply of salt tablets that you take daily like the birth control pill.